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English Quiz 8th July-English Quiz for RBI Assistant Mains 2020

English Language Questions for RBI Assistant Mains 2020: The Reserve Bank of India will conduct the Main exam which is the final phase for the recruitment of Assistants. English Language is one of the sections students need to prepare for RBI Assistant Mains 2020 examination and here we are providing our students with daily mocks or quizzes in a new and simple pattern which will help you practice more effectively for the fight against 926 vacancies of RBI Assistant 2020 recruitment. We are providing you daily english quizzes based on the questions which were asked in previous days of RBI Assistant Mains examination and you can also check the study plan for RBI Assistant Mains to enhance your preparation. The quiz contains Miscellaneous Based Quiz. Stay with Bankers Adda for the latest Quizzes,Study notes,Test series, and other helpful study material.

Directions (1-5): In each of the following questions a short passage is given with one of the lines in the passage missing and represented by a blank. Select the best out of the five answer choices given, to make the passage complete and coherent (coherent means logically complete and sound).

Q1. Except it be a lover, no one is more interesting as an object of study than a student. Shakespeare might have made him a fourth in his immortal group. The lunatic with his fixed idea, the poet with his fine frenzy, the lover with his frantic idolatry, and the student aflame with the desire for knowledge are of “imagination all compact.” To an absorbing passion, a whole-souled devotion, must be joined an enduring energy, if the student is to become a devotee of t_he gray-eyed goddess to whose law his services are bound.__________________

(a) Here again the student often resembles the poet—he is born, not made.

(b) Like the quest of the Holy Grail, the quest of Minerva is not for all.

(c) No human being is constituted to know the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.

(d) Only by keeping the mind plastic and receptive does the student escape perdition.

(e) None of these.

Q2. I had known the Russian quarter for many years before it interested me. It was not until I was prowling around on a Fleet Street assignment that I learned to hate it. A murder had been committed over a café in Lupin Street; a popular murder, fruity, cleverly done, and with a sex interest. Of course every newspaper and agency developed a virtuous anxiety to track the culprit, and all resources were directed to that end._______________________

(a) Thomas Burke, a young newspaper man in London, came into quick recognition with his first book, Nights in Town (published in America as Nights in London) in 1915.

(b) So it was that the North Country paper of which I was a hanger-on flung every available man into the fighting line, and the editor told me that I might, in place of the casual paragraphs for the London Letter, do something good on the Vassiloff murder.

(c) I cursed news editors and all publics which desired to read about murders.

(d) Journalism is perhaps the only profession in which so fine a public spirit may be found.

(e) None of these

Q3. Until I met the Butlerians I used to think that the religious spirit in our times was very precious, there was so little of it. I thought one should hold one’s breath before it as before the flicker of one’s last match on a cold night in the woods. “What if it should go out?” I said; but my apprehension was groundless. It can never go out. __________________

(a) The religious spirit is indestructible and constant in quantity like the sum of universal energy in which matches and suns are alike but momentary sparkles and phases.

(b) What makes the Butlerian cult so impressive is, of course, that Butler, poor dear, as the English say, was the least worshipful of men.

(c) This great truth I learned of the Butlerians.

(d) Denied contemporary renown, he had firmly set his heart on immortality, and quietly, persistently, cannily provided for it.

(e) None of these.

Q4. They talk of the candle-power of an electric bulb. What do they mean? It cannot have the faintest glimmer of the real power of my candle. It would be as right to express, in the same inverted and foolish comparison, the worth of “those delicate sisters, the Pleiades.” That pinch of star dust, the Pleiades, exquisitely remote in deepest night, in the profound where light all but fails, has not the power of a sulphur match; yet, still apprehensive to the mind though tremulous on the limit of vision, and sometimes even vanishing, it brings into distinction those distant and difficult hints—hidden far behind all our verified thoughts—which we rarely properly view. I should like to know of any great arc-lamp which could do that. So the star-like candle for me. No other light follows so intimately an author’s most ghostly suggestion. We sit, the candle and I, in the midst of the shades we are conquering, and sometimes look up from the lucent page to contemplate the dark hosts of the enemy with a smile before they overwhelm us; as they will, of course.________________

(a) That is why nothing can compare with the intimacy of candle-light for a bed-book.

(b) Like me, the candle is mortal; it will burn out.

(c) It is a living heart, bright and warm in central night, burning for us alone, holding the gaunt and towering shadows at bay.

(d) As the bed-book itself should be a sort of night-light, to assist its illumination, coarse lamps are useless.

(e)None of these.

Q5. About once in so often you are due to lie awake at night. Why this is so I have never been able to discover. It apparently comes from no predisposing uneasiness of indigestion, no rashness in the matter of too much tea or tobacco, no excitation of unusual incident or stimulating conversation. In fact, you turn in with the expectation of rather a good night’s rest. Almost at once the little noises of the forest grow larger, blend in the hollow bigness of the first drowse; your thoughts drift idly back and forth between reality and dream; when—snap!—you are broad awake!______________

(a) For, unlike mere insomnia, lying awake at night in the woods is pleasant.

(b) Hearing, sight, smell—all are preternaturally keen to whatever of sound and sight and woods perfume is abroad through the night; and yet at the same time active appreciation dozes, so these things lie on it sweet and cloying like fallen rose-leaves.

(c) Perhaps the reservoir of your vital forces is full to the overflow of a little waste; or perhaps, more subtly, the great Mother insists thus that you enter the temple of her larger mysteries.

(d) Always they lay soft velvet fingers on the drowsy imagination, so that in their caressing you feel the vaster spaces from which they have come.

(e) None of these

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