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English Quiz 23rd May-English Quiz for RBI Assistant Mains 2020

English Language Questions for RBI Assistant Mains 2020: The Reserve Bank of India will conduct the Main exam which is the final phase for the recruitment of Assistants. English Language is one of the sections students need to prepare for RBI Assistant Mains 2020 examination and here we are providing our students with daily mocks or quizzes in a new and simple pattern which will help you practice more effectively for the fight against 926 vacancies of RBI Assistant 2020 recruitment. We are providing you daily english quizzes based on the questions which were asked in previous days of RBI Assistant Mains examination and you can also check the study plan for RBI Assistant Mains to enhance your preparation.  The quiz contains Miscellaneous Based Quiz. Stay with Bankers Adda for the latest Quizzes,Study notes,Test series, and other helpful study material.

Directions (1-5): In each of the questions given below four words are given in bold. These words may or may not be in their correct position. Following each sentence four sequences are provided. Select the sequence of the words which will make the given sentence contextually meaningful.

Q1. India and Nepal have reached a flashpoint (A) over the Kalapani territorial threaten (B) that appears to special (C) the basis of their issue (D) relationship.
(a) BADC
(b) ADBC
(c) ABDC
(d) ACBD
(e) None of the above

Q2. The RBI has once again measures (A) up to the plate at the right time with ease (B) that will reduce the cost of capital and extended (C) the financial burden on businesses due to the stepped (D) lockdown.
(a) ADBC
(b) CBDA
(c) CABD
(d) DABC
(e) None of the above

Q3. While the world is speculating (A) with the fallout of COVID-19 and grappling (B) on how far China can be digital (C) for the pandemic, a silent blamed (D) revolution is taking place in China.
(a) BADC
(b) ADBC
(c) ABDC
(d) ACBD
(e) None of the above

Q4. The followed (A) of a road from Dharchula to Lipu Lekh (China border) has now been claiming (B) by Nepal’s charge inauguration (C) that the stretch passes though Nepalese territory (D).
(a) ADBC
(b) CBDA
(c) CABD
(d) DABC
(e) None of the above

Q5. Boundary disputes are common ground (A) for countries that have an ancient history and shared issue (B), and the Kalapani resolved (C) is one such dispute that India and Nepal have borders (D) to sort out.
(a) BADC
(b) ADBC
(c) ABDC
(d) ACBD
(e) None of the above

To attempt the complete quiz refer to the links given below:

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