Dear Students, The NIACL Assist. mains exam is scheduled on 23 May 2017. In the English section, there will be total 40 questions. Questions might be asked from Reading Comprehension , Cloze test ,Phrase replacement and also new pattern questions as well. In this post, we will discuss questions related to ‘Fill in the blanks’. These types of questions are based on the vocabulary and phrasal verbs. Students are advised to revise vocabulary and phrasal verbs. We have already provided Important Phrasal verbs for SBI PO and other bank exams as well.
Directions (1-10): The following paragraph is followed by four
alternate summaries. Choose the option that best captures the essence of the
text. If none of the options is correct then select option E as none of these.
alternate summaries. Choose the option that best captures the essence of the
text. If none of the options is correct then select option E as none of these.
Q1. State Government’s plan to ban the sale of sugary drinks in cups
more than 250 ml volume capacity was an overreach that was struck down by High
court in December 2015 just before it was to take effect. Now the state
government is talking to health advocates and beverage management about
reviving the cup ban. If the aim is to persuade people to change their high
sugar content soda drinks consumption habits, prohibiting certain serving sizes
is ineffective; a young soda lover or even a thirsty shopping patron in this
scorching heat will still find his way to have his favorite drink till
satisfaction, via refill of two or more such 250 ml cups. The state government
would do better to educate and encourage people, especially schoolchildren, to
make smarter food choices.
more than 250 ml volume capacity was an overreach that was struck down by High
court in December 2015 just before it was to take effect. Now the state
government is talking to health advocates and beverage management about
reviving the cup ban. If the aim is to persuade people to change their high
sugar content soda drinks consumption habits, prohibiting certain serving sizes
is ineffective; a young soda lover or even a thirsty shopping patron in this
scorching heat will still find his way to have his favorite drink till
satisfaction, via refill of two or more such 250 ml cups. The state government
would do better to educate and encourage people, especially schoolchildren, to
make smarter food choices.
(a) The state government is on the right side of an urgent public
health battle of high on sugar drinks by banning the cups of capacity more than
250 ml but he needs to use better weapons to counter this battle.
health battle of high on sugar drinks by banning the cups of capacity more than
250 ml but he needs to use better weapons to counter this battle.
(b) People should be able to make wiser food choices themselves and
not depend on governments to regulate their activities like the imposition of
ban of soda cups of more than 250 ml capacity on public which was annulled by
High court.
not depend on governments to regulate their activities like the imposition of
ban of soda cups of more than 250 ml capacity on public which was annulled by
High court.
(c) Bans are not an effective way to educate people to eat right but
education is
education is
(d) Instead of reviving the big cup (of capacity more than 250 ml) ban
which was first proposed and then struck down by High court, the state
government should encourage people to make healthier choices.
which was first proposed and then struck down by High court, the state
government should encourage people to make healthier choices.
(e) None of these
Q2. Today we live in a progressive world where we have internet that
has made it smaller, telephones that are not mere communication channels but
instruments to make the dear ones staying thousands of miles away appear live
in front of you on screens, and everything at push of button. But we’re still
battling a generations old disease: Tuberculosis (TB). When I talk to patients,
a million-question come to my mind. Why do we have a disease that is curable
but has gone totally berserk? It doesn’t matter who you are or from where you
are, TB can still attack you. Obviously, people from the lower socio-economic
ranks are more vulnerable because of various factors like poor sanitation, less
space and overcrowding.
has made it smaller, telephones that are not mere communication channels but
instruments to make the dear ones staying thousands of miles away appear live
in front of you on screens, and everything at push of button. But we’re still
battling a generations old disease: Tuberculosis (TB). When I talk to patients,
a million-question come to my mind. Why do we have a disease that is curable
but has gone totally berserk? It doesn’t matter who you are or from where you
are, TB can still attack you. Obviously, people from the lower socio-economic
ranks are more vulnerable because of various factors like poor sanitation, less
space and overcrowding.
(a) The world is still plagued by certain diseases because of lack of
(b) The people from lower socio-economic strata suffer more from fatal
diseases like Tuberculosis.
diseases like Tuberculosis.
(c) Irrespective of the progress made by mankind, certain social evils
still exist.
still exist.
(d) There is more to the treatment for a disease, like known yet in
this progressive world.
this progressive world.
(e) None of these
Q3. Book sales depend crucially on buzz and word of mouth, you buy a
book because you’ve heard about it, because other people are reading it,
because it’s made to the best-sellers list. And what Flipkart possesses is the
power to kill the buzz. It’s definitely possible, with some extra effort, to
buy a book you’ve heard about even if Flipkart doesn’t carry it; but if
Flipkart doesn’t carry that book, you’re much less likely to hear about it in
the first place. So can we trust Flipkart not to abuse that power? No, we
can’t. By putting the squeeze on publishers, Flipkart is ultimately hurting
authors and readers.
book because you’ve heard about it, because other people are reading it,
because it’s made to the best-sellers list. And what Flipkart possesses is the
power to kill the buzz. It’s definitely possible, with some extra effort, to
buy a book you’ve heard about even if Flipkart doesn’t carry it; but if
Flipkart doesn’t carry that book, you’re much less likely to hear about it in
the first place. So can we trust Flipkart not to abuse that power? No, we
can’t. By putting the squeeze on publishers, Flipkart is ultimately hurting
authors and readers.
(a) Book sales is dependent on word of mouth., the giant
online book retailer in India, has too much power to control this book market.
(b), the giant online book retailer in India, is hurting
authors by regulating the sale of books by publishing self interest reviews.
authors by regulating the sale of books by publishing self interest reviews.
(c) When it comes to publicity, Flipkart has market power.
(d) World of book sales is dependent on word of mouth. Flipkart, the
giant online book retailer in India, has too much power, in case of books, and
is hurting publishers through it.
giant online book retailer in India, has too much power, in case of books, and
is hurting publishers through it.
(e) None of these
Q4. All human rights are indivisible, such as the right to life and
freedom of expression; economic, social and cultural rights, such as the right
to work, social security and education, or collective rights, such as the
rights to development and self-determination, are indivisible, interrelated and
interdependent. The improvement of one right facilitates advancement of the
others. Likewise, the deprivation of one right adversely affects the others.
freedom of expression; economic, social and cultural rights, such as the right
to work, social security and education, or collective rights, such as the
rights to development and self-determination, are indivisible, interrelated and
interdependent. The improvement of one right facilitates advancement of the
others. Likewise, the deprivation of one right adversely affects the others.
(a) Combination of economic, social and cultural rights are Human
rights, depriving a person of his rights facilitates improvement of other
rights, depriving a person of his rights facilitates improvement of other
(b) Human rights are interdependent and interrelated. Deprivation or
improvement of one right adversely affects or facilitates advancement of others
improvement of one right adversely affects or facilitates advancement of others
(c) Rights of people are interdependent as deprivation and improvement
of rights of one person adversely affects and facilitates advancement of rights
of others.
of rights of one person adversely affects and facilitates advancement of rights
of others.
(d) Depriving a person of his rights adversely affects rights of
another person.
another person.
(e) None of these
Q5. That South Korea, that country shrouded in incense and shadows, is
but a distant memory. Now neon lights up the night. Sixty years after the
Korean war, separation from North Korea; and its reunification and political
rapprochement with the West, South Korea’s population has more than doubled.
Golf courses are replacing rice paddies. New cities have sprouted where only
thatched-roof hamlets squatted. Even longtime residents fail to recognize their
own city when they venture downtown.
but a distant memory. Now neon lights up the night. Sixty years after the
Korean war, separation from North Korea; and its reunification and political
rapprochement with the West, South Korea’s population has more than doubled.
Golf courses are replacing rice paddies. New cities have sprouted where only
thatched-roof hamlets squatted. Even longtime residents fail to recognize their
own city when they venture downtown.
(a) The increase in population has brought about various social, economic
and political changes in South Korea.
and political changes in South Korea.
(b) South Korea has changed in so many ways that it is difficult even
for the longtime residents to recognize their own country now.
for the longtime residents to recognize their own country now.
(c) There is a sea of change in South Korea sixty years after the
Korean war ended and South Korea achieved cordial political relations with the
Western World. So much so that even its own longtime citizens sometimes fail to
recognize it.
Korean war ended and South Korea achieved cordial political relations with the
Western World. So much so that even its own longtime citizens sometimes fail to
recognize it.
(d) An increase in population
has resulted in urbanization in South Korea since it achieved cordial political
relations with the West due to it.
has resulted in urbanization in South Korea since it achieved cordial political
relations with the West due to it.
(e) None of these
Q6. New mobile phone devices come along once every 6-8 years or so.
Starting around 1990, the first generation of cellular phones relied on small
book sized mobile phones. In 1997, smaller sizes with bigger antennas were
introduced for better connectivity. By 2005, those black military equipment
looking mobile phones were replaced by swanky colorful and inbuilt camera
phones. Around 2011, fight in mobile market was not of size any more but of
camera resolution and music quality. Today in 2015 it’s more about design,
brand, sound, camera, applications, features. What to expect by 2020? Well, we
just can’t predict anymore, clearly what we have today must have never been
expected 20 years back. We are moving fast in this technology driven industry.
Starting around 1990, the first generation of cellular phones relied on small
book sized mobile phones. In 1997, smaller sizes with bigger antennas were
introduced for better connectivity. By 2005, those black military equipment
looking mobile phones were replaced by swanky colorful and inbuilt camera
phones. Around 2011, fight in mobile market was not of size any more but of
camera resolution and music quality. Today in 2015 it’s more about design,
brand, sound, camera, applications, features. What to expect by 2020? Well, we
just can’t predict anymore, clearly what we have today must have never been
expected 20 years back. We are moving fast in this technology driven industry.
(a) Mobile devices are constantly upgraded with introduction of new
technology, better features, designs, applications etc. It’s hard now in this
fast-moving technology driven industry to predict what new features in mobile
phone devices will be introduced in future.
(b) Mobile devices see a change after every 6-8 years and this change
is in line with the expectation of society. We can predict what features we’ll
have on our mobile phone devices by 2020.
is in line with the expectation of society. We can predict what features we’ll
have on our mobile phone devices by 2020.
(c) Mobile devices are invariably getting upgraded with variant
features we thought of, what the industry introduces tomorrow is absolutely a
matter of the discretion of industry; we as users can just be surprised now
like we’re are today by what these devices are now over 20 years back.
features we thought of, what the industry introduces tomorrow is absolutely a
matter of the discretion of industry; we as users can just be surprised now
like we’re are today by what these devices are now over 20 years back.
(d) Mobile networks are constantly upgraded with the introduction of
new technology. It’s difficult in this fast moving technology driven world to
predict what new features in mobile phone networks will be introduced in
new technology. It’s difficult in this fast moving technology driven world to
predict what new features in mobile phone networks will be introduced in
(e) None of these
Q7. Pakistani electoral college reasserted its commitment to democracy
in Sunday’s parliamentary elections. More than 91 percent of them cast ballots,
a level of participation far above the 86 percent turnout posted by Indians in
2005. President Pervez Musharaf, an increasingly military driven and
authoritarian leader was denied a parliamentary majority.
in Sunday’s parliamentary elections. More than 91 percent of them cast ballots,
a level of participation far above the 86 percent turnout posted by Indians in
2005. President Pervez Musharaf, an increasingly military driven and
authoritarian leader was denied a parliamentary majority.
(a) Voters of electoral college in the parliamentary elections came
out in huge numbers to deny President Pervez Mushraf majority and to reassert
their support to democracy.
out in huge numbers to deny President Pervez Mushraf majority and to reassert
their support to democracy.
(b) Voters of electoral college in the parliamentary elections do not
want President Pervez Musharaf to come into power.
want President Pervez Musharaf to come into power.
(c) Voters of electoral college in Pakistan do not want an
authoritarian President.
authoritarian President.
(d) A great turnout of voters of electoral college in the recent
parliamentary elections is a reassertion of Pakistan’s democratic status.
parliamentary elections is a reassertion of Pakistan’s democratic status.
(e) None of these
Q8. I was struck by not just the Wall Street’s income disparity, but
also by the lack of compassion that wealthy finance workers sometimes displayed
toward the poor. Paul K. Piff, a professor of psychology and social behavior at
the University of California, Irvine, believes all the money sloshing around
Wall Street could make some consultants unaware of their surroundings. He has
conducted several social experiments that consistently show that when people
gain access to money, their empathy toward the less fortunate falls and, at the
same time, their sense of entitlement and self-interest rises.
also by the lack of compassion that wealthy finance workers sometimes displayed
toward the poor. Paul K. Piff, a professor of psychology and social behavior at
the University of California, Irvine, believes all the money sloshing around
Wall Street could make some consultants unaware of their surroundings. He has
conducted several social experiments that consistently show that when people
gain access to money, their empathy toward the less fortunate falls and, at the
same time, their sense of entitlement and self-interest rises.
(a) Wall Street creates wealth at a staggering clip, but many of its
companies’ and executives’ philanthropy has not kept pace.
companies’ and executives’ philanthropy has not kept pace.
(b) Wall Street exemplifies the assertion that access to money lowers
the level of empathy with the poor.
the level of empathy with the poor.
(c) Wall Street is an apt example to prove that people who are rich do
not empathise as much with those that are poor as much as author does.
not empathise as much with those that are poor as much as author does.
(d) Wall Street has seen a steady increase in wealth and a steady
decline in philanthropy.
decline in philanthropy.
(e) None of these
Q9. The Egyptians cared about the mortal body; its very mortality
mattered profoundly to them. Today we try to deny the body’s movement towards
death, its inevitable decay. The Egyptians, instead of fearing the process of
dying and the corpse, felt reverence. These were stages in the life of a
beloved body and should be treasured. What was beautiful – and tragic, but more
lovely for all that – was the body’s ephemerality, its being always on the way
to disappearing. The Egyptians recognized that death’s presence was woven into
the texture of life, giving that life one of its essential meanings.
mattered profoundly to them. Today we try to deny the body’s movement towards
death, its inevitable decay. The Egyptians, instead of fearing the process of
dying and the corpse, felt reverence. These were stages in the life of a
beloved body and should be treasured. What was beautiful – and tragic, but more
lovely for all that – was the body’s ephemerality, its being always on the way
to disappearing. The Egyptians recognized that death’s presence was woven into
the texture of life, giving that life one of its essential meanings.
(a) The Egyptians believed that death was inevitable and hence, it
should not be mourned.
should not be mourned.
(b) The Egyptians were not afraid of death but were amazed by it
because they believed in after-life.
because they believed in after-life.
(c) The Egyptians celebrated death as they believed it to be final
destination of their beloved ones.
destination of their beloved ones.
(d) The Egyptians understood that a corpse was just another stage of
the body and the mortality of the body mattered to them. They accepted death as
a truth of life.
the body and the mortality of the body mattered to them. They accepted death as
a truth of life.
(e) None of these
Q10. The dramatic turn came hours after Greece missed a debt payment
to the I.M.F., leaving Greece effectively in default and raising the pressure
on the country to find a solution to its rapidly escalating financial squeeze.
With its banking system shut down and access to further aid cut off, Greece
faced the prospect of further debt defaults and the possibility of being forced
to abandon the euro as its currency.
to the I.M.F., leaving Greece effectively in default and raising the pressure
on the country to find a solution to its rapidly escalating financial squeeze.
With its banking system shut down and access to further aid cut off, Greece
faced the prospect of further debt defaults and the possibility of being forced
to abandon the euro as its currency.
(a) Greece may not have enough money to meet its international
financial obligations, as the recent debt default with I.M.F. showed. It is
also facing the risk of being forced to leave the euro as its currency.
financial obligations, as the recent debt default with I.M.F. showed. It is
also facing the risk of being forced to leave the euro as its currency.
(b) Greece is in a financial crisis and is losing its financial
(c) Greece is not in a condition to repay any of the loans that it has
taken to maintain its currency.
taken to maintain its currency.
(d) Considering the financial difficulties faced by Greece, it is not
unusual for the country to not be able to repay its debts rather it’s not even
the country’s fault. International financial bodies should help Greece.
unusual for the country to not be able to repay its debts rather it’s not even
the country’s fault. International financial bodies should help Greece.
(e) None of these
Directions (11-15): In each of the questions, a word has been used in
sentences in four different ways. Choose the option corresponding to the
sentence in which the usage of the word is incorrect or inappropriate.
sentences in four different ways. Choose the option corresponding to the
sentence in which the usage of the word is incorrect or inappropriate.
Q11. Bolt
(a) The shopkeeper showed us a bolt of fine silk.
(b) As he could not move, he made a bolt for the gate.
(c) Could you please bolt the door?
(d) The thief was arrested before he could bolt from the scene of the
(e) None of these
Q12. Near
(a) I got there just after you left – a near miss!
(b) She and her near friend left early.
(c) The war led to a near doubling of oil prices.
(d) They came near to tears seeing the plight of the victims.
(e) None of these
Q13. Hand
(a) I have my hand full, I cannot do it today.
(b) The minister visited the jail to see the breach at first hand.
(c) The situation is getting out of hand here!
(d) When the roof of my house was blown away, he was willing to lend
me a hand.
me a hand.
(e) None of these
Q14. For
(a) He has a great eye for detail.
(b) We are waiting for the day.
(c) I can’t bear for her to be angry.
(d) It couldn’t be done for ever
(e) None of these
Q15. Run
(a) I must run fast to catch up with him.
(b) Our team scored a goal against the run of play.
(c) You can’t run over himself like that.
(d) This film is a run-of-the-mill production.
(e) None of these