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English Language Quize for Bank Foundation 2023-24th June

Direction (1): In the following question, five words are given, choose the most suitable alternative reflecting the combination of word(s) similar in meaning with each other.

Q1. (I) Abstention
(II) Reverence
(III) Travesty
(IV) Veneration
(V) homage

(a) I and II
(b) II and III
(c) II, IV and V
(d) I, II and V
(e) I, III and IV

Directions (2-5): Choose the word/group of words which is most SIMILAR in meaning to the word/group of words printed in bold as used in passage.

Q2. Impromptu

(a) extempore
(b) enticing
(c) rapturous
(d) entralling
(e) enamouring

Q3. Peculiar
(b) winsome
(c) queer
(d) imperious
(e) inciting

Q4. Dire
(a) devour
(b) revoke
(c) unprecedent
(d) appalling
(e) extraneous
Q5. Tapering off

(a) tenable
(b) Abate
(c) ameliorate
(d) repudiate
(e) inundate

Directions (6-10): Given below the sentences each of which has been divided into four parts. Each of the questions is then followed by the five options which give the sequence of the rearranged parts. You must choose the option which gives the correct sequence of the parts. If the sentence is already arranged in the correct sequence or the correct sequence doesn’t match with any of the given sequence, mark option (e) .i.e. ‘None of the above’ as your answer.

Q6. the unholy alliance between the (A)/ does not allow public (B)/to worry about the poor (C)/ government and the corporate sector (D)

(a) BADC
(b) ADBC
(c) ABDC
(d) ACBD
(e) None of the above

Q7. The politics of the United States has (A)/ rarely been as contentious, and (B)/ it is at the present juncture (C)/ riven by partisan hostility, as (D)

(a) BADC
(b) ADBC
(c) ABDC
(d) ACBD
(e) None of the above

Q8. a legal dispute before the National Green Tribunal,(A)/ the notification is the culmination of (B)/ which had banned RO water filter use in (C)/Delhi as the purification process wastes water (D)

(a) BACD
(b) ADBC
(c) ABDC
(d) ACBD
(e) None of the above

Q9. speaker is the ultimate interpreter and (A)/ to the functioning of the House and (B)/arbiter of those provisions which relate (C)/ his decisions are final and binding (D)

(a) BADC
(b) ADBC
(c) ABDC
(d) ACBD
(e) None of the above

Q10. given the vastly divergent views (A)/ the economy and climate change, there (B)/ could not be more at stake for Democrats(C)/across party lines on core issues such as (D)

(a) BADC
(b) ADBC
(c) ABDC
(d) ACBD
(e) None of the above


 S1. Ans. (c)
Sol. Here, Reverence, Veneration and Homage are synonym to one another. Reverence means deep respect for someone or something, which is similar to veneration and exaltation.
Abstention means restraint in one’s consumption; abstinence.
Travesty means a false, absurd, or distorted representation of something.

S2. Ans. (a)
Sol. Impromptu means done without being planned or rehearsed. Hence it has same meaning as extempore.
Enamouring means be filled with love for.

S3. Ans. (c)
Sol. Peculiar means different to what is normal or expected, strange. Hence it has same meaning as queer.
Winsome means attractive or appealing in a fresh, innocent way.
Imperious means arrogant and domineering.
Intuitive means easy to use and understand.

S4. Ans. (d)
Sol. Dire means extremely serious or urgent. Hence it has same meaning as appalling.
Extraneous means irrelevant or unrelated to the subject being dealt with.
Unprecedent means never done or known before.
Revoke means cancel officially.
Devour means destroy completely.

S5. Ans. (b)
Sol. Tapering off means to become gradually smaller or weaker. Hence it has same meaning as abate.
Ameliorate means become or make greater in size, amount.
Inundate means overwhelm (someone) with things or people to be dealt with.
Repudiate means refuse to accept, reject, deny.
Tenable means able to be maintained or defended against attack or objection.

S6. Ans. (b)
Sol. The correct sequence is ADBC. The sentence after rearrangement is, The unholy alliance between the government and the corporate sector does not allow public to worry about the poor.’
Hence, option (b) is the right answer choice.

S7. Ans. (c)
Sol. The correct sequence is ABDC. The sentence after rearrangement is, ‘The politics of the United States has rarely been as contentious, and riven by partisan hostility, as it is at the present juncture.’
Hence, option (c) is the right answer choice.

S8. Ans. (a)
Sol. The correct sequence is BACD. The sentence after rearrangement is, The notification is the culmination of a legal dispute before the National Green Tribunal, which had banned RO water filter use in Delhi as the purification process wastes water.’
Hence, option (a) is the right answer choice.

S9. Ans. (d)
Sol. The correct sequence is ACBD. The sentence after rearrangement is, ‘Speaker is the ultimate interpreter and arbiter of those provisions which relate to the functioning of the House and his decisions are final and binding.’
Hence, option (d) is the right answer choice.

S10. Ans. (b)
Sol. The correct sequence is ADBC. The sentence after rearrangement is, ‘Given the vastly divergent views across party lines on core issues such as the economy and climate change, there could not be more at stake for Democrats.’
Hence, option (b) is the right answer choice.

English Language Quize for Bank Foundation 2023-24th June |_3.1

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