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English Language Quize for Bank Foundation 2023-20th July

Directions (1-10): In the following questions, a paragraph is given. There are several words which are highlighted, each followed by a number. These words may or may not be used in their correct sense in the given paragraph. The numbers provided with these words are then followed by five options. Each option contains words that can replace the words in the paragraph. You need to find the words that can replace the highlighted words and mark them as your answers. If the word highlighted is used correctly then mark option (e) i.e. “No improvement” as your answer.

Mere legislation is not enough to alveolate (1) superstition from society, but laws do have the utility value of curbing the appetence (2) of inhuman rituals and practices. Seen in this light, the proposed Karnataka law targeting black magic and vulgar (3) practices may be regarded as social reform. The Karnataka Prevention and Eradication of Inhuman Evil Practices and Black Magic Bill, 2017 has been approved by the State Cabinet and is likely to be introduced soon in the Assembly. It is not vague (4) to characterise this as just an ‘anti-superstition bill’, as what it seeks to alert (5) are actions that offend human dignity, result in the exploitation of perceptible (6) and vulnerable people or cause harm to them. Organising macabre rituals, offering magical cures and threatening people, under abseil (7) of incurring divine or supernatural displeasure, are covered by this law, even though these can be treated as offences under the Indian Penal Code too. Perhaps ironically, it prescripts (8) established religious practices and the propagation of spiritual learning and arts, besides astrology and vaastu. Overall, it tries to reed (9) the line between religious traditions and superstitious practices. Maharashtra already has a law against black magic and other ‘evil’ practices. It is not clear if it has made much headway in eliminating blind faith, but it must strengthen the hands of people willing to take on social practices steeped in ignorance and unreason. The proposed law ought to be seen as a reasonable description (10) on the right to practise and propagate one’s religion under Article 25 of the Constitution. As long as these restrictions are in the interest of public order, morality and health, the law may withstand the test of constitutionality.

(a) alleviate
(b) eradicate
(c) bilabiate
(d) aggravate
(e) No improvement

(a) continence
(b) deference
(c) prevalence
(d) pertinence
(e) No improvement

(a) considerate
(b) vogue
(c) precedent
(d) inhuman
(e) No improvement

(a) accurate
(b) concrete
(c) rigorous
(d) erroneous
(e) No improvement

(a) legit
(b) validate
(c) prohibit
(d) prim
(e) No improvement

(a) palpable
(b) gullible
(c) tangible
(d) detectable
(e) No improvement

(a) bezil
(b) fibril
(c) domicil
(d) peril
(e) No improvement

(a) exempts
(b) conscripts
(c) encrypts
(d) transepts
(e) No improvement

(a) geed
(b) heed
(c) meed
(d) teed
(e) No improvement

(a) implication
(b) calibration
(c) restriction
(d) correlation
(e) No improvement


S1. Ans.(b)
Sol. Alveolate means resembling the deep pits of a honeycomb
Eradicate means destroy completely; put an end to
Bilabiate means divided into two lips
Aggravate means make (a problem, injury, or offence) worse or more serious
Hence eradicate will be the correct choice

S2. Ans.(c)
Sol. Appetence means intense desire; strong natural craving; appetite.
Prevalence means the fact or condition of being prevalent; commonness.
Continence means self-restraint or abstinence,
Deference means polite submission and respect.
Pertinence means pertaining or relating directly and significantly to the matter at hand
Hence prevalence is the correct choice among all.

S3. Ans.(d)
Sol. Vulgar means lacking sophistication or good taste.
Inhuman means lacking human qualities of compassion and mercy; cruel and barbaric.
Considerate means careful not to inconvenience or harm others.
Fussy means fastidious about one’s needs or requirements; hard to please.
Precedent means an earlier event or action that is regarded as an example or guide to be considered in subsequent similar circumstances.
Hence inhuman best fits the purpose

S4. Ans.(a)
Sol. Vague means of uncertain, indefinite, or unclear character or meaning.
Concrete means existing in a material or physical form; not abstract.
Rigorous means extremely thorough and careful.
Erroneous means wrong; incorrect.
Hence accurate will be the correct choice among all the options.

S5. Ans.(c)
Sol. Alert means the state of being watchful for possible danger.
Legit means conforming to the rules; legal
Validate means check or prove the validity or accuracy of
Prim means feeling or showing disapproval of anything regarded as improper; stiffly correct.
Hence prohibit will best explain the meaning here.

S6. Ans.(b)
Sol. Perceptible means (especially of a slight movement or change of state) able to be seen or noticed.
Palpable means able to be touched or felt
Tangible means perceptible by touch.
Hence gullible will be the most suitable option among all.

S7. Ans.(d)
Sol. Abseil means descend a rock face or other near-vertical surface by using a doubled rope coiled round the body and fixed at a higher point
Peril means serious and immediate danger.
Bezil  means that part of a ring in which the stone is fixed.
Fibril means a small or slender fibre.
Domicil means a person’s residence or home.
Here, peril best fits the purpose.

S8. Ans.(a)
Sol. Prescripts means an ordinance, law, or command.
Exempts means free (a person or organization) from an obligation or liability imposed on others.
Conscripts means enlist (someone) compulsorily, typically into the armed services
Transepts means (in a cross-shaped church) either of the two parts forming the arms of the cross shape, projecting at right angles from the nave.
Hence exempts will be the most exact option among all.

S9. Ans.(b)
Sol. Reed means a tall, slender-leaved plant of the grass family, which grows in water or on marshy ground.
Heed means pay attention to; take notice of.
Geed means encourage (someone) to put more effort into an activity.
Meed means a person’s deserved share of praise, honour, etc.
Teed means to place (the ball) on a tee.
Here, heed best fits the purpose.

S10. Ans.(c)
Sol. Description means a spoken or written account of a person, object, or event.
Implication means the conclusion that can be drawn from something although it is not explicitly stated.
Calibration means the action or process of calibrating something.
Hence restriction will be the correct choice.

English Language Quize for Bank Foundation 2023-20th July |_3.1

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