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English Language Quiz For SBI Clerk Prelims 2021- 25th May

Direction (1-5): Below in each question some phrases are given, find the phrase which is
not really contributing to the main theme of the sentence or find the odd phrase out and
rearrange the remaining phrases to make a coherent sentence. If the given phrases are
correct in order as it is then choose option (e). If the sequence is the one which is not given then choose option (d) as your choice.

Q1. of the activation – that is, energy is now (A)/ to be more powerful than the (B)/ when latent energy becomes activated, (C)/ no longer latent; it is translated into action. (D)/ this mark will be the symbolic representation (E)
(a) ABDC
(b) DBCA
(c) CEAD
(d) None of these
(e) No correction required

Q2. people around the world (A)/ to put the wordless happening (B)/ the credit goes to those few enlightened (C)/ whatever man is today, (D)/ it is not due to his own effort; (E)
(a) ABDC
(b) DECA
(c) ABCE
(d) None of these
(e) No correction required

Q3. growing U.S.-Russia tensions are creating (A)/ its new “spring offensive”, (B)/ escalated dangerously this year (C)/ violence in Afghanistan had (D)/ even before the Taliban announced (E)
(a) EBDC
(b) ABDC
(c) BCDE
(d) None of these
(e) No correction required

Q4. the functioning of the brain of astronauts (A)/ environment of outer space is reported to (B)/ who stay for long time in microgravity (C)/ have been adversely affected (D)/ some places may be more conducive (E)
(a) AEDC
(b) ACBD
(c) BEDC
(d) None of these
(e) No correction required

Q5. Incidentally scientists have (A)/ discovered that before major (B)/ earthquakes an electromagnetic wave of (C)/ 0.01-10Hz emerges from (D)/ deep inside the earth (E)
(a) BCDE
(b) ABCD
(c) CDEA
(d) None of these
(e) No correction required

Directions (6-10): In the following passage there are blanks, each of which has been numbered. These numbers are printed below the passage and against each, five options are given. Four of the five words fit into the blank coherently. Find out the word which does not fit into the blank appropriately.

If you can control your mind, your speech will be _____(6)_____. To avoid ____(7)______ speech first learn to control your mind. The spiritual path ______(8)_____ a disciplined mind. So, you have to learn to master the mind. When you are able to do that you gain greater mastery over your speech. These two things happen simultaneously — by controlling your speech, the mind comes under check, and by ____(9)____ in the mind, you avoid heedless speech. All spiritual people share this ____(10)____. When people discuss truth and Paramatman, the mind is controlled.

(a) subvert
(b) flawless
(c) impeccable
(d) immaculate
(e) exquisite

(a) agitated
(b) incited
(c) unbridled
(d) perturbed
(e) abrupt

(a) expunges
(b) demands
(c) requires
(d) entails
(e) necessitates

(a) reining
(b) checking
(c) curbing
(d) restraining
(e) repealing


(a) quality
(b) trait
(c) vitiate
(d) aspect
(e) characteristic

Directions (11-15): The following questions consists of a sentence, whose certain parts are highlighted in bold. The highlighted portions are grammatically correct. Each sentence is followed by the three expressions which may or may not contain grammatical errors. Choose the most appropriate alternative among the five options which states the incorrect part(s) of the sentence. If the given sentence is grammatically correct and contextually meaningful, choose option (e) i.e., “No error” as your answer.

Q11. It is hard when you work in a city far away from family and friends, and home excursions is always much awaited.
(I)It is hard when you work
(II)in a city far away from
(III)and home excursions is always

(a)Only (I)
(b)Only (III)
(c)Both (I) and (II)
(d)Both (II) and (III)
(e)No error

Q12. The recently concluded ‘informal’ summit meeting between Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Chinese President Xi Jinping in Wuhan is more about optics than substance.
(I) ‘informal’ summit meeting between
(II) Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Chinese President Xi Jinping in Wuhan is
(III) than substance
(a)Only (I)
(b)Only (II)
(c)Both (I) and (II)
(d)Both (II) and (III)
(e)No error

Q13. PM Modi had urged the people to be more conscious about preventive health care because not only prevention was beneficial for a person but also for his or her family and society.
(I) PM Modi had urged
(II) about preventive health care
(III) because not only prevention was beneficial
(a)Only (III)
(b)Only (II)
(c)Both (I) and (II)
(d)Both (II) and (III)
(e)No error

Q14. The poor state of conservation of our monuments is that needs a major overhaul, and outsourcing without proper and right monitoring will not solve the problem.
(I) of our monuments is that needs
(II) and outsourcing without proper and right
(III) monitoring will not solve the problem
(a)Only (III)
(b)Only (II)
(c)Both (I) and (III)
(d)Both (I) and (II)
(e)No error

Q15. No sooner the summit ended than significant differences emerged on how India and China interpret even the understandings reached at Wuhan.
(I) No sooner the summit
(II) differences emerged on how
(III) the understandings reached at Wuhan
(a)Only (III)
(b)Only (I)
(c)Both (I) and (III)
(d)Both (I) and (II)
(e)No error

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S1. Ans. (c)
Sol. Phrases CEAD form a coherent sentence while phrase (B) will not be a part of the sentence. We can get the hint from phrases (E) and (A) that can be interlinked as ‘symbolic representation’ is a noun that must be followed by preposition telling the relation to something, linking another clause to it. Phrase (B) does not find any connection with other clauses and hence it will not be a part of the sentence making option (c) as the right choice.

S2. Ans. (b)
Sol. We can derive the conclusion that phrases DECA form a coherent sentence while clause (E) is not a part of the sentence. We can point out that phrases (D) and (E) are interlinked as ‘his’ pronoun used in phrase (E) of the sentence, is denoted to ‘man’ used in phrase (D) of the sentence. Hence option (b) can be marked as correct.

S3. Ans. (a)
Sol. The phrases after rearrangement is EBDC. Phrase (A) will not be a part of the sentence as here the subject ‘U.S.- Russia tensions’ is not related to other phrases. Other phrases are talking about Afghanistan (Phrase D) and Taliban (Phrase E) which are linked to each other. Hence option (a) can be marked as correct.

S4. Ans. (b)
Sol. ACBD is the correct sequence of phrases making the sentence coherent. The theme of the phrase is adverse affect on functioning of brain of astronauts due to microgravity environment that is making phrase (E) unrelated to the other phrases of the sentence. Hence option (b) can be marked as correct.

S5. Ans. (e)
Sol. The sentence does not require any further improvement.
Hence option (e) is the correct choice.

S6. Ans. (a)
Sol. ‘Subvert’ is the right answer.
Here, the controlled mind has been related to the controlled speech. Hence the blank must be filled by the word which has the similar meaning as ‘controlled’.
Going through the options, we can conclude that all the words except ‘subvert’ are making the sentence correct and meaningful as ‘subvert’ means undermine the power and authority of (an established system or institution), and thus fail to make the paragraph coherent.
Immaculate, which means free from flaws or mistakes (Perfect) is the appropriate word to be filled in the blank. The other words are also similar in meaning to immaculate which are going in agreement with the sentence. Hence, option (a) i.e., ‘subvert’ should be the right choice to be made.
Exquisite means selective, wonderful or excellent.
Impeccable means in accordance with the highest standards; faultless.

S7. Ans. (b)
Sol. Option (b) is the correct answer.
The theme of the paragraph is controlling speech through controlling mind. The blank must be filled by an adjective that will go opposite in meaning to ‘control’. Moreover, the verb ‘to avoid’ reflects that a negative word should be filled in the blank. The word ‘incited’ which means encourage or stir up, is completely against the theme and is the correct choice to get eliminated.
On the other hand, unbridled which means uncontrolled or unconstrained reflects the appropriate meaning that makes the paragraph comprehensive. All the other options are also conveying the similar context to the paragraph.
Hence option (b) is the correct choice.
Perturbed means anxious or unsettled.
Agitated means feeling or appearing troubled or nervous.

S8. Ans. (a)
Sol. ‘expunges’ is the correct answer choice.
The sentence must be completed with the verb that tells the relationship between spiritual path and disciplined mind.
‘Demands’ which means requires is the correct word for the blank. Other options except ‘expunges’ are also conveying a similar meaning to the sentence. Expunge, which means obliterate or remove completely does not make any sense to the sentence fails to comply with the theme of the paragraph.
Hence option (a) is the correct choice.
Necessitates means make (something) necessary as a result or consequence.
Entails means involve (something) as a necessary or inevitable part or consequence.

S9. Ans. (e)
Sol. ‘repealing’ is the wrong word to be filled in the blank.
Here the simultaneous relation has been provided in the sentence that is controlling mind through controlling speech and controlling speech through controlling mind.
Hence the word that fills the blank must be a synonym of ‘controlled’. All the other words except ‘repealing’ are appropriate for delivering the meaning to the sentence as repealing means revoking or annulling which is not appropriate for the sentence.
Hence option (e) is the right choice.
Reining means keeping under control.
Curbing means keeping in check or restrain.

S10. Ans. (c)
Sol. All the words except ‘vitiate’ can be filled in the blank making the sentence correct and meaningful.
Here the blank must be filled by the noun. The words quality, trait, aspect and characteristic are all nouns and can be filled in the blank interchangeably whereas ‘vitiate’ is a verb which means spoil or impair the quality or efficiency of. Hence ‘vitiate’ is the correct word to be eliminated.
Hence option (c) is the correct choice.

S11. Ans. (b)
Sol. There is a grammatical error in the third part of the sentence; there is an issue of subject-verb agreement. The verb “is” should be replaced by its plural “are” to make the sentence grammatically correct as the subject of the verb is plural [home excursions]. The other two parts are grammatically feasible. Hence option (b) is the correct choice.

S12. Ans. (b)
Sol. There is a grammatical error in the second part of the sentence. It is to be noted that the verb [concluded] in the highlighted part of the sentence indicates that the event [‘informal’ summit meeting] held in the past thus, the sentence should be in the past tense. Therefore, the helping verb in the second part of the sentence “is” should be replaced by “was” to make the sentence in accord with the appropriate grammatical syntax of the sentence. Hence, option (b) becomes the most suitable answer choice.

S13. Ans. (a)
Sol. Expression (I) and (II) are correct and do not require any correction. While expression (III) comprises, a grammatical error making the sentence incorrect. It is to be noted that “not only…but also” is a correlative conjunction which is used to connect two clauses. Moreover, while using not only . . . but also in a sentence, parallelism should be the goal. It means that the words following both parts of this correlative conjunction (i.e., not only and but also) should belong to the same parts of speech. Moreover, contextually the noun ‘prevention’ should have been used for both the clauses of “not only…but also”. Therefore, the correct phrase should have been […because prevention was not only beneficial for a person but also for his or her family and society]. Hence, option (a) is the correct choice.

S14. Ans. (d)
Sol. Expression (I) and (II) do not comply with the grammatical syntax of the syntax. To make expression (I) correct replace the determiner “that” with the relative pronoun “what” as ‘that’ is used to refer a specific thing previously mentioned, known, or understood while; ‘what’ is used for the thing or things that are used in specifying something. Moreover, expression (II) contains a contextual error as the use of the adjectives “proper” and “right” together is redundant. Therefore, omitting ‘right’ from the sentence makes it coherent and grammatically viable. Hence, option (d) becomes the most feasible answer choice.

S15. Ans. (b)
Sol. The error lies in the first part of the sentence. To make the sentence in accord with the grammatical syntax of the sentence ‘had’ should be added after ‘no sooner’. It is to be noted that in all the cases where the sentence begins with ‘no sooner’, helping verb takes place before the subject of the sentence; Ex. No sooner had he reached the office than his friend arrived. Thus, the correct phrase of the sentence should be “No sooner had the summit”. Hence, option (b) becomes the most suitable answer choice.

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