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English Language Quiz For SBI Clerk Prelims 2021- 22nd May

Directions (1-5): There are three sentences given in the following question. Find the
sentence(s) which is/are grammatically incorrect and contextually meaningless and then mark your answer choosing the best possible alternative among the five options given below each question. If all sentences are incorrect, choose option (e) i.e., “none is correct” as your answer.

Q1. [I] The global economy is likely to expand at its fastest pace since 2011, according to new estimates from the International Monetary Fund (IMF).
[II] Private sector debt has doubled in the last decade in emerging markets.
[III] The global economy has added more debt recovering from the 2008 financial crisis, which was essentially caused by higher leverage.
(a)Only (I)
(b)Only (III)
(c)Both (II) and (III)
(d)Both (I) and (III)
(e) None is correct

Q2. [I] Monisha was about to tell her teacher the truth when her friend interrupted her.
[II] No method of making other people agree to your viewpoint is as effective as this method.
[III] The laboratory of physics is not only equipped with all state of the art instruments but also with outstanding physicists.
(a)Only (I)
(b)Only (III)
(c)Both (II) and (III)
(d)Both (I) and (III)
(e) None is correct

Q3. [I] Strengthening the capacity of the police force to investigate crimes and prosecute the guilty is one of those complex challenges that get neglected.
[II] The importance of this decision reside in the fact that it relates to people across the country.
[III] The more we deviate from simplicity, greater is the difficulty to get back to the short and straightforward route.
(a)Only (II)
(b)Only (I)
(c)Both (II) and (III)
(d)Both (I) and (III)
(e) None is correct

Q4. [I] They all get dressed up in Halloween.
[II] Whether it is the beauty of sound, colour or rhythm, it is indeed a manifestation of divinity.
[III] I am sure that all my monthly expenses would exceed the income if I don’t economize.
(a)Only (II)
(b)Only (I)
(c)Both (II) and (III)
(d)Both (I) and (III)
(e) None is correct

Q5. [I] I don’t know how many times he came to you and talked to you over this problem.
[II] Our country need a number of self-sacrificing and devoted political leaders.
[III] Namami Gange lays much emphasis on pollution abatement through improvement of sewage infrastructure.
(a)Only (II)
(b)Only (I)
(c)Both (I) and (II)
(d)Both (I) and (III)
(e) None is correct

(Directions 6-10): In each of the following sentence there is a blank space. Below each sentence there are four words given. Choose the most appropriate word (s) that must fill the blank and make the sentence grammatically correct and contextually meaningful. If none of the given words fill the blank correctly choose (e) i.e., none of these as your answer choice.
Q6. In the old society, owing to cruel exploitation and successive years of tangled warfare among warloads, the labouring people led a _______________ life.
(A) rescued
(B) vagrant
(C) itinerant
(D) destruction
(a) only (A)
(b) only (B)
(c) only (C) and (D)
(d) only (B) and (C)
(e) None of these

Q7. The student’s _______________ actions towards the teacher got him suspended from school.
(A) flippant
(B) fanciful
(C) jaunty
(D) sedate
(a) only (A)
(b) only (B)
(c) only (C) and (D)
(d) only (B) and (C)
(e) None of these

Q8. Not even the leading experts in criminology could understand the killer’s _______________ motives.
(A) enigmatic
(B) impenetrable
(C) untrodden
(D) inscrutable
(a) only (A)
(b) only (B)
(c) only (C) and (D)
(d) only (A), (B) and (D)
(e) None of these

Q9. As soon as the citizens learned their brutal leader was dead, they burned a / an _______________of his image.
(A) elegy
(B) alloy
(C) effigy
(D) convex
(a) only (A)
(b) only (B)
(c) only (C)
(d) only (A), (B) and (D)
(e) None of these

Q10. Everyone is excited about the idea of the handsome athlete playing a _______________ spy in the new movie.
(A) vagabond
(B) aweless
(C) scrupulous
(D) meticulous
(a) only (A)
(b) only (B)
(c) only (C) and (D)
(d) only (A), (B) and (C)
(e) None of these

Direction (11-15): Below in each question a sentence is divided into parts, find the part which is not really contributing to the main theme and the of the passage or find the odd part out and rearrange the remaining parts to make a coherent paragraph. If the given part is correct as it is then choose option (e). If the sequence is the one which is not given then choose option (d) as your choice.

Q11. Act passed eight years ago (A)/ States have to notify (B)/ the private schools, on behalf (C)/ of the children admitted under Section 12(1) (D)/ per-child costs to pay (E)
(a) ACDE
(b) BECD
(c) BCAE
(d) None of these
(e) No correction required

Q12. over the past two years than it did (A)/ in the previous five years, if the latest (B)/ surveys conducted in league (C)/ India has built more toilets (D)/ official sanitation survey is to be believed (E)
(a) DABE
(b) BECD
(c) BCAE
(d) None of these
(e) No correction required

Q13. Indian firms are estimated to have (A)/ churned out a record amount of steel (B)/ in the year that ended in March (C)/ as the government took steps to protect steel makers, (D)/ construction activity rebounded and China shut down illegal factories (E)
(a) ACDE
(b) DEBC
(c) BDAC
(d) None of these
(e) No correction required

Q14. the remains of a large building, (A)/ in northeast China’s Liaoning Province (B)/ said to be around 2,000-year-old, (C)/ the excavation site (D)/ have been discovered (E)
(a) ACDE
(b) DEBC
(c) ACEB
(d) None of these
(e) No correction required

Q15. it is commonly understood (A)/ great meteorite impact on the Earth 66 million years ago (B)/ with a bang—wiped out by a (C)/ that the dinosaurs disappeared (D)/ an expansion of dinosaurs (E)
(a) ACDE
(b) DEBC
(c) BDAC
(d) None of these
(e) No correction required

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S1. Ans. (b)
Sol. Among the given sentences only sentence (III) contains a grammatical error in it. To make the sentence grammatically correct replace ‘recovering’ with ‘to recover’ as if the main verb has an object [The global economy] that is a noun or a pronoun, it is almost always followed by an infinitive verb instead of a gerund. Therefore, option (b) becomes the most suitable answer choice.

S2. Ans. (c)
Sol. Both the sentences (II) and (III) are grammatically incorrect.
In sentence [II] the expression “No method” should be replaced by “No other method” to make the
sentence grammatically correct. It is to be noted that to express a comparison between one method with the other methods the correct phrase that should provide the precise contextual meaning to the sentence is “no other method”. Moreover, in sentence [III] replace “not only equipped with” with “equipped not only with” as “not only…but also” is used to connect two prepositional phrases [with all state of the art instruments] and [with outstanding physicists]. Hence option (c) becomes the most suitable answer choice.

S3. Ans. (a)
Sol. Sentence [I] and [III] are absolutely correct and do not require any corrections. However, sentence [II] contains a grammatical error. Thus, to make the sentence grammatically correct replace the verb “reside” with “resides” as the subject [this decision] of the verb is singular therefore to comply with the rule of subject-verb agreement the verb of the subject should also be in its singular form. Hence, option (a) becomes the most suitable answer choice.

S4. Ans. (d)
Sol. Sentence (I) and (III) are grammatically incorrect. In sentence (I), the preposition ‘at’ should be used in place of ‘in’ as ‘at’ is used to show a point on the calendar. Moreover, sentences (III) can be corrected with the omission of “all” as it is superfluous in the sentence; ‘monthly expense’ itself means all the kinds of expenses in the month. Hence, option (d) becomes the most suitable answer choice.

S5. Ans. (a)
Sol. Among all the given sentences, sentence (II) does not follow the correct grammatical syntax of the sentence. Thus, to make the sentence grammatically correct replace the verb “need” with “needs” as the subject [our country] of the verb is singular therefore to comply with the rule of subject-verb agreement the verb of the subject should also be in its singular form [needs]. Hence, option (a) becomes the most suitable answer choice.

S6. Ans. (d)
Sol. ‘vagrant’ means a person without a settled home or regular work who wanders from place to place and lives by begging while itinerant means travelling from place to place. Therefore, both the words provide an absolute meaning in the context of the sentence. Hence, option (d) is the correct choice.

S7. Ans. (a)
Sol. ‘Flippant’ is an adjective which means not showing a serious or respectful attitude. Therefore, the sentence can be made contextually comprehensible only with ‘flippant’. All the words fail to aptly fit in the blank. Hence, option (a) is the mist suitable answer choice.
Fanciful means over-imaginative and unrealistic.
Jaunty means having or expressing a lively, cheerful, and self-confident manner.
Sedate means calm, dignified, and unhurried.

S8. Ans. (d)
Sol. ‘Inscrutable’ is an adjective which means impossible to understand or interpret. ‘impenetrable’ and ‘enigmatic’ are synonyms of inscrutable. As, all three words completely satisfies the context of the sentence option (d) becomes the most viable answer choice.
Untrodden means (of a surface) not having been walked on

S9. Ans. (c)
Sol. ‘Effigy’ is a noun which means a sculpture or model of a person. Therefore, the sentence can be made contextually comprehensible only with ‘effigy’. All the words fail to aptly fit in the blank. Hence, option (c) is the most suitable answer choice.
Elegy means (in modern literature) a poem of serious reflection, typically a lament for the dead.
Alloy means a metal made by combining two or more metallic elements, especially to give greater strength or resistance to corrosion.
Convex means having an outline or surface curved like the exterior of a circle or sphere.

S10. Ans. (e)
Sol. None of the given words can be used to fill the blank coherently. Hence, option (e) becomes the correct answer choice.
Vagabond means a person who wanders from place to place without a home or job.
Serene means calm, peaceful, and untroubled; tranquil.
Scrupulous means (of a person or process) careful, thorough, and extremely attentive to details.
Meticulous means showing great attention to detail; very careful and precise.

S11. Ans. (b)
Sol. The correct sequence to arrange the sentence properly and meaningfully is BECD. Part (B) and (E) can be interlinked. The hint can be received as part (E) of the sentence is expressing the information that the state must notify. Moreover, part (A) of the sentence fails to connect logically and contextually with any other part of the sentence. Hence, option (b) becomes the most viable answer choice.

S12. Ans. (a)
Sol. The different parts of the sentence can be assembled in a sequence of DABE to make the sentence grammatically correct and contextually meaningful. Part (D) clearly introduces the sentence while part (A), (B) and (E) connects logically with each other and is moulded in an accurate grammatical structure. However, part (C) is superfluous and doesn’t fit in the sentence. Therefore, option (a) becomes the most satisfactory answer choice.

S13. Ans. (e)
Sol. The given sentence is properly assembled and doesn’t require any further changes or restructuring. All the parts of the sentence help to make the sentence comprehensive, logical and grammatically error free. Hence, the correct answer key is option (e).

S14. Ans. (c)
Sol. The correct sequence to arrange the sentence properly and meaningfully is ACEB. Expression (E) “have been discovered” can be joined with expression (B) “in northeast China’s Liaoning Province” as they can be contextually related. However, part (D) doesn’t belong to the context of the sentence and thus shall be eliminated. Therefore, option (c) is the most suitable answer choice.

S15. Ans. (d)
Sol. The correct sequence that makes the sentence grammatically and contextually correct is ADCB. This can be verified as the parts (A) and (D) frames a logical pair providing a coherent meaning. None of the given options provides these parts in a consecutive manner. Moreover, part (E) fails to become the part of the sentence in a coherent manner. Hence, option (d) is the most suitable answer choice.

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