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English Language Quiz For RBI Grade B Phase 1 2023 -20th May

Directions (1-5): Which of the phrases (a), (b), (c) and (d) given below should replace the phrase given in bold in the following sentences to make the sentence grammatically correct? If the sentence is correct as it is and there is no correction required mark (e) i.e. ‘No correction required’ as the answer.

Q1. There is no one who I esteem more highly than your father.

(a)That I esteem more

(b)Whom I esteem very

(c)Whom I esteem more

(d)Which I esteem very

(e)No correction required

Q2. The use of animals in scientific tests raise some difficult ethical questions.

(a) did raised some difficult

(b) raises some difficult

(c) rises some difficult

(d) being raised some

(e) No correction required

Q3. More ammonium sulphate solution is being recovered with through the process of distilling oil shale.

(a) Recovering on

(b) Having recovered from

(c) Having been recovered from

(d) Being recovered in

(e) No correction required

Q4. There was too many people trying to get into the football stadium.

(a)There was too much

(b)There were too many people

(c)There were too much

(d)It was too many

(e)No correction required

Q5. You could have lend me few rupees in that hour of need?

(a)Borrow me many rupees

(b)Lend me any rupees

(c)Lend me a few rupees

(d)Bought me few rupees

(e)No correction required

Directions (6-10): In the following passage, some of the words have been left out, each of which is indicated by a number. Find the suitable word from the options given against each number and fill up the blanks with appropriate words to make the paragraph meaningfully complete.

Q6. The irony of our age is that we’re working towards machines becoming human, and humans becoming machines. Technology doesn’t have the answer to everything health-related. This is an intoxicating viewpoint that several industry giants hold. But our lives are a __________(6)___________ between mind, body and spirit. Technology can never replace self-knowledge and self-intimacy, a lack of which is the very root of chronic physical illness as well as emotional trauma. Ancient intelligence of your ancestors is still stored in your DNA, and you carry a _______(7)________ piece of the cosmos within you. It becomes dangerous when metrics and technological identities are _______(8)__________ on you. We were never made to fit into external moulds, and we are too beautifully complex to live in technical strait jackets. Throughout history, humans have had the experience of knowing more than what’s ______(9)_________ by their five senses – an implicit knowledge, energy sensitivities, intuition – and the more they open to these concepts, the more strongly they feel this enigmatic force. We have been losing touch with the ____(10)__________ information that mind-body-spirit is constantly trying to convey, and this wreaks havoc in our lives. We are divinely human – we have knowledge, wisdom and power stored inside our personhood – which technology cannot replace. Our bodies never lie. Desire, ambition, art, creativity, gut instincts, love, empathy, ability to create beauty, to rise from the ashes of our losses – are just some of the tools in our arsenal which are unmatched.






Q7. The irony of our age is that we’re working towards machines becoming human, and humans becoming machines. Technology doesn’t have the answer to everything health-related. This is an intoxicating viewpoint that several industry giants hold. But our lives are a __________(6)___________ between mind, body and spirit. Technology can never replace self-knowledge and self-intimacy, a lack of which is the very root of chronic physical illness as well as emotional trauma. Ancient intelligence of your ancestors is still stored in your DNA, and you carry a _______(7)________ piece of the cosmos within you. It becomes dangerous when metrics and technological identities are _______(8)__________ on you. We were never made to fit into external moulds, and we are too beautifully complex to live in technical strait jackets. Throughout history, humans have had the experience of knowing more than what’s ______(9)_________ by their five senses – an implicit knowledge, energy sensitivities, intuition – and the more they open to these concepts, the more strongly they feel this enigmatic force. We have been losing touch with the ____(10)__________ information that mind-body-spirit is constantly trying to convey, and this wreaks havoc in our lives. We are divinely human – we have knowledge, wisdom and power stored inside our personhood – which technology cannot replace. Our bodies never lie. Desire, ambition, art, creativity, gut instincts, love, empathy, ability to create beauty, to rise from the ashes of our losses – are just some of the tools in our arsenal which are unmatched.






Q8. The irony of our age is that we’re working towards machines becoming human, and humans becoming machines. Technology doesn’t have the answer to everything health-related. This is an intoxicating viewpoint that several industry giants hold. But our lives are a __________(6)___________ between mind, body and spirit. Technology can never replace self-knowledge and self-intimacy, a lack of which is the very root of chronic physical illness as well as emotional trauma. Ancient intelligence of your ancestors is still stored in your DNA, and you carry a _______(7)________ piece of the cosmos within you. It becomes dangerous when metrics and technological identities are _______(8)__________ on you. We were never made to fit into external moulds, and we are too beautifully complex to live in technical strait jackets. Throughout history, humans have had the experience of knowing more than what’s ______(9)_________ by their five senses – an implicit knowledge, energy sensitivities, intuition – and the more they open to these concepts, the more strongly they feel this enigmatic force. We have been losing touch with the ____(10)__________ information that mind-body-spirit is constantly trying to convey, and this wreaks havoc in our lives. We are divinely human – we have knowledge, wisdom and power stored inside our personhood – which technology cannot replace. Our bodies never lie. Desire, ambition, art, creativity, gut instincts, love, empathy, ability to create beauty, to rise from the ashes of our losses – are just some of the tools in our arsenal which are unmatched.






Q9. The irony of our age is that we’re working towards machines becoming human, and humans becoming machines. Technology doesn’t have the answer to everything health-related. This is an intoxicating viewpoint that several industry giants hold. But our lives are a __________(6)___________ between mind, body and spirit. Technology can never replace self-knowledge and self-intimacy, a lack of which is the very root of chronic physical illness as well as emotional trauma. Ancient intelligence of your ancestors is still stored in your DNA, and you carry a _______(7)________ piece of the cosmos within you. It becomes dangerous when metrics and technological identities are _______(8)__________ on you. We were never made to fit into external moulds, and we are too beautifully complex to live in technical strait jackets. Throughout history, humans have had the experience of knowing more than what’s ______(9)_________ by their five senses – an implicit knowledge, energy sensitivities, intuition – and the more they open to these concepts, the more strongly they feel this enigmatic force. We have been losing touch with the ____(10)__________ information that mind-body-spirit is constantly trying to convey, and this wreaks havoc in our lives. We are divinely human – we have knowledge, wisdom and power stored inside our personhood – which technology cannot replace. Our bodies never lie. Desire, ambition, art, creativity, gut instincts, love, empathy, ability to create beauty, to rise from the ashes of our losses – are just some of the tools in our arsenal which are unmatched.






Q15. The irony of our age is that we’re working towards machines becoming human, and humans becoming machines. Technology doesn’t have the answer to everything health-related. This is an intoxicating viewpoint that several industry giants hold. But our lives are a __________(6)___________ between mind, body and spirit. Technology can never replace self-knowledge and self-intimacy, a lack of which is the very root of chronic physical illness as well as emotional trauma. Ancient intelligence of your ancestors is still stored in your DNA, and you carry a _______(7)________ piece of the cosmos within you. It becomes dangerous when metrics and technological identities are _______(8)__________ on you. We were never made to fit into external moulds, and we are too beautifully complex to live in technical strait jackets. Throughout history, humans have had the experience of knowing more than what’s ______(9)_________ by their five senses – an implicit knowledge, energy sensitivities, intuition – and the more they open to these concepts, the more strongly they feel this enigmatic force. We have been losing touch with the ____(10)__________ information that mind-body-spirit is constantly trying to convey, and this wreaks havoc in our lives. We are divinely human – we have knowledge, wisdom and power stored inside our personhood – which technology cannot replace. Our bodies never lie. Desire, ambition, art, creativity, gut instincts, love, empathy, ability to create beauty, to rise from the ashes of our losses – are just some of the tools in our arsenal which are unmatched.







S1. Ans. (c)

Sol. Option (c) is the most suitable replacement of the bold part. The word who can only be used when it is the subject of a verb. Whom is like him, her, and them because it is never the subject of a verb. Whom is an object. Thus, whom I esteem more will be used.

S2. Ans. (b)
Sol. Option (b) is the most appropriate choice to be used as the replacement of the bold part. In a simple present sentence where he, she, it or a name is the subject, verbs can end in -s or -es depending on the way the verb end. Option (c) is not correct as Rise is intransitive verb and does not take an object. What this means is that you use the verb rise when something moves upwards by itself. Raise, on the other hand, is a transitive verb that requires that the subject act upon an object. In other words, something raises something else.

S3. Ans.(d)
Sol. Option (d) is the most suitable choice to be used as the replacement of the bold part. The correct solution will be “More ammonium sulphate solution is being recovered in the process of distilling oil shale.” With and through will not go together as two prepositions do not go hand in hand with reference to the context of the sentence. Hence ‘being recovered in’ will be used.

S4. Ans. (b)
Sol. Option (b) is the most appropriate choice. ‘There were too many people’ will be used instead of ‘There was too many people’ because the verb that is used after ‘there’ depends on the number or person of noun or pronoun. For example;
There is a table lamp on the table.
There are five books on the table.

S5. Ans.(c)
Sol. Option (c) is the correct choice. ‘Lend me few rupees’ will be replaced by ‘lend me few rupees’ because few, when used without a preceding ‘a’, means “very few” or “none at all”. On the other hand, a few is used to indicate “not a large number”. The difference is subtle, yet there are instances where the two can mean completely opposite things.

S6. Ans. (b)
Sol. Negotiation is the appropriate word to be used in the blank. As in the line the author means to say that our lives are a discussion aimed at reaching an agreement between mind, body and spirit.
Scolding means rebuking angrily.
Resolving means settling or finding a solution to.

S7. Ans. (c)
Sol. Option (c) is the most appropriate word to be used in the blank.
Vital means absolutely necessary; essential.
Tedious means too long, slow, or dull; tiresome or monotonous.
Abandoning means ceasing to support or look after (someone); deserting.
Contentious means causing or likely to cause an argument; controversial.
Swift means happening quickly or promptly.

S8. Ans. (e)
Sol. Option (e) is the most appropriate word to be filled in the blank. Rest all the words do not fit in the context of the sentence.
Imposed means forced on someone.
Embarassed means awkward.
Located means discover the exact place or position of.
Collided means came into conflict or opposition.
Annoyed means slightly angry; irritated

S9. Ans. (a)
Sol. The most suitable option to be filled in the blank is option (a).Our senses can only perceive implicit knowledge, energy sensitivities and intuition. Rest all of the options are irrelevant in context of the paragraph.
Perceived means became aware or conscious of (something).
Consoled means comforted.
Surrendered means capitulated.
Extreme means very large in amount or degree:
Insisted means persisted in (doing something).

S10. Ans. (c)
Sol. Option (c) is the most appropriate choice to be filled in the blank. Crucial means of great importance. This word suits as our mind body spirit is constantly trying to convey some important information but we lose track of it which creates havoc in our lives.
Humble means having or showing a modest or low estimate of one’s importance.
Ruined means reduced (a building or place) to a state of decay, collapse, or disintegration.
Civilized means well mannered

English Language Quiz For RBI Grade B Phase 1 2023 -20th May_3.1

English Language Quiz For RBI Grade B Phase 1 2023 -20th May_4.1

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How many sections are there in the RBI Grade B Phase 1 Exam?

There are 4 sections in the RBI Grade B Phase 1 Exam i.e. English Language, General Awareness, Quantitative Aptitude & Reasoning.