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English Language Quiz For RBI Grade B Phase 1 2023 -20th June

Directions (1-5): In the passage given below there are blanks which are to be filled with the options given below. Find out the appropriate pair of words in each case which can most suitably complete the sentence without altering the meaning of the statement.

Q1. Semiconductor fabrication units, or fabs, ……. (1) ……..   raw elements such as silicon into integrated circuits that are fit to be a part of practically all electronic ……. (2) …….. in the world. Fabs are highly capital-intensive undertakings, costing billions of dollars for large facilities. Semiconductor fabs of today may still be building circuits, but they require highly ……. (3) …….. and high-quality supply of water, electricity, and ……. (4) ……..   from the elements, reflecting the high degree of precision, cost and capital needed to make the ……. (5) …….. circuits.

(a) abide

(b) turn

(c) linger

(d) twist

(e) overlook

Q2. Semiconductor fabrication units, or fabs, ……. (1) ……..   raw elements such as silicon into integrated circuits that are fit to be a part of practically all electronic ……. (2) ……..   in the world. Fabs are highly capital-intensive undertakings, costing billions of dollars for large facilities. Semiconductor fabs of today may still be building circuits, but they require highly ……. (3) ……..   and high-quality supply of water, electricity, and ……. (4) ……..   from the elements, reflecting the high degree of precision, cost and capital needed to make the ……. (5) …….. circuits.

(a) downgrade

(b) demote

(c) curve

(d) affects

(e) hardware

Q3. Semiconductor fabrication units, or fabs, ……. (1) ……..   raw elements such as silicon into integrated circuits that are fit to be a part of practically all electronic ……. (2) ……..   in the world. Fabs are highly capital-intensive undertakings, costing billions of dollars for large facilities. Semiconductor fabs of today may still be building circuits, but they require highly ……. (3) ……..   and high-quality supply of water, electricity, and ……. (4) ……..   from the elements, reflecting the high degree of precision, cost and capital needed to make the ……. (5) …….. circuits.

(a) treacherous

(b) reductions

(c) reliable

(d) perfidious

(e) deceitful

Q4. Semiconductor fabrication units, or fabs, ……. (1) ……..   raw elements such as silicon into integrated circuits that are fit to be a part of practically all electronic ……. (2) ……..   in the world. Fabs are highly capital-intensive undertakings, costing billions of dollars for large facilities. Semiconductor fabs of today may still be building circuits, but they require highly ……. (3) ……..   and high-quality supply of water, electricity, and ……. (4) ……..   from the elements, reflecting the high degree of precision, cost and capital needed to make the ……. (5) …….. circuits.

(a) insulation

(b) mention

(c) desegregation

(d) rotation

(e) fellowship

Q5. Semiconductor fabrication units, or fabs, ……. (1) ……..   raw elements such as silicon into integrated circuits that are fit to be a part of practically all electronic ……. (2) ……..   in the world. Fabs are highly capital-intensive undertakings, costing billions of dollars for large facilities. Semiconductor fabs of today may still be building circuits, but they require highly ……. (3) ……..   and high-quality supply of water, electricity, and ……. (4) ……..   from the elements, reflecting the high degree of precision, cost and capital needed to make the ……. (5) …….. circuits.

(a) rustical

(b) parochial

(c) unrefined

(d) sophisticated

(e) idealistic

Directions (6-10): In the passage given below there are blanks which are to be filled with the options given below. Find out the appropriate pair of words in each case which can most suitably complete the sentence without altering the meaning of the statement.

Q6. Colleges and universities need a sufficient number of teachers and researchers to create and ……. (6) …….. knowledge. For teaching purposes, online education is useful, but it cannot ……. (7) …….. classroom instruction. And for research, there really is no ……. (8) …….. for a larger body of qualified faculty members. India clearly needs to find ……. (9) …….. solutions to address the shortage. There are two main obstacles ……. (10) …….. finding viable solutions to faculty shortages.

(a) obscure

(b) shroud

(c) veil

(d) restrict

(e) disseminate

Q7. Colleges and universities need a sufficient number of teachers and researchers to create and ……. (6) …….. knowledge. For teaching purposes, online education is useful, but it cannot ……. (7) …….. classroom instruction. And for research, there really is no ……. (8) …….. for a larger body of qualified faculty members. India clearly needs to find ……. (9) …….. solutions to address the shortage. There are two main obstacles ……. (10) …….. finding viable solutions to faculty shortages.

(a) replace

(b) argue

(c) remove

(d) hold

(e) remain

Q8. Colleges and universities need a sufficient number of teachers and researchers to create and ……. (6) …….. knowledge. For teaching purposes, online education is useful, but it cannot ……. (7) …….. classroom instruction. And for research, there really is no ……. (8) …….. for a larger body of qualified faculty members. India clearly needs to find ……. (9) …….. solutions to address the shortage. There are two main obstacles ……. (10) …….. finding viable solutions to faculty shortages.

(a) genuine

(b) disadvantages

(c) substitute

(d) bona fide

(e) legitimate

Q9. Colleges and universities need a sufficient number of teachers and researchers to create and ……. (6) …….. knowledge. For teaching purposes, online education is useful, but it cannot ……. (7) …….. classroom instruction. And for research, there really is no ……. (8) …….. for a larger body of qualified faculty members. India clearly needs to find ……. (9) …….. solutions to address the shortage. There are two main obstacles ……. (10) …….. finding viable solutions to faculty shortages.

(a) absurd

(b) vain

(c) outlandish

(d) viable

(e) ridiculous

Q10. Colleges and universities need a sufficient number of teachers and researchers to create and ……. (6) …….. knowledge. For teaching purposes, online education is useful, but it cannot ……. (7) …….. classroom instruction. And for research, there really is no ……. (8) …….. for a larger body of qualified faculty members. India clearly needs to find ……. (9) …….. solutions to address the shortage. There are two main obstacles ……. (10) …….. finding viable solutions to faculty shortages.

(a) in

(b) to

(c) and

(d) but

(e) even


S1. Ans. (b)
Sol. The word that fits best in the blank is “turn”. This is the most appropriate option because it accurately describes the process of semiconductor fabrication. Fabs use a variety of techniques to turn raw materials into complex integrated circuits.
The other words do not fit the context of the sentence.
Additional Information:

  • Turn: To move around or rotate on an axis.
  • Abide – to stay or continue in a place or state
  • Linger – to stay or remain for a longer time than is necessary or expected
  • Twist – to move or bend in a series of turns
  • Overlook – to fail to notice or take into account something

S2. Ans. (e)
Sol. The word that fits best in the blank is “hardware”. This is the most appropriate option because it accurately describes the purpose of fabs. Fabs are used to manufacture the electronic components that are used in a wide variety of devices, including computers, smartphones, and televisions.
The other words do not fit the context of the sentence.
Additional Information:

  • Downgrade (downgrade something) – to reduce the status or importance of something
  • Demote (demote someone) – to reduce someone’s rank or position in a job
  • Curve (curve something) – to bend or change the shape of something
  • Affects (affect something) – to have an influence on something
  • Hardware (hardware something) – the physical parts of a machine or device

S3. Ans. (c)
Sol. The word that fits best in the blank is “reliable”. This is the most appropriate option because it accurately describes the need for fabs to have a reliable supply of resources. Fabs are sensitive to disruptions in their supply of water, electricity, and insulation, as even a small interruption can damage the delicate equipment used to manufacture integrated circuits.
The other words do not fit the context of the sentence.
Additional Information:

  • treacherous – (of a person or their actions) deliberately intending to do harm or to betray someone
  • reductions – (of something, especially a quantity or amount) the action of making something smaller or less in number
  • reliable: Able to be depended on; trustworthy.
  • perfidious – (of a person) not to be trusted or relied on; treacherous
  • deceitful – (of a person) dishonest or untruthful

S4. Ans. (a)
Sol. The word that fits best in the blank is “insulation”. This is the most appropriate option because it helps to protect the delicate electronic components from the harsh environment. It also helps to reduce the amount of energy that is lost, which can save money and improve efficiency.
The other words do not fit the context of the sentence.
Additional Information: 

  • Insulation- Material that prevents the passage of heat, electricity, or sound.
  • Mention- to refer to something in speech or writing
  • Desegregation- the process of ending segregation
  • Rotation- the act of turning something around a central axis
  • Fellowship- a close association between people, especially one based on shared interests or goals

S5. Ans. (d)
Sol. The word that fits best in the blank is “sophisticated”. This is the most appropriate option because the circuits that they produce are used in practically all electronic devices in the world, and they must be of the highest quality in order to function properly.
The other words do not fit the context of the sentence.
Additional Information:

  • Rustical- relating to the countryside or rural areas
  • Parochial- limited or narrow in outlook
  • Unrefined- not polished or refined
  • Sophisticated- advanced or complex
  • Idealistic- having or showing high ideals

S6. Ans. (e)
Sol. The word that fits best in the blank is “disseminate”. This is the most appropriate option because in the context of colleges and universities, disseminate means to share knowledge and information with a large audience. This can be done through teaching, research, and publication.
The other words do not fit the context of the sentence.

Additional Information:

  • Obscure- to make something unclear or difficult to understand
  • Shroud- to cover something completely
  • Veil- to cover something partially
  • Restrict- to limit or reduce something
  • Disseminate- to spread or distribute information widely

S7. Ans. (a)
Sol. The word that fits best in the blank is “replace”. This is the most appropriate option because in the context of the question, online education cannot replace classroom instruction. This is because online education does not provide the same level of interaction and support that is available in a traditional classroom setting.
The other words do not fit the context of the sentence.
Additional Information:
Replace- to put something in place of something else
Argue- to give reasons for or against something
Remove- to take something away from a particular place
Hold- to keep something in your hands or arms
Remain- to stay in the same place or condition

S8. Ans. (c)
Sol. The word that fits best in the blank is “substitute”. This is the most appropriate option because in the context it is used to say that there is no alternative to having a larger body of qualified faculty members for research.
The other words do not fit the context of the sentence.
Additional Information:

  • Substitute- something that can be used in place of something else
  • Genuine (adjective)- real, authentic
  • Disadvantages (noun)- negative aspects
  • Bona fide (adjective)- genuine, legitimate
  • Legitimate (adjective)- legal, valid

S9. Ans. (d)
Sol. The word that fits best in the blank is “viable”. This is the most appropriate option because in the context, it is used to say that India needs to find solutions that are likely to be successful in addressing the faculty shortage.
The other words do not fit the context of the sentence.
Additional Information: 

  • Absurd- ridiculous or senseless
  • Vain- having or showing an excessive interest in one’s own appearance or accomplishments
  • Outlandish- very strange or unusual
  • Viable- capable of working successfully
  • Ridiculous- extremely silly or absurd

S10. Ans. (b)
Sol. The word that fits best in the blank is “to”. This is the most appropriate option because in the context, it is used to say that there are two main obstacles that India needs to overcome in order to find viable solutions to faculty shortages.
The other words do not fit the context of the sentence.
Additional Information: 

  • In (preposition)- within, inside
  • To (preposition)- in order to, directed towards
  • And (conjunction)- both, in addition to
  • But (conjunction)- on the other hand, however
  • Even (adverb)- even though, despite the fact that

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How many sections are there in the RBI Grade B Phase 1 Exam?

There are 4 sections in the RBI Grade B Phase 1 Exam i.e. English Language, General Awareness, Quantitative Aptitude & Reasoning.