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English Language Quiz for Rbi Attendant 2021- 2nd April

Directions (1-10): In the following passage there are words highlighted in bold, each of which has been numbered. These numbers are printed below the passage and against each, four words are suggested, one of which fits the blank appropriately. Find out the appropriate word in each case. If the word highlighted in bold does not require any replacement, choose (e) as your answer.

The Chinese government is attempting to (1) fix China’s “silver time bomb”. Recently, state media (2) criticized parents in Shandong province for their fertility; there were more children born in the province last year than in any other. There have also been policy measures in the ether since last year (3) follows at encouraging people to have more children. This is a stark (4) forecast from over three decades of a heavy-handed one-child policy that began to be phased out only in 2015. With good reason. China is (5) poised to face a problem a number of developed economies have been grappling with for years now: the fiscal and labour market (6) fundamentals of an ageing population. Can technology, seen as the (7) world of painful labour market disruption, ease the shift? Enter, the gig economy. China’s working age population has been (8) upholding since 2012 and is projected to shrink by almost a quarter by 2050. This is not a slope, it is a cliff edge. The government’s about-face is unlikely to help much. The causal links between rising (9) population and declining fertility have been (10) conclusively established. For a preview of what awaits China further down this path, look to Europe.

(a) plant
(b) grow
(c) manufacture
(d) defuse
(e) no improvement required

(a) applauded
(b) disapproved
(c) blamed
(d) glorified
(e) no improvement required

(a) raised
(b) aimed
(c) formulated
(d) praised
(e) No improvement required

(a) cancellation
(b) enactment
(c) validation
(d) turnaround
(e) No improvement required

(a) unskilled
(b) bankrupt
(c) frustrated
(d) benefited
(e) No correction required

(a) implications
(b) verities
(c) ideologies
(d) gospels
(e) No improvement required

(a) ambience
(b) harbinger
(c) minister
(d) society
(e) No improvement required

(a) refusing
(b) disapproving
(c) granting
(d) declining
(e) No Improvement required

(a) prosperity
(b) abetment
(c) predicaments
(d) chaos
(e) No Improvement required

(a) sufficiently
(b) randomly
(c) frequently
(d) encouragingly
(e) No improvement required

Direction (11-15): The sentences given below consists of an idiom given in bold. From the given five alternatives identify the most suitable option reflecting the meaning of the idiom.

Q11. By working part-time and looking after her kids two days a week she managed to get the best of both worlds.
(a) to be at two places
(b) to cheat someone
(c) to gain all the advantages
(d) to make the next decision
(e) to fight justice

Q12. I am still too early in the process to get up on my soapbox and proclaim that intermittent fasting is the best thing since sliced bread when it comes to weight management.
(a) best part of the world
(b) best food tasted in a while
(c) being happy with a person
(d) A good invention or innovation
(e) something good that isn’t recognized at first

Q13. Failing to do your research before pursuing a form of credit or a lending option can lead to you biting off more than you can chew financially.
(a) to spend more than you earn
(b) to take on a task that is way to big
(c) to take multiple tasks to perform
(d) to buy something very expensive
(e) to complain about a loss from the past

Q14. When our galaxy collides with Andromeda in about 4 billion years, there will be no crying over spilt milk.
(a) to fail in something
(b) to be happy when a person leaves
(c) to face additional losses
(d) to complain about a loss from the past
(e) to compensate the earlier losses

Q15. When he started asking too many questions of his neighbours about their whereabouts during the weekend, they warned him that curiosity killed the cat.
(a) when something is done badly
(b) to present a counter argument
(c) believe someone’s statement without proof
(d) to go to bed
(e) to be inquisitive leading you into an unpleasant situation.

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S1. Ans. (d)
Sol. Option (d) is the correct choice. The paragraph is describing about the issue of shrinking working population of China. It has also described about various causes that are leading towards this issue of the country. All the other words fail to provide meaning to the theme of the paragraph. Thus, “defuse” is the most appropriate word to make the paragraph coherent.

S2. Ans. (a)
Sol. Option (a) is the correct choice. Option (a) i.e., applauded aptly fits into the blank as in the latter part of the paragraph it has been mentioned that the government is introducing several policies for encouraging people to have more children. However, all the other words do not provide the logical meaning to the paragraph, making option (a) the correct choice.
Applauded is a verb which is used to show strong approval of (a person or action); praise.
Blamed means to assign the responsibility for a bad or unfortunate situation or phenomenon to (someone or something).
Glorified is an adjective which means (of something or someone ordinary or unexceptional) represented as or appearing more elevated or special than is the case.

S3. Ans. (b)
Sol. Option (b) is the correct choice. The word given in bold is both grammatically and contextually wrong. “follows” should be replaced with “aimed” to make the sentence contextually meaningful. Moreover, the sentence in the paragraph is in the past tense. Thus, the verb should also be in its past form. However, the word “follows” is in the present tense making the sentence grammatically incorrect. There might some confusion regarding the word “formulated” given in option (c) but it cannot satisfy the contextual structure of the sentence as, the preposition provided next i.e., “At” is used to indicate the person or thing toward which an action, motion, or feeling is directed or aimed or used to indicate something that is being tried or attempted. Thus, here the usage of the word “formulated” becomes contextually incorrect. Hence, only option (b) is making the paragraph contextually and grammatically feasible.
Formulated means to express (an idea) in a concise or systematic way.
Praised means to express warm approval or admiration of.

S4. Ans. (d)
Sol. Option (d) is the correct choice. “forecast” means to predict or estimate (a future event or trend). It doesn’t fit into the theme of the paragraph as here; the paragraph is describing about the one-child policy which was introduced in the past. Whereas, “Turnaround” means an abrupt or unexpected change, especially one that results in a more favourable situation. Thus, it becomes the most suitable choice comprehending the theme of the paragraph. All the other words fail to accomplish the logical meaning of the paragraph.

S5. Ans. (e)
Sol. The word given in bold successfully fits into the theme of the paragraph making it meaningful and logical. All the other options fail to provide the meaning to the paragraph. Thus, option (e) is the most viable choice as the word doesn’t require any replacement.

S6. Ans. (a)
Sol. Option (a) is the correct choice. Replace the word “fundamentals” with “implications”. “fundamentals” as an adjective means forming a necessary base or core; of central importance; while “implications” is a noun which means the conclusion that can be drawn from something although it is not explicitly stated. Thus, replacing the bold word with option (a) is the most feasible choice.
Verities means a true principle or belief, especially one of fundamental importance.
Ideologies means a system of ideas and ideals, especially one which forms the basis of economic or political theory and policy.
Gospels means a set of principles or beliefs.

S7. Ans. (b)
Sol. Option (b) is the correct choice. The word given in bold “world” doesn’t support the subject matter of the paragraph. The sentence is describing about the effect of technology on the labour market. “Harbinger” means a person or thing that announces or signals the approach of another. Therefore, to make the sentence contextually correct replace the word “world” with “harbinger”. All the other words fail to provide the coherence to the paragraph.
Ambience means the character and atmosphere of a place.
Minister means a person or thing used to achieve or convey something.
Society means the aggregate of people living together in a more or less ordered community.

S8. Ans. (d)
Sol. Option (d) is the correct choice. The word “shrink” in the latter part of the sentence is providing a hint of decline in the population. “upholding” is a verb which means to confirm or support (something which has been questioned) while; “declining” means (typically of something regarded as good) become smaller, fewer, or less; decrease. Thus, to make the sentence grammatically and contextually correct replace “upholding” with “declining”.
Refusing means indicate or show that one is not willing to do something.
Disapproving means expressing an unfavourable opinion.
Granting means agree to give or allow (something requested) to.

S9. Ans. (a)
Sol. In order to make the sentence contextually and grammatically correct replace the bold word “population” with “prosperity”. As, in the previous part of the paragraph it has been mentioned about the shrinking population of china. Therefore, in this sentence “rising population” will not fit into the subject matter. However, “prosperity” is a noun which means the state of being prosperous. Thus, it aptly fits into the blank. Hence, option (a) is the most suitable answer choice.
Abetment means to encourage, support, or countenance by aid or approval, usually in wrongdoing
Predicaments means a difficult, unpleasant, or embarrassing situation
Chaos means complete disorder and confusion.

S10. Ans. (e)
Sol. The word given in bold successfully fits into the theme of the paragraph making it meaningful and logical. All the other options fail to provide the meaning to the paragraph. Thus, option (e) is the most viable choice as the word doesn’t require any replacement.

S11. Ans. (c)
Sol. “To get the best of both worlds” means a win-win situation. A situation in which one can get the advantages of two different or contrasting things at the same time. A situation where one can enjoy the benefit of two different opportunities. Hence, option (c) becomes the most viable answer choice.

S12. Ans. (d)
Sol. “Best thing since sliced bread” means something that is too fine; an excellent person or thing; a new invention that is likely to improve people’s lives significantly; something that is thought to be very good.
Hence, option (d) is the most suitable answer choice.

S13. Ans. (b)
Sol. “Biting off more than you can chew” means to try to do too much; to take on or attempt more than one is capable of doing. Hence, option (b) expresses the most suitable meaning of the given idiom.

S14. Ans. (d)
Sol. “To cry over spilt milk” means to be upset about things that have already been done; to cry about past events that cannot be undone; to dwell pointlessly about a mistake that can no longer be changed; to be upset about past misfortunes; to feel sorry about something that has already happened. Hence, option (d) perfectly satisfies the meaning of the idiom.

S15. Ans. (e)
Sol. “curiosity killed the cat” means too much curiosity can lead to dangerous situations; being too inquisitive can get you into trouble; a prying behaviour can be harmful; used to warn someone not to ask too many questions about something. Hence, option (e) best substitutes the meaning for the given idiom.

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