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English Language Quiz For IBPS PO Prelims 2023 -20th July

Directions (1-5): In each of the following questions, a word is given followed by five options. Find the word which is most similar in meaning with the given word and mark that as your answer.


(a) deficit
(b) fast
(c) diet
(d) profusion
(e) dearth


(a) difference
(b) cleave
(c) sunder
(d) discriminate
(e) confound


(a) captivation
(b) enlivenment
(c) bewitchment
(d) melancholy
(e) stimulation


(a) laud
(b) harp (on)
(c) slur (over)
(d) hail
(e) acclaim


(a) uncliched
(b) riveting
(c) bromidic
(d) intriguing
(e) galvanizing

Directions (6-10): In each of the following questions, a word is given followed by five options. Find the word which is most opposite in meaning with the given word and mark that as your answer.


(a) incontestable
(b) undeniable
(c) conclusive
(d) unarguable
(e) negotiable


(a) tortuous
(b) devious
(c) coiling
(d) direct
(e) crooked


(a) discordant
(b) unlyrical
(c) jarring
(d) grating
(e) euphonious


(a) ahead of
(b) prior to
(c) next to
(d) up to
(e) in advance of


(a) vagabond
(b) ambulant
(c) vagrant
(d) static
(e) peregrine


S1. Ans. (d)
Sol. The word surfeit means an excessive amount or supply of something. And from the options given below, “profusion” is the most suitable synonym of the word surfeit. It means an abundance or large quantity of something.
The other words do not have the same meaning as surfeit.

  • deficit means a lack or shortage of something.
  • fast means to abstain from food or drink for a period of time.
  • diet means a restricted or carefully chosen course of food to be eaten regularly, especially for medical or weight-loss reasons.
  • dearth means a scarcity or lack of something.

S2. Ans. (e)
Sol. The word “conflate” means to combine or blend different elements into one, often causing confusion or mixing them together. It involves merging distinct concepts, ideas, or objects into a single entity or understanding. Therefore, the most appropriate synonym from the options provided is “confound,” which means to mix up or perplex.
The other options do not convey the same meaning as “conflate.”

  • difference means a distinction or dissimilarity between two things.
  • cleave means to divide or separate something into two parts.
  • sunder means to divide or separate something into two parts.
  • discriminate means to make a distinction between two things, especially as a result of prejudice or personal bias.

S3. Ans. (d)
Sol. The word “tedium” refers to a state of boredom, weariness, or monotony. It implies a feeling of dullness, lack of interest, or a sense of tiresome repetition. Therefore, the most appropriate synonym from the options provided is “melancholy,” which represents a feeling of sadness, gloom, or dejection.
The other options do not convey the same meaning as “tedium.”

  • captivation means the state of being captivated or fascinated by something.
  • enlivenment means the act of enlivening or making something more lively.
  • bewitchment means the act of bewitching or casting a spell on someone.
  • stimulation means the act of stimulating or exciting something.

S4. Ans. (b)
Sol. The word “belabor” means to dwell on or discuss a topic excessively or repeatedly, often in a tedious or tiresome manner. It implies going into unnecessary detail or overemphasizing a point. Therefore, the most appropriate synonym from the options provided is “harp (on),” which means to persistently or tediously dwell on a subject.
The other options do not convey the same meaning as “belabor.”

  • laud means to praise or admire someone or something.
  • hail means to greet or welcome someone or something with enthusiasm.
  • acclaim means to praise or admire someone or something publicly.
  • slur (over) means to speak about someone or something in a negative or disparaging way.

S5. Ans. (c)
Sol. The word “hackneyed” refers to something that has become overused, stale, or lacking in originality due to its frequent repetition. It often describes clichéd or trite expressions, ideas, or phrases. Therefore, the most appropriate synonym from the options provided is “bromidic,” which means lacking in freshness or originality, similar to something that has become hackneyed.
The other options do not convey the same meaning as “hackneyed.”

  • uncliched means not overused or trite.
  • riveting means very interesting or exciting.
  • intriguing means interesting or puzzling.
  • galvanizing means stimulating or exciting.

S6. Ans. (e)
Sol. The word “indubitable” means certain, unquestionable, or beyond doubt. And from the options given below, negotiable is the most suitable antonym of the word indubitable. It means open to discussion or modification.
The other options are not as opposite in meaning.

  • Incontestable means not able to be disputed or contested.
  • Undeniable means impossible to deny or disprove.
  • Conclusive means providing final proof or settlement of a matter.
  • Unarguable means not open to argument or debate.

S7. Ans. (d)
Sol. The word “sinuous” means winding or curving in a smooth, snakelike manner. And from the options given below, direct is the most suitable antonym of the word sinuous. It means straightforward; not winding or curving.
The other options are not as opposite in meaning.

  • Tortuous means full of twists and turns; winding.
  • Devious means not straightforward; intentionally misleading.
  • Coiling means winding or curving in a spiral form.
  • Crooked means not straight; having curves or bends.

S8. Ans. (e)
Sol. The word “staccato” means disconnected, abrupt, or jerky. And from the options given below, euphonious is the most suitable antonym of the word staccato. It means pleasing or agreeable in sound.
The other options are not as opposite in meaning.

  • Discordant means harsh or unpleasant in sound.
  • Unlyrical means not smooth or melodious.
  • Jarring means harsh or unpleasant to the senses.
  • Grating means harsh or unpleasant to the ears.

S9. Ans. (c)
Sol. The word “ere” means before or in advance of. And from the options given below, next to is the most suitable antonym of the word ere. It means something that happens after or follows.
The other options are not as opposite in meaning.

  • Ahead of means in front of or in advance of something/someone
  • Prior to means before or preceding in time or order
  • Up to means until or as far as a particular point or limit
  • In advance of means before or prior to a particular event or time

S10. Ans. (d)
Sol. The word “itinerant” means traveling from place to place. And from the options given below, static is the most suitable antonym of the word itinerant. It means not moving or changing.
The other options are not as opposite in meaning.

  • Vagabond means a traveler without a fixed home or occupation.
  • Ambulant means able to walk or move about.
  • Vagrant means a traveler without a fixed home or occupation.
  • Peregrine means traveling or wandering from place to place.

English Language Quiz For IBPS PO Prelims 2023 -20th July |_3.1

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When will the IBPS PO prelims 2023 be conducted?

IBPS PO Prelims will be conducted on 23, 30 September, and 1 October 2023.