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English Language Quiz For IBPS Clerk Prelims 2023 -05th July

Directions (1-5): In each of the following questions, a word is given followed by five options. Find the word which is most similar in meaning with the given word and mark that as your answer.


(a) cordial
(b) cognizant
(c) sentient
(d) comatose
(e) benevolent


(a) stark
(b) unrhetorical
(c) bald
(d) cavernous
(e) plangent


(a) customary
(b) wonted
(c) archetypal
(d) freakish
(e) unremarkable


(a) potent
(b) futile
(c) virtuous
(d) effectual
(e) worthwhile


(a) curtail
(b) retrench
(c) aggrandize
(d) dwindle
(e) abate

Directions (6-10): In each of the following questions, a word is given followed by five options. Find the word which is most opposite in meaning with the given word and mark that as your answer.


(a) heterodoxy
(b) scission
(c) orthodoxy
(d) infidelity
(e) apostasy

(a) apparent
(b) phantom
(c) ostensible
(d) evident
(e) actual


(a) oblate
(b) deacon
(c) lector
(d) friar
(e) mendicant


(a) goof
(b) flub
(c) lapse
(d) civility
(e) howler


(a) epicure
(b) ascetic
(c) hedonist
(d) decadent
(e) rake


S1. Ans. (d)
Sol. The word insensate means lacking sense or feeling. And from the options given below, “comatose” is the most suitable synonym of the word insensate. It means in a state of deep unconsciousness.
The other options are not as similar in meaning.
Cordial means warm and friendly
Cognizant means aware or conscious
Sentient means able to feel or perceive
Benevolent means “kind and generous.

S2. Ans. (e)
Sol. The word “orotund” means having a deep, full, and resonant sound. And from the options given below, “plangent” is the most suitable synonym of the word orotund. It means having a deep, full, and mournful sound.
The other options are not as similar in meaning.
Stark means bare and unadorned
Unrhetorical means not using rhetoric
Bald means plain and simple
Cavernous means resembling a cave

S3. Ans. (d)
Sol. The word “aberrant” means deviating from what is normal or usual; abnormal. And from the options given below, “freakish” is the most suitable synonym of the word aberrant. It means abnormal or unusual in a way that causes surprise or disgust.
The other options are not as similar in meaning.
Customary means done or happening regularly or habitually
Wonted means habitual or customary
Archetypal means serving as a model or pattern of something
Unremarkable means not noteworthy or unusual

S4. Ans. (b)
Sol. The word “otiose” means serving no useful purpose. And from the options given below, “futile” is the most suitable synonym of the word otiose. It means incapable of producing any useful result.
The other options are not as similar in meaning.
Potent means having or exerting great power or strength.
Virtuous means morally good or righteous.
Effectual means producing a desired or intended result.
Worthwhile means having value or merit.

S5. Ans. (c)
Sol. The word “dilate” means to become wider or larger.  And from the options given below, “aggrandize” is the most suitable synonym of the word dilate. It means to make larger or more powerful.
The other options are not as similar in meaning.
Curtail means to reduce in size or extent
Retrench means to reduce one’s expenditure
Dwindle means to become smaller or less
Abate means to become less in size, amount, or intensity

S6. Ans. (c)
Sol. The word “heresy” a belief or opinion that is at odds with what is generally accepted. And from the options given below, “orthodoxy” is the most suitable antonym of the word heresy. It means a set of beliefs or opinions that are generally accepted.
The other options are not as opposite in meaning.
Heterodoxy means a belief or opinion that differs from the majority view
Scission means a split or division
Infidelity means unfaithfulness
Apostasy means the abandonment of one’s religious beliefs

S7. Ans. (e)
Sol. The word “titular” means holding or constituting a purely formal position or title without any real authority; nominal. And from the options given below, “actual” is the most suitable antonym of the word titular. It means existing in fact or reality.
The other options are not as opposite in meaning.
Apparent means seeming or appearing to be true or real; not necessarily so
Phantom means an illusion or apparition; a ghost
Ostensible means having the outward appearance of being something, but not being so in reality
Evident means clearly apparent or easily understood”.

S8. Ans. (c)
Sol. An “abbess” is the female head of a community of nuns in an abbey. And from the options given below, “lector” is the most suitable antonym of the word abbess. Lector is a layperson who reads the Scripture during a church service.
The other options are not as opposite in meaning.
Oblate is a person who has dedicated themselves to religious life
Deacon is a member of the clergy who is ordained to assist priests and bishops.
Friar is a member of a religious order of men who live a life of poverty, chastity, and obedience. Mendicant is a person who lives by begging.

S9. Ans. (d)
Sol. The word “solecism” means an error in grammar or usage. And from the options given below, “civility” is the most suitable antonym of the word solecism. It means politeness and good manners.
The other options are not as opposite in meaning.
Goof means a mistake or blunder, especially one made unintentionally.
Flub means a clumsy or careless mistake.
Lapse means a temporary failure to do something that is expected or required.
Howler means a gross or obvious mistake.

S10. Ans. (b)
Sol. The word “sybarite” means a person who is devoted to luxury and pleasure. And from the options given below, “ascetic” is the most suitable antonym of the word sybarite. It means a person who lives a life of self-denial and austerity.
The other options are not as opposite in meaning.
Epicure means a person who enjoys and appreciates the finer things in life, especially food and wine.
Hedonist means a person who believes that pleasure is the highest good in life and who seeks to experience as much pleasure as possible.
Decadent means characterized by or suggestive of moral or cultural decline.
Rake means a man who is promiscuous and who lives a life of pleasure.

English Language Quiz For IBPS Clerk Prelims 2023 -05th July |_3.1

English Quizzes, for IBPS PO Prelims 2021 – 26th November_80.1


What is the selection process of IBPS Clerk 2023

The selection process of IBPS Clerk includes Prelims and Mains exam