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English Language Quiz for IBPS 2021 Mains Exams- 6th January

Directions (1-5): Select the phrase/connector (STARTERS) from the given three options which can be used to form a single sentence from the two sentences given below, implying the same meaning as expressed in the statement sentences.

Q1. (1) The outcome of the Dutch parliamentary elections comes at a critical juncture for Europe.
(2) It is amidst the increasingly distressing tendency to blend populism with nationalism.

(i)Amidst the increasingly…
(ii) As the outcome of…
(iii)Though the outcome…

(a)Only (i) is correct
(b)Only (ii) is correct
(c)Only (iii) is correct
(d)Both (i) and (iii) are correct
(e)All are correct

Q2. (1) Modernisation of the armed forces has been proceeding at a slow pace.
(2) It is due to the inadequacy of funds, rigid procurement procedures, frequent changes in the qualitative requirements, the black-listing of several defence manufacturers and bureaucratic red tape.

(i)Proceeding at a slow…
(ii)Despite the inadequacy…
(iii)Owing to the inadequacy…

(a)Only (i) is correct
(b)Only (iii) is correct
(c)Both (i) and (ii) are correct
(d)Both (ii) and (iii) are correct
(e)None is correct

Q3. (1) IBM and The Weather Company, owned by IBM Business, launched the country’s first mobile alerting platform that will deliver weather alerts without internet.
(2) The effort is to connect people in areas with lower connectivity and data availability.

(i)In a bid to connect…
(ii)In order to launching the country’s…
(iii)In an effort to…

(a)Only (i) is correct
(b)Only (ii) is correct
(c)Only (iii) is correct
(d)Both (i) and (iii) are correct
(e)All are correct

Q4. (1) The British Overseas Development Administration had advanced certain recommendations, called the Calcutta Environment Management Strategy and Action Plan (CEMSAP), decades ago.
(2) It was with the aim to minimise the effect of air pollution and make Kolkata a better place to live, work and invest in.

(i)Although the British…
(ii)With the aim to…
(iii)In order to minimise…

(a)Only (i) is correct
(b)Only (iii) is correct
(c)Both (i) and (ii) are correct
(d)Both (ii) and (iii) are correct
(e)All are correct

Q5. (1) Low global oil, commodity and shipping prices allowed the Government of India the luxury of raising central excise on imported oil.
(2) 2016-17 and onwards is seeing a rise to $60 dollar/barrel levels.

(i)While low global…
(ii)Despite seeing a rise…
(iii) For raising central excise…

(a)Only (i) is correct
(b)Only (ii) is correct
(c)Only (iii) is correct
(d)Both (i) and (iii) are correct
(e)All are correct

Directions (6-10): In each of the following sentence there are three blank spaces. Below each sentence there are five options and each option consists of three words which can be filled up in the blanks in the sentence to make the sentence grammatically correct. Choose the most appropriate set of words from the five given options.

Q6. As the euphoria of a hard-fought series win over Australia abates, Virat Kohli and Co. can reflect on the marathon home season with a sense of__________. More satisfying than winning 10 of the 13 Tests will be the circumstances in which some of the victories were_________, and the diverse star cast they involved. The Dharamsala Test, the season finale, mirrored the character the team_________.
(a) achievement, failure, oozes
(b) avarice, molded, discharges
(c) satisfaction, shaped, accepts
(d) accomplishment, created, acquires
(e) fulfillment, wrought, exudes

Q7. Like all great teams in the making, it ticked most boxes, more than it was perhaps ________to. So much so that if its fans believe that they are en route to achieving something magnificent, they shouldn’t be _______at, for there is an aura building up around the team, a conviction that this bunch of individuals could bounce back from _______situations.
(a) expected, mocked, plausible
(b) amazed, jeered, unlikely
(c) anticipated, scoffed, improbable
(d) awaited, approved, doubtful
(e) predictable, nibbled, incredible

Q8. The unfortunate incident raises obvious questions about contract enforcement and establishing__________. Our perception, entirely valid, is that sanitation conditions in slums are___________. The base-level is so low that incremental improvements haven’t made much of a __________yet. The ORF book documents this, and in fairness, also documents several best practices.
(a) culpability, atrocious, dent
(b) responsibility, awful, bulge
(c) accountability, abominable, lump
(d) clarity, heinous, depression
(e) impunity, terrible, impression

Q9. When the Indian economy was liberalised, the art market too benefited though the boom hardly took art to the commoners. The KMB has reworked this matrix. In the process, it may have _________ the production and appreciation of art from existing perceptual traps and ___________networks. The exceptional turnouts at successive Biennales point to a people celebrating art without any __________notions.

(a) emancipated, abrogate, delibrate
(b) confined, support, biased
(c) released, opposition, prejudiced
(d) liberated, patronage, preconceived
(e) unfettered, aegis, nimble

Q10. At the root of the ___________in agricultural incomes lies slowing demand for food while agricultural productivity rises sharply, with access to markets (roads), information (phones) and automation (electricity, machines) improving ___________ in the last decade. After all, when the world worries about robots taking away manufacturing jobs and neural networks (that is, artificial intelligence) replacing service jobs (of analysts, lawyers, and even doctors), how long can half our workers stay meaningfully ___________ growing food?

(a) depression, marginally, engaged
(b) motion, considerably, occupied
(c) decadence, essentially, dismissed
(d) stagnation, substantially, employed
(e)alacrity, significantly, utilized

Directions (11-15): Which of the words/phrases (a), (b), (c) and (d) given below should replace the words/phrases given in bold in the following sentences to make it meaningful and grammatically correct? If the sentence is correct as it is and ‘No correction is required’, mark (e) as the answer.

Q11. The rapid digital transformation and technological cessation in modern organisations demand the development of people-centric security outfit, whereby the employees can build up their security sensitivity and obligation for their actions via participation in the organisation’s social networks.
(a)Break, system, recognition, affliction
(b)Mishap, set up, sentience, obedience
(c)Debacle, proletariat, analysis, responsibility
(d)Disruption, workplaces, awareness, accountability
(e)No correction required

Q12. Cyber Physical Systems (CPS) are networked systems of cyber (computation and communication) and physical (sensors and actuators) components that interact in a squelch loop with the possible help of human influence, interaction and disposition. These systems will empower our critical infrastructure and have the potential to relatively impact our daily lives as they form the basis for emerging and future smart services.
(a)Feedback, intervention, utilization, significantly
(b)Rebuttal, mediation, discharge, extremely
(c)Recoil, onslaught, idleness, positively
(d)Follow up, intrusion, dispersion, automatically
(e)No correction required.

Q13. To address the “insider” threat to information and information systems, an admission security policy is considerably recommended as an organisational bill. However, having a policy in place does not necessarily insist information security.
(a)Intelligence, habitually, part, assure
(b)Information, frequently, measure, guarantee
(c)Admonition, ordinarily, goal, certify
(d)Instruction, commonly, clause, answer
(e)No correction required.

Q14. Mohenjodaro and Harappa, the first ‘smart cities’ in the world, to use contemporary jargon, lay buried just at the subsurface, hidden from the eye. But the racial memory of these cities that once housed a great civilization has survived to this day, in the form of robust folklore in the surrounding villages.
(a)Fustian, top, contained, wicked
(b)Lingo, covering, furnished, rugged
(c)Patter, core, accommodate, wobbly
(d)Vocabulary, centre, concealed, sturdy
(e)No correction required.

Q15. The “season” is yet to officially initiate but already teams of mountaineers are out in the Mt. Everest region, training and fitting for a tender on what continues to be the “ultimate” in the nagging sport.
(a)Inaugurate, conforming, declaration, pressing
(b)Launch, accommodating, recourse, yielding
(c)Commence, acclimatizing, bid, demanding
(d)Set about, habituating, requisition, domineering
(e)No correction required.

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S1. Ans. (a)
Sol. Amidst the increasingly distressing tendency to blend populism with nationalism, the outcome of the Dutch parliamentary elections comes at a critical juncture for Europe.

S2. Ans. (b)
Sol. Owing to the inadequacy of funds, rigid procurement procedures, frequent changes in the qualitative requirements, the black-listing of several defence manufacturers and bureaucratic red tape, modernisation of the armed forces has been proceeding at a slow pace.

S3. Ans. (d)
Sol. (i) In a bid to connect people in areas with lower connectivity and data availability, IBM and The Weather Company, owned by IBM Business, launched the country’s first mobile alerting platform that will deliver weather alerts without internet.
(iii) In an effort to connect people in areas with lower connectivity and data availability, IBM and The Weather Company, owned by IBM Business, launched the country’s first mobile alerting platform that will deliver weather alerts without internet.

S4. Ans. (d)
Sol. (ii) With the aim to minimise the effect of air pollution and make Kolkata a better place to live, work and invest in, the British Overseas Development Administration had advanced certain recommendations, called the Calcutta Environment Management Strategy and Action Plan (CEMSAP), decades ago.
(iii) In order to minimise the effect of air pollution and make Kolkata a better place to live, work and invest in, the British Overseas Development Administration had advanced certain recommendations, called the Calcutta Environment Management Strategy and Action Plan (CEMSAP), decades ago.

S5. Ans. (a)
Sol. While low global oil, commodity and shipping prices allowed the Government of India the luxury of raising central excise on imported oil, 2016-17 and onwards is seeing a rise to $60 dollar/barrel levels.

S6. Ans. (e)
Sol. Avarice means extreme greed for wealth or material gain.
Wrought means made or fashioned in a certain way.
Exudes means discharge.

S7. Ans. (c)
Sol. Scoffed means speak to someone or about something in a mocking way.
Jeered means taunt.
Nibbled means take small bites out of.
Plausible means reasonable.

S8. Ans. (a)
Sol.  Culpability means responsibility for a fault or wrong.
Atrocious means brutal.
Abominable means very bad or terrible.
Impunity means exemption from punishment.
Dent means reduction in size.

S9. Ans. (d)
Sol. Emancipate means set free.
Abrogate means repeal or do away with.
Aegis means the protection.
Nimble means quick and light in movement or action.

S10. Ans. (d)
Sol. Decadence means moral or cultural decline as characterized by indulgence in pleasure.
Alacrity means eagerness.

S11. Ans. (d)
Sol. Workplace means a place where people work, such as an office or factory.
Proletariat means working-class people regarded collectively (often used with reference to Marxism).
Affliction means the state of being in pain.
Sentience means the capacity to feel, perceive, or experience subjectively.

S12. Ans. (a)
Sol. Squelch means a soft sucking sound made when pressure is applied to liquid or mud.
Rebuttal means an instance of rebutting evidence or an accusation.
Mediation means intervention in a dispute in order to resolve it; arbitration.

S13. Ans. (b)
Sol. Admonition means a firm warning or reprimand.
Considerably means by a notably large amount or to a notably large extent; greatly.

S14. Ans. (e)
Sol. Jargon means special words or expressions used by a profession or group that are difficult for others to understand.
Subsurface means the stratum or strata below the earth’s surface.
Fustian means pompous or pretentious speech or writing.
Patter means a repeated light tapping.
Lingo means a foreign language or local dialect.

S15. Ans. (c)
Sol. Acclimatizing means become accustomed to a new climate or new conditions; adjust.
Bid means make an effort or attempt to achieve.
Requisition means an official order laying claim to the use of property or materials.
Domineering means asserting one’s will over another in an arrogant way.

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