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English Language Quiz For For RBI Grade B Phase 1 2023-16th February

Directions (1-10): Read the following passage divided into number of paragraphs carefully and answer the questions that follow it. Certain words are given in bold to help you locate them while answering some of the questions.

Paragraph 1: ‘Reduce, reuse, recycle’. These are mantras we hear often whenever the garbage problem is discussed: but all three require commitment, a certain level of awareness, and concern for the environment. None of these seem immediately evident to the average person. Normally we assume that all the re-saleable garbage we throw away will be picked up by rag-pickers. This is not always true. The rag-picker takes what he thinks has value or can be sold, not what we want him to pick up.
Paragraph 2: The much-touted ‘source segregation’ method to separate the bio-degradable from the non-biodegradable garbage (usually packaging) continues to see patchy success for various reasons. Coercive methods of penalties and fines are not easily implementable in a democratic polity. The result: many of our cities are eyesores, with garbage strewn around. And waterways are heavily polluted with floating junk, causing enormous problems for citizens and animals alike.
Paragraph 3: One way to prevent people throwing away things — and get them to ‘source-segregate’ — is to ensure that the discards have a value attached to them that is ‘redeemable’ soon. Have you ever found a discarded ten paise coin or a one rupee note lying on the road? Never, or maybe once or twice in your lifetime? Well, the truth is that one rarely comes across people discarding even a ten paisa coin as ‘useless’. However, we find people throwing away much more valuable stuff — in terms of the price they may fetch — labelling them junk; Mostly packaging, items half-used or old. Why is it that a person who hesitates to throw away even a ten paisa coin has no qualms when it comes to discarding ‘junk’ that may be worth more?
Paragraph 4: This paradox is easily explained. The ‘junk’ comes without an immediately assignable value attached and is not exchangeable the way a coin can be. We will not discard anything that has a ‘monetary’ value attached to it, however small. But if we do not know the value of something, we will throw it away without a thought. Take an example. Like coins we rarely throw old newspapers into the garbage bin; we would rather sell them to the ‘raddi-wallah’ as we know they will fetch returns. But used cans, polythene bags, packaging? We are not so sure, and so they add to the hundreds of tonnes of garbage our cities generate.
Paragraph 5: So how do we make everyone feel garbage has value? Can we do this by assigning a monetary value that the consumer could encash and that the producer of the goods or its packaging would be required to pay to anyone who returns it to him? Some institutions, cities and countries across the globe have tried this successfully. I found a similar system implemented effectively at the Mysore zoo. Anyone who wants to take in a bottle of water into the zoo has to pay Rs. 10 at the entrance. At the exit the money is returned if the empty bottle is turned in. If you throw away the bottle you lose Rs. 10. The attendant disbursing the amount at the exit told me, with a grin, that he rarely came across a case where a person threw away the bottle, not caring for the amount he would get back on surrendering the bottle.
Paragraph 6: Now go to any other zoo in India: you will find people discarding their used bottles, plastic bags and so on at will and right inside the zoo, without bothering about cleanliness, aesthetics or animal safety and health; no amount of threats, notices, education, requests or cajoling seem to work. But the Mysore example shows the moment a value is attached to that empty bottle or packing, there is virtually 100% compliance because keeping it safely and returning it to a designated location implies a monetary benefit!

Q1. Which of the following statement(s) confirm(s) that efforts made by the government to reduce the garbage problem have not been that successful?
(I)Most of the cities are still covered under severe filth with garbage littered around the corners.
(II)Oppressive methods like penalties and fines have failed miserably due to their improper implementation.
(III)Despite coming out with various schemes, almost all the waterbodies are extensively polluted with floating junk.

(a)Only (I) is correct
(b)Both (I) and (II) are correct
(c)Both (II) and (III) are correct
(d)Both (I) and (III) are correct
(e)All are correct

Q2. Why, according to the author, separating bio-degradable and non-biodegradable garbage continues to see patchy success?
(I)People consider the waste as invaluable.
(II)Non-biodegradable wastes are profoundly hazardous.
(III)Government has failed in executing innovative plans to redress the issue.

(a)Only (I) is correct
(b)Only (II) is correct
(c)Both (I) and (III) are correct
(d)Both (II) and (III) are correct
(e)All are correct

Q3. How, according to the author, the three basic ‘R’s i.e., “Reduce, reuse, recycle” can be thrived effectively?
(I)All these words are required to be followed with complete dedication and responsibility.
(II)People need to be aware about the significance of these three terms to help the nature in turning pollution-free.
(III)There should be a sense of loyalty and genuine concern towards the environment.

(a)Only (I) is correct
(b)Only (II) is correct
(c)Only (III) is correct
(d)Both (I) and (II) are correct
(e)All are correct

Q4. Why, according to the author, there exists a contradiction between discarding a coin and discarding junk?
(I)The junk does not have an assigned value attached to it like in the case of a coin.
(II)The junk cannot be used as a means of exchange, the way a coin is used.
(III)The collection of junk is more a sophisticated process, unlike a coin.

(a)Only (I) is correct
(b)Only (III) is correct
(c)Both (I) and (II) are correct
(d)Both (II) and (III) are correct
(e)All are correct

Q5. Which of the following statement(s) can be inferred from the example of Mysore zoo?
(I)People should not litter around a zoo as it affects the ecology of the inhabitant animals.
(II)People, generally, do not care about the cleanliness wherever they go, which shows their sheer negligence towards the environment.
(III)Attaching a value to the scrap leads to a perfect compliance towards the environment as it generates a monetary benefit.
(a)Only (I) is correct
(b)Only (III) is correct
(c)Both (I) and (III) are correct
(d)Both (II) and (III) are correct
(e)All are correct

Q6. Which of the following statement(s) logically follow(s) the Paragraph 6 in the context of the passage?
(I)If every single piece of packaging material or container like cardboard boxes, plastic packages and bags, sachets had a value printed on it with a message, we will end up capturing most of the garbage at source.
(II)The government should come up with a regulatory framework and institutional arrangements for initiating an extensive change to implement the methods like Mysore zoo.
(III)We could perhaps start experimenting with such alternatives at least in the major cities before our garbage woes come to assume monstrous proportions.

(a)Only (I)
(b)Only (II)
(c)Only (III)
(d)Both (I) and (III)
(e)All of the above

Directions (7-8): Choose the most appropriate word(s)/phrase(s) among the four given words/phrases that is/are SIMILAR in meaning to the word given in bold in the context of its usage in the passage.


(a)Only (I)
(b)Only (II)
(c)Both (II) and (III)
(d)Both (I) and (IV)
(e)All of the above

(I)Pay out
(III)Hand out
(IV)Set aside

(a)Only (I)
(b)Both (II) and (III)
(c)Only (I), (II) and (III)
(d)Only (II), (III) and (IV)
(e)All of the above

Directions (9-10): Choose the most appropriate word(s)/phrase(s) among the four given words/phrases that is/are OPPOSITE in meaning to the word given in bold in the context of its usage in the passage.


(a)Only (II)
(b)Both (I) and (III)
(c)Only (I), (III) and (IV)
(d)Only (II), (III) and (IV)
(e)All of the above


(a)Only (I)
(b)Both (II) and (IV)
(c)Both (I) and (III)
(d)Only (I), (II) and (IV)
(e)All of the above

Directions (11-15): For the questions given below 8 sentences are given which may or may not be jumbled. These sentences form a coherent paragraph (not every sentence). Read each question carefully and then answer accordingly.

(A)Wi-Fi uses radio waves to transmit information between your device and a router via frequencies.
(B)If you measured the time between each wave crash, you’d be measuring the frequency of the waves.
(C)What does that mean, though? Well, a hertz is just a measurement of frequency.
(D)Two radio-wave frequencies can be used, depending on the amount of data being sent: 2.4 gigahertz and 5 gigahertz.
(E)Sources point out that the discussion on cyber security is held in the backdrop of increased digital footprint.
(F)For example, let’s say you’re sitting on a beach, watching the waves crash to shore.
(G)One gigahertz, on the other hand, is one billion waves per second.
(H)One hertz is a frequency of one wave per second.

Q11. If the sentence (A), “Wi-Fi uses radio waves to transmit information between your device and a router via frequencies.” is the first sentence of the paragraph so formed after the rearrangement, which of the following sentences does not belong to the paragraph?


Q12. If the sentence (G), “One gigahertz, on the other hand, is one billion waves per second.” is the last sentence of the paragraph so formed after the rearrangement of other sentences and the exclusion of incoherent sentence, which of the following sentences can follow the sentence (G) coherently?
(a)The process repeats itself until you have loaded this article—or anything that requires the Internet.
(b)Thanks to Wi-Fi, we no longer have to be tethered to the Internet with cables.
(c)The higher the frequency, the greater the amount of data transmitted per second.
(d)All of this happens at an unbelievably fast rate.
(e)These 1s and 0s are translated into wave frequencies by the Wi-Fi chip embedded in your device.

Q13. If the sentence (A), “Wi-Fi uses radio waves to transmit information between your device and a router via frequencies.” is the first sentence of the paragraph so formed after the rearrangement of other sentences and the exclusion of incoherent one, which of the following combinations denotes that the latter sentence would immediately follow its former one i.e., the first sentence would be immediately followed by the second one?


Q14. If the sentence (D), “Two radio-wave frequencies can be used, depending on the amount of data being sent: 2.4 gigahertz and 5 gigahertz.” follows the sentence (A) after rearranging the other sentences into a coherent paragraph and excluding the incoherent sentence, which of the following sentences can replace the sentence (D) without altering the theme of the coherent paragraph?
(a) The more advanced 802.11n can transmit a maximum of 140 megabits of data per second and uses a frequency level of 5GHz.
(b) A wireless network will transmit at a frequency level of 2.4 GHz or 5GHz to adapt to the amount of data that is being sent by the user.
(c) Wireless networking is known as Wi-Fi or 802.11 networking as it covers the IEEE 802.11 technologies.
(d) Like mobile phones, a Wi-Fi network makes use of radio waves to transmit information across a network.
(e) None of the above.

Q15. If the sentence (A), “Wi-Fi uses radio waves to transmit information between your device and a router via frequencies.” is the first statement and the sentence (G) the last of the coherent paragraph so formed after the rearrangement of other sentences and the elimination of the incoherent one, which of the following options depicts the most appropriate sequence of the coherent paragraph?



S1. Ans. (e)

Sol. Refer the second paragraph of the passage, all the three statements can be inferred from the paragraph which state that all the efforts made by the government to reduce the garbage problem have not been that significant in reaching their goals.  Hence option (e) is the correct choice in the context of the passage.

S2. Ans. (c)
Sol. Read the passage carefully, especially second paragraph onwards. Both these statements (I) and (III) have been some of the reasons behind the below par success of separating bio-degradable and non-biodegradable garbage. Certain examples of innovative ideas to deal with the issue in the latter half of the passage suggest that the government has failed in adopting these methods to tackle the problem. Hence option (c) is the most appropriate choice in the context of the passage.

S3. Ans. (e)
Sol. Refer the first two sentences of the paragraph, “‘Reduce, reuse, recycle’. These are mantras we hear often whenever the garbage problem is discussed: but all three require commitment, a certain level of awareness, and concern for the environment.” All the three statements can be inferred from the given sentences which the author feel can be used effectively if one follows the required process with genuine concern. Hence option (e) is the correct choice in the context of the passage.

S4. Ans. (c)
Sol. Refer the first sentence of the fourth paragraph, “This paradox is easily explained. The ‘junk’ comes without an immediately assignable value attached and is not exchangeable the way a coin can be.” The first two statements follow the author’s point of view, whereas the third statement finds no relevance from the paragraph. Hence option (c) is the correct choice.

S5. Ans. (b)
Sol. Refer the last two paragraphs of the passage i.e., Paragraphs 5 and 6. It can be implied that the motto behind citing the example of Mysore zoo is to aware the concerned authority to come up with such an idea where people start giving importance to garbage in the similar way as they value a currency. The move may help people in realizing their responsibility towards the environment. Hence option (b) is the correct choice.

S6. Ans. (e)
Sol. Read the paragraph 6 carefully, the author is quite impressed by the innovative idea implemented by the Mysore zoo to tackle the problem of garbage woes. Thus, it can be inferred that the follow-up sentence(s) must complement the author’s point of view as in the last paragraph. The three given statements generate the same theme the paragraph is revolving around. All three statements can follow the paragraph 6 both logically and contextually. Hence option (e) is the correct choice.

S7. Ans. (d)
Sol. The word “paradox” means a seemingly absurd or contradictory statement or proposition which when investigated may prove to be well founded or true. Hence the most appropriate synonyms of the word in the context of its usage in the passage are “contradiction” and “conundrum”.
Allusion means an expression designed to call something to mind without mentioning it explicitly; an indirect or passing reference.
Conundrum means a confusing and difficult problem or question.

S8. Ans. (c)
Sol. The word “disburse” means pay out (money from a fund). Hence the most appropriate synonyms of the word in the context of its usage in the passage are “pay out”, “distribute” and “hand out”.
Hand out means a quantity of financial or other material aid given to a person or organization.
Set aside means a portion of funds reserved for a particular purpose.

S9. Ans. (a)
Sol. The word “qualm” means an uneasy feeling of doubt, worry, or fear, especially about one’s own conduct; a misgiving. Hence the most appropriate antonym of the word in the context of its usage in the passage is “confidence”.
Hesitancy means the quality or state of being hesitant.
Compunction means a feeling of guilt or moral scruple that prevents or follows the doing of something bad.

S10. Ans. (b)
Sol. The word “cajole” means persuade (someone) to do something by sustained coaxing or flattery. Hence the most appropriate antonyms of the word in the context of its usage in the passage are “bully” and “dissuade”.
Deceive means deliberately cause (someone) to believe something that is not true, especially for personal gain.
Bully means use superior strength or influence to intimidate (someone), typically to force them to do something.
Entrap means trick (someone) into committing a crime in order to secure their prosecution.

S11. Ans. (a)
Sol. If (A) is the first sentence of the paragraph so formed after the rearrangement, the statement (E) does not seem to be the part of the paragraph. The first statement of the paragraph gives a valid clue that the theme of the paragraph revolves around the functions and features of Wi-Fi. However, the statement (E) makes out a different topic which is contextually incorrect; it is about the cyber security which has no relevance with any other statement of the paragraph. Hence option (a) is the correct choice.

S12. Ans. (c)
Sol. The sentence (c) makes a proper and logical connection with the sentence (G) as it is mentioned in the statement that One gigahertz is one billion waves per second which is about the frequency of wave and thus the higher the frequency, the greater the amount of data transmitted per second. Other sentences given as options cannot be put immediately after the last statement of the coherent paragraph so formed as they are irrelevant and lack the flow of continuity. Hence option (c) is the correct choice.

S13. Ans. (d)
Sol. If (A) is the first sentence of the coherent paragraph, the combination of sentences (H) and (G) makes a valid and appropriate connection with each other. It can be viewed by reading the sentence (H) properly which mentions, “One hertz is a frequency of one wave per second.Thus, the next sentence should contain the data which should be the giving the similar information. The sentence (G) coherently follows the first one as it gives the information about the value of frequency of one gigahertz. Thus, the latter sentence follows the former one coherently and meaningfully which is not the case with the other combinations given as options. Hence option (d) is the correct choice.

S14. Ans. (b)
Sol. Read the sentence (D) properly, it clearly states that there are two frequency levels that a wi-fi works on, 2.4 gigahertz and 5 gigahertz. Thus, the sentence that can replace the existing one should provide the similar information regarding the wi-fi so that it coherently adjusts to the meaning of the paragraph and adds meaning to the other sentences. Among the given statements, only option (b) provides the similar context. Other options are not befitting in the context of their replacement. Hence option (b) is the correct choice.

S15. Ans.(e)
Sol. If (A) is the first and (G) is the last statements, the sentences in the sequence of ADCFBHG form a coherent paragraph which is about how the Wi-Fi works and the different mechanisms related to it. The question can be quickly solved by taking the help of previous questions asked in the format. In the previous question, it is clearly mentioned that the sentence (D) follows the sentence (A) after the correct rearrangement of sentences and elimination of the incoherent one. This can be visualized in the option (e). Other sequences are not in proper order to make the paragraph coherent. Hence option (e) is the correct choice.

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How many sections are there in the RBI Grade B Phase 1 Exam?

There are 4 sections in the RBI Grade B Phase 1 Exam i.e. English Language, General Awareness, Quantitative Aptitude & Reasoning.