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English Language Quiz For For RBI Grade B Phase 1 2023-01st May

Directions (1-15): There are two different sentences with a blank space in each question. Choose the word from the given options which fits into both the blanks appropriately adding a proper and logical meaning to the sentences.

Q1. (I) The ________ witness was unable to provide a credible account of the incident.
(II) The company’s ______ delivery service has resulted in many complaints from dissatisfied customers.
(a) diligent
(b) unreliable
(c) punctual
(d) efficient
(e) productive

Q2. (I) The detective found a ______ motive for the crime based on the suspect’s history and behavior.
(II) The architect presented a ______ design for the new building that satisfied the client’s requirements.
(a) plausible
(b) incredulous
(c) unfathomable
(d) untenable
(e) far-fetched

Q3. (I) The mountain path was _____ and only experienced hikers were advised to attempt it.
(II)The politician was known for his _______ behavior, often betraying his colleagues for personal gain.
(a) favorable
(b) treacherous
(c) accommodating
(d) accessible
(e) friendly

Q4. (I) The sound of the ocean waves crashing against the shore had a _____ effect on the anxious traveler.
(II) The massage therapist used a _______ lotion with lavender scent to help relax her clients during the session.
(a) acrid
(b) pungent
(c) soothing
(d) nauseating
(e) repulsive

Q5. (I) The stagnant water in the pond had turned _____ and was now a breeding ground for mosquitoes.
(II)The decaying leaves on the forest floor gave off a _____ smell that made me feel sick.
(a) putrid
(b) mild
(c) fragrant
(d) bland
(e) stale

Q6. (I) The sales figures for the new product were disappointing, with ____ demand from consumers.
(II) The play received ______ reviews from critics, with many citing the unoriginal storyline and uninspired performances.
(a) mediocre
(b) exceptional
(c) satisfactory
(d) average
(e) lackluster

Q7. (I) The classroom was ____ as students tried to finish their assignments before the bell rang.
(II) The traffic was _____ after the accident on the highway, with cars backed up for miles.
(a) thunderous
(b) feeble
(c) subdued
(d) uneventful
(e) chaotic

Q8. (I) The company’s ______ financial performance this year is a result of its successful expansion strategy.
(II) The new security system has ______ features that make it difficult for hackers to penetrate.
(a) volatile
(b) muted
(c) feeble
(d) robust
(e) weak

Q9. (I) The meal was ________, but the dessert was the highlight of the dining experience.
(II) The exam results were _______, and the students were pleased with their performance.
(a) uninspired
(b) innovative
(c) satisfactory
(d) average
(e) unremarkable

Q10. (I) The couple’s relationship was ______, with frequent arguments and breakups.
(II) The _______ seas made it difficult for the fishermen to bring in their catch.
(a) volatile
(b) tumultuous
(c) compelling
(d) unremarkable
(e) stable

Q11. (I) The team’s __________ performance on the field led to their defeat.
(II) The teacher was disappointed with her students’ _______ effort on the project.
(a) articulate
(b) hesitant
(c) lackadaisical
(d) passionate
(e) clear

Q12. (I) The sunset over the ocean was _____, with the sky painted in a stunning array of pink, orange, and purple hues.
(II) The newlyweds exchanged ______ vows, declaring their love for each other in heartfelt and poetic language.
(a) uninspired
(b) capricious
(c) lackluster
(d) exquisite
(e) mundane

Q13. (I) The instructions for assembling the furniture were so _____ that I had to call customer service for help.
(II) The math problem was so _____ that even the teacher had trouble solving it.
(a) convoluted
(b) remarkable
(c) unimpressive
(d) straightforward
(e) brilliant

Q14. (I) The lawyer’s ______ of the evidence caused the jury to doubt the validity of the case.
(II) The writer’s use of _______ in the novel made it challenging for readers to follow the plot.
(a) verbose
(b) succinct
(c) cacophony
(d) clarity
(e) obfuscation

Q15. (I) The mathematician’s _____ formula left most of his colleagues baffled and confused.
(II) The scholar’s _____ research topic made it challenging for her to secure funding for her project.
(a) accessible
(b) esoteric
(c) transparency
(d) complexity
(e) simplicity


S1. Ans. (b)
Sol. The word that fits appropriately in both the blanks is unreliable. Unreliable means not able to be trusted or depended on. In the first sentence, “unreliable” describes the witness as not being able to provide a credible account of the incident. In the second sentence, “unreliable” refers to the company’s delivery service as not being dependable and resulting in many complaints from dissatisfied customers.
Diligent means having or showing care and conscientiousness in one’s work or duties.
Punctual means happening or doing something at the agreed or proper time.
Efficient means achieving maximum productivity with minimum wasted effort or expense.
Productive means producing or able to produce large amounts of goods, crops, or other commodities.

S2. Ans. (a)
Sol. The word that fits appropriately in both the blanks is plausible. Plausible means reasonable or believable. In the first sentence, “plausible” describes the motive found by the detective as being reasonable and believable, based on the suspect’s history and behavior. In the second sentence, “plausible” refers to the design presented by the architect as being reasonable and believable, and satisfying the client’s requirements.
Incredulous means unwilling or unable to believe something.
Unfathomable means impossible to understand.
Untenable means not able to be maintained or defended against attack or objection.
Far-fetched means unlikely and unconvincing.

S3. Ans. (b)
Sol. The word that fits appropriately in both the blanks is treacherous. Treacherous means hazardous or dangerous. In the first sentence, “treacherous” describes the mountain path as being hazardous and only recommended for experienced hikers. In the second sentence, “treacherous” refers to the politician’s behavior as being untrustworthy and deceitful, often betraying colleagues for personal gain.
Favorable means advantageous or beneficial.
Accommodating means willing to fit in with someone’s wishes or needs.
Accessible means able to be reached or entered.
Friendly means kind and pleasant.

S4. Ans. (c)
Sol. The word that fits appropriately in both the blanks is soothing. Soothing means having a calming or comforting effect. In the first sentence, “soothing” describes the effect of the sound of ocean waves on the anxious traveler. In the second sentence, “soothing” describes the lotion used by the massage therapist to help relax her clients during the session.
Acrid means having an irritatingly strong and unpleasant taste or smell.
Pungent means having a strong smell or taste.
Nauseating means causing nausea or disgust.
Repulsive means causing intense dislike or disgust.

S5. Ans. (a)
Sol. The word that fits appropriately in both blanks is putrid. “Putrid” means decayed and emitting a foul smell. In the first sentence, “putrid” describes the state of the stagnant water in the pond, which has turned into a breeding ground for mosquitoes due to its decayed state. In the second sentence, “putrid” describes the smell of the decaying leaves on the forest floor, which is foul and makes the speaker feel sick.
Mild means not sharp, pungent, or strong.
Fragrant means having a pleasant or sweet smell.
Bland means lacking strong features or characteristics and therefore uninteresting.
Stale means no longer fresh and pleasant to eat or drink.

S6. Ans. (e)
Sol. The word that fits appropriately in both the blanks is lackluster. Lackluster means lacking in vitality, force, or conviction; uninspired or uninspiring. In the first sentence, “lackluster” describes the demand for the new product as being disappointing and unimpressive. In the second sentence, “lackluster” refers to the reviews received by the play, which were unenthusiastic and unimpressed, due to the unoriginal storyline and uninspired performances.
Mediocre means of only average quality; not very good.
Exceptional means unusually good; outstanding.
Satisfactory means fulfilling expectations or needs; acceptable.
Average means typical or common; ordinary.

S7. Ans. (e)
Sol. The word that fits appropriately in both the blanks is chaotic. Chaotic means in a state of complete confusion and disorder. In the first sentence, “chaotic” describes the classroom as being noisy and disorganized as students rush to complete their assignments. In the second sentence, “chaotic” describes the traffic as being in a state of confusion and disorder due to the accident, with cars backed up for miles.
Thunderous means (of a person’s expression or behaviour) very angry or menacing.
Feeble means lacking physical strength, especially as a result of age or illness.
Subdued means (of a person or their manner) quiet and rather reflective or depressed.
Uneventful means not marked by interesting or exciting events.

S8. Ans. (d)
Sol. The word that fits appropriately in both the blanks is robust. Robust means strong and healthy; vigorous or sturdy. In the first sentence, “robust” describes the financial performance of the company as being successful due to a strong and effective expansion strategy. In the second sentence, “robust” refers to the features of the new security system that are strong and resilient, making it difficult for hackers to breach.
Muted means softened in tone or color; subdued.
Feeble means lacking in strength; weak.
Volatile means liable to change rapidly and unpredictably, especially for the worse.
Weak means lacking in physical strength or vigor.

S9. Ans. (c)
Sol. The word that fits appropriately in both the blanks is satisfactory. Satisfactory means fulfilling expectations or needs; acceptable. In the first sentence, “satisfactory” describes the meal as meeting expectations, but not being outstanding, with the dessert being the best part of the dining experience. In the second sentence, “satisfactory” refers to the exam results being acceptable and meeting the students’ expectations, and they were pleased with their performance.
Uninspired means not showing originality or imagination; dull.
Innovative means introducing new ideas; original and creative in thinking.
Average means typical or common; ordinary.
Unremarkable means not worthy of attention; common or ordinary.

S10. Ans. (b)
Sol. The word that fits appropriately in both the blanks is tumultuous. Tumultuous means characterized by disorderly commotion, uproar, or disturbance. In the first sentence, “tumultuous” describes the couple’s relationship as being tumultuous due to frequent arguments and breakups, suggesting that it is chaotic and unpredictable. In the second sentence, “tumultuous” describes the sea that made it difficult for the fishermen to bring in their catch.
Volatile means liable to change rapidly and unpredictably, especially for the worse.
Compelling means evoking interest, attention, or admiration in a powerfully irresistible way. Unremarkable means not particularly interesting or surprising.
Stable means firmly established and not likely to change or fail.

S11. Ans. (c)
Sol. The word that fits appropriately in both the blanks is lackadaisical. Lackadaisical means lacking enthusiasm and determination; carelessly lazy. In both sentences, lackadaisical is used to describe a lack of effort or energy. In the first sentence, the team’s lackadaisical performance on the field means that they didn’t put in the required effort to win. In the second sentence, the students’ lackadaisical effort on the project means that they were careless and didn’t put in the required effort to produce a high-quality result.
Articulate: able to express ideas clearly and effectively.
Hesitant: pausing before saying or doing something, often due to uncertainty or indecision.
Passionate: having or expressing strong emotions or beliefs.
Clear: easy to understand; transparent.

S12. Ans. (d)
Sol. The word that fits appropriately in both the blanks is exquisite. Exquisite means extremely beautiful and delicate; pleasingly intricate or detailed. In the first sentence, it describes the sunset as being breathtakingly beautiful and intricate in its colors. In the second sentence, the vows were expressed in a delicate and intricate manner, i.e. in an exquisite manner, reflecting the depth of their love for each other.
Uninspired means lacking in imagination or originality; not inspired.
Capricious means given to sudden and unaccountable changes of mood or behavior.
Lackluster means lacking in vitality, force, or conviction; uninspired or uninspiring.
Mundane means lacking interest or excitement; dull.

S13. Ans. (a)
Sol. The word that fits appropriately in both the blanks is convoluted. Convoluted means complex and difficult to understand or follow. In the first sentence, convoluted indicates that the instructions were confusing, which made it necessary to seek additional help. In the second sentence, convoluted suggests that the math problem was so challenging that even the teacher had difficulty solving it.
Remarkable means worthy of attention; exceptional or extraordinary.
Unimpressive means not impressive; not producing admiration or respect.
Straightforward means uncomplicated and easy to understand or do.
Brilliant means exceptionally clever or talented; shining brightly or vividly.

S14. Ans. (e)
Sol. The word that fits appropriately in both the blanks is obfuscation. Obfuscation means the action of making something obscure, unclear, or unintelligible. In the first sentence, obfuscation indicates that the lawyer intentionally made the evidence unclear or difficult to understand, which resulted in the jury questioning the validity of the case. In the second sentence, obfuscation suggests that the writer intentionally made the plot hard to follow, perhaps to add a sense of mystery or complexity to the story.
Verbose means using more words than necessary; long-winded or prolix.
Succinct – expressed in a few words; concise or terse.
Cacophony means a harsh, discordant mixture of sounds.
Clarity means the quality of being clear, coherent, and intelligible.

S15. Ans. (b)
Sol. The word that fits appropriately in both the blanks is esoteric. Esoteric means intended for or likely to be understood by only a small number of people with a specialized knowledge or interest. In the first sentence, esoteric indicates that the mathematician’s formula was so specialized and complex that it left most of his colleagues confused. In the second sentence, esoteric indicates that the scholar’s research topic was so specific and niche that it was difficult for her to secure funding for her project.
accessible means able to be reached or entered; easily understood or appreciated.
Transparency means the quality of being transparent or easy to perceive or understand.
Complexity means the state or quality of being intricate or complicated.
Simplicity means the state or quality of being simple or uncomplicated.

English Language Quiz For For RBI Grade B Phase 1 2023-01st May_3.1

English Language Quiz For For RBI Grade B Phase 1 2023-01st May_4.1

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How many sections are there in the RBI Grade B Phase 1 Exam?

There are 4 sections in the RBI Grade B Phase 1 Exam i.e. English Language, General Awareness, Quantitative Aptitude & Reasoning.