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English Language Quiz For Bank of Baroda AO 2023 -8th March

Directions (1-5): Answer the following questions after rearranging the following sentences into a coherent paragraph and identify the sentence that doesn’t fit into the context of the paragraph.

(A) Atalji irreversibly changed India’s place in the world. He overcame the hesitation of our nation, the resistance of the world and threat of isolation to make India a nuclear weapons power.
(B) Equally important, he then brought to bear his extraordinary understanding of world affairs and formidable diplomatic skills to gain global acceptance of new realities.
(C) It was not a decision he took lightly, but one he knew was of paramount importance in the face of mounting challenges to India’s security.
(D) No longer would India’s security be vulnerable. At that moment of surge in national pride, his was a voice of restraint and responsibility. And, the world listened to the wisdom of the man of peace.
(E) Born into a family of modest means and high ideals, he became the president of India at a young age.
(F) Indeed, it is the combination of his legacies of creating strategic capabilities, promoting stronger economic growth, undertaking multi-directional diplomacy and harnessing of diaspora energies that is today the basis for the respect we command across the world.

Q1. Considering statement (A) “Atalji irreversibly changed India’s place in the world. He overcame the hesitation of our nation, the resistance of the world and threat of isolation to make India a nuclear weapons power” as the first sentence of the rearranged paragraph, then which among the following fails to become the part of the coherent paragraph?
(a) C
(b) D
(c) B
(d) F
(e) E

Q2. Among the following pairs which one of them is formed with two consecutive statements after the rearrangement?
(a) D – F
(b) C – D
(c) A – B
(d) C – B
(e) A – F

Q3. Considering statement (A) “Atalji irreversibly changed India’s place in the world. He overcame the hesitation of our nation, the resistance of the world and threat of isolation to make India a nuclear weapons power” as the first sentence of the rearranged paragraph, identify the correct sequence of the sentences to form a coherent paragraph (excluding the incoherent one).

Q4. Considering statement (A) “Atalji irreversibly changed India’s place in the world. He overcame the hesitation of our nation, the resistance of the world and threat of isolation to make India a nuclear weapons power” as the first sentence of the rearranged paragraph, which of the following statement should FOURTH sentence after the rearrangement? (Excluding the incoherent sentence)
(a) B
(b) H
(c) E
(d) G
(e) F

Q5. Considering statement (A) “Atalji irreversibly changed India’s place in the world. He overcame the hesitation of our nation, the resistance of the world and threat of isolation to make India a nuclear weapons power” as the first sentence of the rearranged paragraph, which of the following statement should SECOND sentence after the rearrangement? (Excluding the incoherent sentence)
(a) B
(b) H
(c) E
(d) C
(e) F

Q6. In the question given below, there are four sentences. Choose the sentence which is grammatically incorrect or illogical as your answer. In questions where all the given sentences are grammatically correct, choose option (E) ‘all are correct’ as your answer choice.
(a) The doctors, as citizens, have certain fundamental duties under Article 51(A) towards their fellow citizens.
(b) Sashi came presently but I don’t know where he has gone.
(c) All the injured were taken to the KEM Hospital.
(d) Some of these feedback effects, such as loss of Arctic ice, could be reversed over a few hundred years, but others such as Antarctic ice would take much longer.
(e) all are correct

Q7. In the question given below, there are four sentences. Choose the sentence which is grammatically incorrect or illogical as your answer. In questions where all the given sentences are grammatically correct, choose option (E) ‘all are correct’ as your answer choice.
(a) Discrepancies in two government-commissioned surveys, both a year apart, submitted in the Supreme Court show that over two lakh children, said to be residing in childcare homes, are “missing.”
(b) There should instead be major changes in technological innovation, behaviour, values and governance.
(c) Somebody reported to the contractor that his partner had only died a week before.
(d) No tariff can overturn the cost advantage that Mexico has over the U.S. in labour costs.
(e) all are correct

Q8. In the question given below, there are four sentences. Choose the sentence which is grammatically incorrect or illogical as your answer. In questions where all the given sentences are grammatically correct, choose option (E) ‘all are correct’ as your answer choice.
(a) The response rate to RTI requests have also slowed down.
(b) The JSP, therefore, can advance the objective of transparency.
(c) The RTI Act had dealt with the citizen’s right to know about public information.
(d) There is no need for anyone to take recourse to the RTI Act and await a response.
(e) All are correct

Q9. In the question given below, there are four sentences. Choose the sentence which is grammatically incorrect or illogical as your answer. In questions where all the given sentences are grammatically correct, choose option (E) ‘all are correct’ as your answer choice.
(a) If we show an awareness of our own political leanings, it makes us more trustworthy
(b) Journalism must retain its ability on scrutinize the state rather than becoming a cheerleader.
(c) The government has been relying almost entirely on providing fiscal relief in the form of tax cuts.
(d) To incorporate the unorganized sector, data from alternative sources need to be used.
(e) All are correct

Q10. In the question given below, there are four sentences. Choose the sentence which is grammatically incorrect or illogical as your answer. In questions where all the given sentences are grammatically correct, choose option (E) ‘all are correct’ as your answer choice.
(a) The implicit assumption is that the organized sector can be a proxy for the unorganized sector.
(b) While RTI filings have increased exponentially, RTI-activism has become part and parcel of civil society.
(c) Higher judiciary must do its duty as guardians of the citizens’ constitutional rights’.
(d) Only certain specific projects or initiatives are undertaken in ‘mission mode’.
(e) All are correct

Q11. In the question given below, there are four sentences. Choose the sentence which is grammatically incorrect or illogical as your answer. In questions where all the given sentences are grammatically correct, choose option (E) ‘all are correct’ as your answer choice.
(a) The train has provided a trouble-free performance in the last six months.
(b) The unraveling had commenced even before Train 18’s inaugural run as Vande Bharat Express.
(c) It is futile to expect the techno-bureaucracy of the Indian Railways to reform itself.
(d) The Centre made amendment in proviso to Article 370(3) as a part off a well-conceived strategy.
(e) All are correct

Q12. In the question given below, there are four sentences. Choose the sentence which is grammatically incorrect or illogical as your answer. In questions where all the given sentences are grammatically correct, choose option (E) ‘all are correct’ as your answer choice.
(a) During the global financial crisis, it was said that the experts were behind the curve.
(b) The deal as negotiated was one-sided, partial and highly flawed.
(c) More fundamentally, the agreement was also widely criticized in the U.S. and elsewhere.
(d) Concerns about misuse of government apparatus should be addressed.
(e) All are correct

Directions (13-15): Read each sentence to find out whether there is any grammatical or idiomatic error in it. The error, if any, will be in one part of the sentence. The alphabet corresponding to that part is your answer. If there is ‘No error’, the answer is (e). (Ignore errors of punctuation, if any.)

Q13. The Ulster Defence Association has (A)/recently hinted that it (B)/may be prepared to attack (C)/ on dissident republicans (D)/No Error (E)

Q14.We ordered for coffee (A)/after a long journey to be told (B)/ if we weren’t lunching (C)/they wouldn’t serve us drinks (D)/No Error (E).

Q15. American troops spread out (A)/ across the area on yesterday (B)/ to investigate what had (C)/ happened and question witnesses (D)/No Error (E)


S1. Ans. (e)
Sol. Drawing a hint from the first sentence, the theme of the paragraph after rearrangement can be articulated that it is describing about the reforms brought by Atalji in the field of nation’s security by wise decisions he made during the course of his leadership. Sentence (C) logically connects with sentence (A) as it is further mentioning about his decision mentioned in sentence (A). Moreover, sentences (C) and (D) forms a coherent pair as they are illustrating about the importance of the decision made by him regarding the nation’s security. Furthermore, the next sentence that connects logically is sentence (B). This can be understood from the beginning of the sentence “Equally important…” which indicates that it is the second part of the paragraph that describes the policies implemented by him using his wisdom. The last sentence in the sequence should be sentence (F) as it sums up the qualities of Atalji that helped the nation to prosper and stay strong across the world. However, sentence (E) fails to become the part of the paragraph as it is providing information of his personal life while the paragraph is illustrating about his qualities that helped him to formulate and implement wise policies to make India stronger across the world. Therefore, the logical and meaningful sequence of the sentences thus formed to mold them into a coherent paragraph is ACDBF. Since, sentence (E) is incoherent; option (e) becomes the most viable answer choice.

S2. Ans. (b)
Sol. Sentences (C) and (D) form a coherent pair as they are illustrating about the importance of the decision made by Atalji regarding the nation’s security. The logical and meaningful sequence of the sentences formed to mold them into a coherent paragraph is ACDBF. Hence, option (b) is the most suitable answer choice.

S3. Ans. (d)
Sol. Sol. Drawing a hint from the first sentence, the theme of the paragraph after rearrangement can be articulated that it is describing about the reforms brought by Atalji in the field of nation’s security by wise decisions he made during the course of his leadership. Sentence (C) logically connects with sentence (A) as it is further mentioning about his decision mentioned in sentence (A). Moreover, sentences (C) and (D) forms a coherent pair as they are illustrating about the importance of the decision made by him regarding the nation’s security. Furthermore, the next sentence that connects logically is sentence (B). This can be understood from the beginning of the sentence “Equally important…” which indicates that it is the second part of the paragraph that describes the policies implemented by him using his wisdom. The last sentence in the sequence should be sentence (F) as it sums up the qualities of Atalji that helped the nation to prosper and stay strong across the world. However, sentence (E) fails to become the part of the paragraph as it is providing information of his personal life while the paragraph is illustrating about his qualities that helped him to formulate and implement wise policies to make India stronger across the world. Therefore, the logical and meaningful sequence of the sentences thus formed to mold them into a coherent paragraph is ACDBF. Hence, option (d) is the most suitable answer choice.

S4. Ans. (a)
Sol. The logical and meaningful sequence of the sentences thus formed to mold them into a coherent paragraph is ACDBF. Hence, option (a) is the most suitable answer choice.

S5. Ans. (d)
Sol. The logical and meaningful sequence of the sentences thus formed to mold them into a coherent paragraph is ACDBF. Hence, option (d) is the most suitable answer choice.

S6. (b)
Sol. In the option (b), the use of ‘presently’ is wrong because ‘presently’ and ‘shortly’ when used as Adverb of Time is to mean ‘without delay’, they are always used in the sense of Future Tense.
Hence, option (b) is the correct answer.

S7. (c)
Sol. “Only” will be used before “a week ago” because only then it will give the intended meaning which “only died” is illogical, and therefore incorrect.

S8. Ans. (a)
Sol. Statement (a) has error in it. ‘has’ will be used instead of ‘have because ‘rate’ is in singular form.

S9. Ans. (b)
Sol. Statement (b) has an error of preposition here. Instead of ‘on’, ‘to’ will be used.

S10. Ans. (c)
Sol. Here, in statement (c), there is an incorrect usage of apostrophe ‘s’ in “rights”.

S11. Ans. (d)
Sol. Here, ‘off’ will be replaced by ‘of’ because ‘off ‘ is making the sentence contextually meaningless and grammatically incorrect.

S12. Ans. (e)
Sol. Here, all the four statements are grammatically correct and contextually meaningful.

S13. Ans. (d)
Sol. When ‘attack’ is used as a verb in the sentence, we don’t use ‘on’ with it. But when it is used as a noun, only then we place ‘on’ after that. In this sentence, (D) has an error. Here, attack is used as a verb. So, option (d) is correct answer.

S14. Ans. (a)
Sol. (A) section is grammatically incorrect in the above sentence. Since ‘ordered’ is a transitive verb and therefore object comes right after it. For example, ‘he ordered a cup of tea’. Option (a) is correct.

S15. Ans. (b)
Sol. Part (B) of the given sentence is wrong. Usage of ‘on’ before ‘yesterday’ is grammatically incorrect. As before yesterday, two days before yesterday, the day after tomorrow, today, etc. ‘on’ is not used. So, option (b) is correct answer.

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