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English Language Quiz For Bank Mains Exams 2021- 27th February

Directions (1-3): Rearrange the following sentences to form a meaningful paragraph and then answer the questions that follow.

Q1. (A)The nature of threats is such that they continue to evolve all the time.
(B)Both the 2001 terror attack in New York and the November 2008 attack in Mumbai were one of a kind with few parallels at the time.
(C)Anticipating an attack of this nature remains in the area of an “intelligence gap” rather than an “intelligence failure”.
(D)The real problem is that when dealing with terrorism and terror networks, no two situations in the actual world are identical.
(E)Most experts explain an intelligence gap as one denoting an absence of intelligence output while an intelligence failure is one where, based on available evidence, no warning was issued.
(F)Even while the IS has gained a great deal of prominence due to its brand of violence, other terror networks have continued to be no less active.

If the sentence (D), “The real problem is that when dealing with terrorism and terror networks, no two situations in the actual world are identical.” is the first sentence of the paragraph, then which of the following sentences does not fit into the paragraph formed after rearranging other sentences?

(a) A
(b) E
(c) C
(d) B
(e) F

Q2. (A)A number of viruses, malware and cryptoworms are also being developed in the JavaScript, which gives the attackers cross-platform options.
(B)The attacks aren’t limited to mobile phones and e-Pads.
(C)While Windows operating systems were the most vulnerable to cyberattacks, a number of Android threats have been reported in the last couple of years, including potent crypto-ransomware attacks on Android devices.
(D)In 2016, the first known Ransomware, named KeRanger, targeting Mac users was also reported.
(E)All devices, including televisions that use Android, are also potentially vulnerable.
(F)The Mirai botnet malware affected 2.5 million home router users and other Internet of Things devices.

If the sentence (C), “While Windows operating systems were the most vulnerable to cyberattacks, a number of Android threats have been reported in the last couple of years, including potent crypto-ransomware attacks on Android devices.” is the first sentence of the paragraph, then what is the sequence of other sentences after rearrangement?


Q3. (A)Funding varies with the political climate: there will be money to buy equipment but no certainty that resources will flow for all the years needed to ensure significant results.
(B)But, Mr. Bhattacharjee says, “Working with hands is not encouraged among scientists. The words used in Indian labs are: one needs hands to do experiments, not brains.”
(C)To succeed, experiments require at least two conditions: guarantees of long-term funding and scientists’ collaboration with each other.
(D)Lab assistants are the hands, while scientists avoid what they regard as mere manual labour.
(E)Experimental science “is very poor in India”.
(F)And collaboration is a social process, not an intellectual one.
(G)It involves, among other things, physical labour together with others.

If the sentence (F), “And collaboration is a social process, not an intellectual one.” is the fourth sentence of the paragraph, then which of the following options indicates the follow-up sentence i.e the FIFTH sentence of the coherent paragraph so formed?


Directions (4-6): Select the phrase/connector (STARTERS) from the given three options which can be used to form a single sentence from the two sentences given below, implying the same meaning as expressed in the statement sentences.

Q4. (1) More and more countries are pledging to combat global warming and protecting the environment.
(2) The United States has not only pulled out of the 2015 Paris Agreement but has also taken climate change out of its National Security Strategy.

(I)With more and more countries…
(II)Despite pulling out of the 2015…
(III)While more and more countries…

(a)Only (I) is correct
(b)Only (II) is correct
(c)Both (I) and (III) are correct
(d)Both (II) and (III) are correct
(e)All are correct

Q5. (1) There are many dimensions and measurements of economic development.
(2) We tend to rely largely on a single measurement called Gross Domestic Product (GDP).

(I)While there are many dimensions…
(II)Although there are many dimensions…
(III)Despite the fact that there are many…

(a)Only (I) is correct
(b)Both (I) and (II) are correct
(c)Both (II) and (III) are correct
(d)Both (I) and (III) are correct
(e)All are correct

Q6. (1) There has been a rapid increase in Chinese investments and greater involvement of Chinese companies in construction and other businesses in Nepal.
(2) Chinese economic diplomacy too has become intense.

(I)With a rapid increase in…
(II)Since Chinese diplomacy too…
(III)Notwithstanding Chinese economic…

(a)Only (I) is correct
(b)Only (II) is correct
(c)Only (III) is correct
(d)Both (I) and (III) are correct
(e)All are correct

Directions (7-8): Each of the following questions has a paragraph from which one sentence has been deleted. From the given options, choose the one that completes the paragraph in the most appropriate way.

Q7. It wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say that air pollution is one of the biggest public concerns in India today. Its implications are many but just two will suffice here. A report of the Lancet Commission on pollution and health states that around 19 lakh people die prematurely every year from diseases caused by outdoor and indoor air pollution. A study by the Indian Journal of Pediatrics shows that the lungs of children who grow up in polluted environments like Delhi are 10% smaller compared to the lungs of children who grow up in the U.S. This is nothing short of a public health emergency. _______________________________

(a)What is needed, therefore, is a comprehensive policy to curb pollution.
(b)Emissions can be curbed only if people are persuaded to move away from fossil fuels and adopt greener forms of energy.
(c)A part of the carbon revenue thus generated can be used for a systemic overhaul of the energy mix, which, to a large extent, would address the pressing problem of environmental degradation.
(d)The level of carbon tax required for this policy to come into effect is ₹2,818 per metric tonne of CO2.
(e)The highest rise in price will be in fuel and energy since the carbon content is the highest in this category.

Q8. Something in us constantly urges us to seek. This seeking, according to sages, is a reflection of our need for lasting peace and happiness. Ramana Maharshi termed this seeking as a natural yearning within our hearts to be established in a state of permanent peace. He likened this to the natural process whereby birds return to their nests after their travels. However, because of the latent impressions our minds carry over many years and through force of habit, we seek this peace by pursuing various external efforts. ____________________________

(a)Bhagvan Ramana, therefore, advocated turning the mind inwards, by investigating and seeking the source of everything.
(b)Bhagvan Ramana said that the concept of doership is akin to a traveller in a train carrying the suitcase on his head with the notion that this would lessen the burden on the train.
(c)While admitting the relevance of all other techniques, Ramana was uncompromising on the need to ultimately search within so as to dissolve the sense of ego or individual doer ship.
(d)All these efforts prove transient and short as extroversion of the mind only propels a never-ending chain of further pursuits.
(e)Ramakrishna Paramahansa taught the same truth through bhakti, unconditional love and surrender to the Supreme.

Directions (9-10): Five statements are given below, labeled (a), (b), (c), (d) and (e). Among these, four statements are in logical order and form a coherent paragraph. From the given options, choose the option that does not fit into the theme of the paragraph.

Q9. (a)Through all the geopolitical stresses and strains, the global financial markets sailed through 2017 by creating record highs, ignoring any fear that the central banks would reverse their unconventional monetary policies.
(b)At $18,000 that would be worth more than $5.8 million.
(c)The European Union took a tough line because if Britain could leave cheaply, it would encourage more Leavers.
(d)Indeed, the biggest surprise winner in terms of returns is bitcoin, which started the year at $1,000 or so, and last traded at $18,000.
(e)According to Investopedia, if you bought $100 worth of bitcoin on January 1, 2011, you would be worth more than $3.7 million at a price of $11,321 at end November 2017.

Q10. (a)One, the private healthcare providers’ mission is to make healthcare accessible and affordable by all—it must be recognised that a private hospital provides quality care at full cost plus a premium that reflects the hospital’s profits, and that it is the job of the government to make affordable care ubiquitous.
(b)In any case, these prices would set benchmarks that could be widely disseminated.
(c)This still does not mean that there is no scope to reduce hospital charges while long-term measures are pursued.
(d)Two, hospitals make exorbitant profits—in reality, their operating margins are, in general, lower than those of most industries that service the common man.
(e)How to bring down healthcare costs and end price-gouging by private hospitals? This question has two assumptions that are unsound.

Directions (11-15): In the passage given below there are blanks which can be filled with four of the five options given below without altering the meaning of the statement. Choose the most inappropriate word in each case which does not fit into the provided blank as your answer.

The __________(11) of nature versus nurture is an important one, but also an incredibly delicate one. How much of the ___________(12) we see in society are fueled by a lack of good education, social influences and role models, and how much are due to _________(13) ability? Given that people in advanced countries spend multiple decades of their life in school, this is an important question. But it’s also a very fraught one—discussions about the issue are ________(14) hijacked by people pushing racist or sexist theories, and polite society’s reaction, understandably, is often to make such __________(15) taboo. As a result, it’s hard to know what people really think about the nature-versus-nurture question.

(a) debate
(b) question
(c) criticism
(d) controversy
(e) argument

(a) dainty
(b) divergences
(c) differences
(d) discrepancies
(e) disparities

(a) natural
(b) inborn
(c) indigenous
(d) congenital
(e) insidious

(a) frequently
(b) regularly
(c) intermittently
(d) comparatively
(e) mostly

(a) deliberations
(b) actions
(c) discussions
(d) argumentations
(e) conferences


S1. Ans. (e)
Sol. If the sentence (D) is the first sentence of the paragraph, the sentences in the sequence of DABCE form a coherent paragraph which is about terrorism and the intelligence gap in anticipating such attacks. However, the sentence (A) finds no alternative to be matched with as it talks about the organization of IS and its terror networks which has no relevance from any other sentences among the given options. Hence (e) is the correct option as the sentence (F) does not belong to the paragraph so formed.

S2. Ans. (b)
Sol. If (C) is the first sentence, the correct sequence of other sentences after rearrangement should be BEDFA. The mention of “crypto-ransomware attacks” in the first sentence indicates that the following sentence should be (B) [The attacks…]. Sentences (B) and (E) make a clear connection. Similarly sentences (D) and (F) make another combination. Thus, sentences in the sequence of CBEDFA form a coherent paragraph which is about the cyber security against certain cyber threats these days. Hence option (b) is the correct choice.

S3. Ans. (c)
Sol. If (F) is the fourth sentence of the paragraph, the sentences in the sequence of ECAFGBD form a coherent paragraph which is about the experimental science and the role of collaboration in this field. There is a clear evidence that sentence (E) would be the starting sentence of the paragraph and the sentence (C) should follow (E) to form a logical chain. As the sentence (F) is the fourth sentence, it can be viewed that the sentence in the option (G) makes a connection with it. The subject “It” in this case refers to the process of “collaboration” as mentioned in the sentence (F). Thus, it should be the follow-up or fifth sentence of the paragraph. Hence (c) is the correct choice.

S4. Ans. (c)
Sol. Both the starters (I) and (III) can be used to construct a meaningful sentence. Hence (c) is the correct choice.
(I)With more and more countries pledging to combat global warming and protecting the environment, the United States has not only pulled out of the 2015 Paris Agreement but has also taken climate change out of its National Security Strategy.
(III)While more and more countries are pledging to combat global warming and protecting the environment, the United States has not only pulled out of the 2015 Paris Agreement but has also taken climate change out of its National Security Strategy.

S5. Ans. (e)
Sol. All the starters can be used to frame the meaningful sentence accordingly. Hence (e) is the correct choice.
(I)While there are many dimensions and measurements of economic development, we tend to rely largely on a single measurement called Gross Domestic Product (GDP).
(II)Although there are many dimensions and measurements of economic development, we tend to rely largely on a single measurement called Gross Domestic Product (GDP).
(III)Despite the fact that there are many dimensions and measurements of economic development, we tend to rely largely on a single measurement called Gross Domestic Product (GDP).

S6. Ans. (a)
Sol. Only the first starter is the correct choice to form a coherent sentence.
(I) With a rapid increase in Chinese investments and greater involvement of Chinese companies in construction and other businesses in Nepal, Chinese economic diplomacy too has become intense.

S7. Ans. (a)
Sol. Option (a) is the correct choice. Here, the author has already discussed the problem of the air pollution and supported it with the facts produced by Lancet Commission and a study by Indian Journal of Pediatrics. He stated air pollution to be an emergency in the previous statement thus the next statement to complete this paragraph should be the action required to curb the problem of pollution.

S8. Ans. (d)
Sol. Option (d) is the correct choice. Here, the author has just described about the external efforts taken by humans for the peace of their minds. Thus, the next statement to complete the paragraph should be about the results of these efforts undertaken by the individuals. This is aptly described in option (d).

S9. Ans. (c)
Sol. All the sentences, except (c), belong to the same paragraph. The sentences in the sequence of adeb form a coherent paragraph which is about the recent surge in the global financial markets. However, the sentence (c) finds no alternative to be matched with. It doesn’t fit anywhere in the paragraph and thus can be eliminated. Hence sentence (c) is the correct choice of elimination.

S10. Ans. (b)
Sol. All the sentences, except (b), belong to the same paragraph. The sentences in the sequence of eadc form a coherent paragraph which is about how to bring down healthcare costs and end price-gouging by private hospitals. However, the sentence (b) finds no connection with any other given sentences. It doesn’t fit anywhere in the paragraph and thus can be eliminated. Hence sentence (b) is the correct choice of elimination.

S11. Ans. (c)
Sol. The word ‘criticism’ does not fit into the passage as in the latter part of the passage, the question has been mentioned about nature going against nature.

S12. Ans. (a)
Sol. Dainty means delicate and graceful in build or movement of a person.
The author here speaks about differences developed in the society. Hence, dainty is the word not suitable for the blank.

S13. Ans. (e)
Insidious means proceeding in a gradual, subtle way, but with very harmful effects. Hence, the word insidious doesn’t fit into the theme of the passage.

S14. Ans (d)
Sol. ‘comparatively’ means a moderate degree as compared to something else; relatively. Here, the author is describing about the frequency of the discussions and not comparing any two factors. Hence, the word comparatively doesn’t fit aptly in the blank.

S15. Ans. (b)
Sol. The word ‘actions’ doesn’t fit into the blank as the author has only described about the discussions conducted by the people and has not stated anything about their actions.

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