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English Language Quiz For Bank Mains Exams 2021- 24th February

Directions (1-3): Each of the following questions has a paragraph from which one sentence has been deleted. From the given options, choose the one that completes the paragraph in the most appropriate way.

Q1. Doctors know that emergency room medicine is triage followed by quick, invasive and expensive procedures. But if the patient comes to the emergency room regularly, they need to lose weight and eat better. Current bankruptcy changes represent triage but are complemented with preventive measures from the RBI like capping exposures to companies and sectors, disclosing provisioning divergence, prompt correction action framework, a central repository of information on large credits (CRILIC), ______________________________________________.

(a)and a mandatory legal entity identifier in CRILIC for all borrowers of more than Rs 1,000 crore by March 2018 and more than Rs 50 crore by December 2019.
(b)can be restricted from using luxury hotels, private schools, golf courses, and airlines.
(c)a banking system that recovers its loans is an important part of India’s infrastructure of opportunity.
(d)but the RBI’s Asset Quality Review, without changing rules, has already required banks to provide Rs 4.54 lakh crore extra for bad loans.
(e)but automatic, immediate and universal disclosure should be a goal reached through interim filters for timing (a small lag) and materiality.

Q2. Increasingly, India is being seen as a pioneer in digital technologies. This rapid pace of transformation has raised larger questions around inclusion, data protection and privacy. ___________________________________________________. We need to think about the principles we adopt — from narrowly tailored exemptions to strong independent enforcement. Ultimately, this law will shape how secure individuals feel while engaging in the digital world, and the kind of innovation we will see in decades to come.

(a)The ultimate control of data must reside with the individuals who generate it; they should be enabled to use, restrict or monetise it as they wish.
(b)While the question of balance is an important one, that should not be seen as a licence to be lenient to privacy-violating data practices.
(c)The signaling value of a strong data protection law in India would be significant and will allow the country to lead by example.
(d)It has covered a wide range of issues pertaining to data protection and privacy.
(e)This brings up the need for allowing a time period for data controllers to fully comply with the new law.

Q3. Given all the modern uses of wetlands, or the use of the wetland only for its land, looking at traditional cartography may be one way to understand catchments of wetlands. It may also be a way of restoring some modicum of ecological character, identity or ‘rights’ to wetlands, as the river judgment suggested. There are challenges ahead in identifying wetlands – multiple and competing use is just one of them. Understanding the historic spread and ecological character will be an important bulwark for the way forward. Setting clear governance systems would be the next. ________________________________________________

(a)What then could be the way forward?
(b)Without either, we are looking at a complete dilution of wetlands in the country.
(c)There are a few reasons why this is problematic.
(d)The key to wetland conservation is not just understanding regimes of multiple use — but conserving or managing the integrity of the wetland ecosystem.
(e)The omission in the 2017 Rules suggests that while saltpans do exist as wetlands, they do not require any conservation or ecological balance.

Directions (4-5): In the question given below the parts of the sentence which are highlighted are grammatically correct. Choose that part of the sentence which is not highlighted and is grammatically incorrect. Ensure that the meaning of the statement remains unchanged.

Q4. In proposing to ask the judicial and administrative authorities to accord legal sanction to regulated betting on sports event etc, the Law Commission has exposed the politically-correct but morally-hypocritical stance taken by those in power but out of touch with prevailing reality.
(a)In proposing to ask the judicial and administrative authorities
(b)to regulated betting on sports event etc
(c)the politically-correct but morally-hypocritical stance
(d)taken by those in power but out of touch with prevailing reality
(e)No error

Q5. In the aftermath of the global financial crisis, financial-sector executives may not have been held fully to account for their actions, but the outcry surely contributed to the “shareholder spring” that began in 2012, with investors rejecting executive pay packages and paid more attention to corporate governance issues.
(a)financial-sector executives may not have been held fully
(b)to account for their actions, but the outcry surely contributed
(c)to the “shareholder spring” that began in 2012
(d)and paid more attention to corporate governance issues
(e)No error

Directions (6-10): In each of the questions given below four words are given which is then followed by five options with their combinations. You must choose the combination which is either most similar or opposite in meaning.

(A) Frill
(B) Invoke
(C) Solicit
(D) Differed

(a) B-C
(b) A-D
(c) A-B
(d) A-C
(e) C-D


(a) A-C
(b) C-D
(c) A-D
(d) B-D
(e) B-C


(A) Acquitted
(B) Expedite
(C) Flay
(D) Sentence

(a) A-D
(b) A-C
(c) B-C
(d) B-D
(e) C-D


(A) Prompt
(B) Emphasis
(C) Donate
(D) Disburse

(a) B-C
(b) A-B
(c) C-D
(d) B-D
(e) A-D


(A) Indulge
(B) Entrust
(C) Phlegmatic
(D) Gratify

(a) B-C
(b) A-B
(c) C-D
(d) B-D
(e) A-D

Directions (11-13): In the question given below some sentences are given which are grammatically correct and meaningful. Connect them by the word given above the statements in the best possible way without changing the intended meaning. Choose your answer accordingly from the options to form a grammatically correct, coherent sentence.

(A)The significance of intangible assets is often poorly reflected by statisticians.
(B)The authors draw on a range of rigorous research and include their own calculations to show that intangible investment is on the increase.
(C)Businesses which use intangible assets can grow more rapidly, and to greater sizes, than those using tangible ones.
(D)American company accounts often omit R&D from measures of their investment spending.

(a) Only B-A
(b) Only C-A
(c) Only B-D
(d) Both B-A and C-A
(e) None of these

(A)One may not stumble upon this architectural gem if one doesn’t know about its location.
(B)It seems to have been built during either Lodi era or the later part of the Tughlaq dynasty.
(C)Agrasen ki baoli is located right in the heart of the national capital, on Hailey Road.
(D)It has been staying hidden among the multi-storey buildings of Connaught Place for several decades now

(a) Only A-B
(b) Only C-A
(c) Only D-B
(d) Only A-D
(e) None of these

(A)The federal department has twice rejected LePage’s requests for centralization
(B)LePage has been in a tug of war with the regional boards for control of the federal money for several years.
(C)Lepage didn’t work in collaboration with federal department as required.
(D)The organization claims that LePage has broken federal law by refusing to release the funds within 30 days of them having become available in August.

(a) Only B-D
(b) Only D-A
(c) Both C-B and D-A
(d) Only A-C
(e) None of these

Directions (14-15): The following statements have two blanks which can be filled with the options given below without altering the meaning of the sentence. Choose the set of words which does not complete the sentence meaningfully as your answer.

Q14. In today’s India, when secularism is being winked at by vested interests _________________ the nation’s unique ethos of “unity in diversity “, the ideals of secularism radiated by Vivekananda and Nivedita could be truly __________________ to corner the forces of obscurantism and intolerance.

(a)undermining, effective
(b)impeding, worthwhile
(c)hindering, lucid
(d)impairing, plausible
(e)shoring, muddling

Q15. The most important Soviet feminist, Kollontai _______________ four broad themes in The Social Bases of the Woman Question (1908), _______________ economic independence, marriage and family, care for pregnant women, and women’s political rights.

(a)surveyed, expressly
(b)inspected, specifically
(c)resolved, mostly
(d)explored, namely
(e)examined, specially

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S1. Ans. (a)
Sol. The given paragraph is about the current bankruptcy changes and the preventive measures by the RBI in the country. The last sentence, being incomplete, provides a clear clue that the sentence (a) fills the blank meaningfully. It can be viewed from the mention of “CRILIC” in the sentence. Other options are irrelevant to the meaning of the paragraph. Hence (a) is the correct choice.

S2. Ans. (c)
Sol. The given paragraph is about the excess use of digital technology in the country and the risk of privacy concerned with the same. Among the given options, only option (c) gives a proper substitution to the blank space. The sentences to the either side of the space give a clear evidence that only sentence (c) provides a logical meaning to the paragraph. Other sentences are irrelevant in the context of their meanings to the paragraph. Hence (c) is the correct choice.

S3. Ans. (b)
Sol. The given paragraph is about the Wetland (Conservation and Management) Rules, 2017 and certain challenges related to it. Read the last two sentences prior to the blank space, both the sentences suggest that option (b) would give a better continuation to these two.  Moreover, the mention of “without either” in the option (b) verifies the fact that it concludes the paragraph contextually. Hence among the given options, (b) is the correct choice.

S4. Ans. (e)
Sol. There is no error in any part of the sentence as the sentence is grammatically correct. Hence (e) is the correct choice.

S5. Ans. (d)
Sol. There is an error in the part (d) of the sentence. The verb “paid” in the expression “and paid more attention to corporate governance issues” is incorrectly matched. It should follow the same form as in the highlighted part i.e. present participle form of the verb so used “rejecting”; thus, the correct replacement of the verb “paid” should be “paying” to make the sentence grammatically correct.  Hence (d) is the correct choice.

S6. Ans.(a)
Sol. Option (a) is the correct choice.
Invoke and Solicit are similar in meaning.
Invoke means cite or appeal to (someone or something) as an authority for an action or in support of an argument.
Solicit means ask for or try to obtain (something) from someone.
Frill means an unnecessary extra feature or embellishment.
Deferred means put off (an action or event) to a later time; postpone.

S7. Ans.(d)
Sol.  Option (d) is the correct choice.
Prosecute and accuse are similar in meaning.
Prosecute means institute or conduct legal proceedings against (a person or organization).
Implausible means (of an argument or statement) not seeming reasonable or probable; failing to convince.
Quintessential means representing the most perfect or typical example of a quality or class.

S8. Ans.(a)
Sol. Acquitted and sentence are opposite in meaning.
Acquitted means to free (someone) from a criminal charge by a verdict of not guilty.
Sentence means the punishment assigned to a defendant found guilty by a court, or fixed by law for a particular offence.
Expedite means  make (an action or process) happen sooner or be accomplished more quickly.

S9. Ans.(c)
Sol. Donate and disburse are similar in meaning
Donate means give (money or goods) for a good cause, for example to a charity.
Disburse means pay out (money from a fund).
Prompt means (of an event or fact) cause or bring about (an action or feeling).

S10. Ans.(e)
Sol. Gratify and indulge are similar in meaning.
Indulge means allow oneself to enjoy the pleasure of.
Gratify means give (someone) pleasure or satisfaction.
Phlegmatic means having an unemotional and stolidly calm disposition.

S11. Ans. (d)
Sol. The adverb ‘HOWEVER’ is used to introduce a statement that contrasts with or seems to contradict something that has been said previously. The word can be used to connect both the combinations of B-A and C-A.
The authors draw on a range of rigorous research and include their own calculations to show that intangible investment is on the increase; however, its significance is often poorly reflected by the statisticians.”
Businesses which use intangible assets can grow more rapidly, and to greater sizes, than those using tangible ones; however, the significance of intangible assets is often poorly reflected by statisticians.”

S12. Ans (b)
Sol. The conjunction ‘UNLESS’ means except if . It is used to introduce the case in which a statement being made is not true or valid.
Unless, one knows Agrasen Baoli is located right in the heart of the national capital, on Hailey Road, one might not stumble upon it.”

S13. Ans. (d)
Sol. The conjunction ‘BECAUSE’ is used to introduce a word or phrase that stands for a clause expressing an explanation or reason.
The federal department has twice rejected LePage’s requests for centralization because he didn’t work in collaboration with federal department.”

S14. Ans. (e)
Sol. The set of words “shoring, muddling” doesn’t fit into the frame of the sentence correctly. Both these words change the true meaning of the sentence. However, the words given in rest of the options provide a similar and logical meaning to the sentence. Hence (e) is the correct choice.
Undermine means lessen the effectiveness, power, or ability of, especially gradually or insidiously.
Impede means delay or prevent (someone or something) by obstructing them; hinder.
Worthwhile means worth the time, money, or effort spent; of value or importance.
Lucid means expressed clearly; easy to understand.
Plausible means (of an argument or statement) seeming reasonable or probable.
Shore means support or hold up something with props or beams.
Muddle means bring into a disordered or confusing state.

S15. Ans. (c)
Sol. Among the given options, the set of words given in option (c) gives no proper meaning to the sentence. The set of words “resolved, mostly” doesn’t fit into the context of the meaning of the sentence. Other combinations are almost synonymous to one another and give a similar and contextual meaning to the sentence. Hence (c) is the correct choice.
Resolve means settle or find a solution to (a problem or contentious matter).
Explored means examined or evaluated (an option or possibility).

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