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English Language Quiz For Bank Mains Exam 2024-24th March

Directions (1-5): There are two different sentences with a blank space in each question. Choose the word from the given options which fits into both the blanks appropriately adding a proper and logical meaning to the sentences.

(I) There is a __________________ of ink on the paper.
(II) Police atrocities and unleashing such savagery at the voices of dissent and protests are a _____________ not only on democracy but also on humanity.

(a) Authoritative
(b) Imperfect
(c) Blot
(d) Ethereal
(e) Soothe

(I) Celebrities endorsing products are set to get relief from the _________________ provisions of the Consumer Protection Act
(II) HP announced its commitment to driving more __________________ industry standards for printer security

(a) Stringent
(b) Respectable
(c) Pathetic
(d) Beggarly
(e) Clarify

(I) Media went to find out whether or not the protesters are finally willing to ______________ and compromise.
(II) Many Japanese think they can do nothing to persuade the Chinese and Koreans to _________________.

(a) Mutual
(b) Enlarge
(c) Latency
(d) Relent
(e) Equable

(I) The verdict of the Court of Appeal today serves to __________________ her and stands as testimony to the unstinting efforts of those supporting her.
(II) The former trade minister says that he is happy to submit to any tests that help _______________ him.

(a) Extremely
(b) Vindicate
(c) Pertinent
(d) Benevolent
(e) Brusque

(I) One area where there has been much debate is the legality of testing for HIV without an ________________ consent.
(II) Primary care trusts are now charged with _________________ responsibilities for all looked after children resident in their boundaries.

(a) Amiable
(b) Explicit
(c) Detain
(d) Simplicity
(e) Develop


S1. Ans. (c)
Sol. Blot means Mark or stain something. Smudge, Smear, Spot, Blotch, Dot, Mark, Speckle.

S2. Ans. (a)
Sol. Stringent means Strict, precise, and exacting. Stringent fits into both the blanks appropriately adding a proper and logical meaning to the sentences.

S3. Ans. (d)
Sol. Relent means abandon or mitigate a severe or harsh attitude, especially by finally yielding to a request or Ease off, Slacken, Let up, Ease, ease up.

S4. Ans. (b)
Sol. Vindicate means clear someone of blame or suspicion. Acquit, Clear, Absolve, Free from blame, Declare innocent. Vindicate fits into both the blanks appropriately adding a proper and logical meaning to the sentences.

S5. Ans. (b)
Sol. Explicit means Clear, Direct, Plain, Obvious, Straightforward, Clear-cut, Crystal clear. Explicit fits into both the blanks appropriately adding a proper and logical meaning to the sentences.

English Language Quiz For Bank Mains Exam 2024-24th March |_3.1

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The IBPS Clerk Mains exam is scheduled for 7 October 2023.