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English Language Quiz For Bank Mains Exam 2024-16th February

Directions (1-5): In the following questions, a part of the sentence is given in bold which may or may not be fitting into the sentence either due to grammatical error or contextual error. There are four expressions given below each sentence, out of which one of them can be used to replace the existing highlighted phrase to make the sentence both grammatically and contextually correct. Choose the most appropriate alternative among the five options that determine the correct phrase that should replace the phrase given in bold. If the phrase given in bold doesn’t require any replacement, choose option “No replacement required” as your answer.

Q1. Next time I switch jobs, I needed work that could let me make use of the experience I’ve gained up to now.

(a) I need work that will
(b) I would work that
(c) I would need work that would
(d) I needed work that will
(e) no replacement required

Q2. They would probably be leaving very soon and anything she had do hurrying the process meant they would get to Ashley sooner.

(a) she did impatience
(b) she might has done hurriedly
(c) she do to hurry
(d) she could do to hurry
(e) no replacement required

Q3. The dacoits looted the house and before the police arrived the things were taken away.

(a) the things was taken away
(b) they took away the things
(c) the things were taken off
(d) they taken away the things
(e) no replacement required

Q4. The changing Henry’s life is drastic when he lost all his money on the stock market.

(a) Henry’s drastically changing life
(b) Henry’s life changed drastically
(c) The drastic changes before Henry’s life
(d) The life of Henry change drastical
(e) no replacement required

Q5. Everyone felt sorry for Kevin since his wife’s immoderate shopping bills always exceeded the amount of money he made.

(a) amount of money he make
(b) the amount of money he have made
(c) required for money he made
(d) the amount makes by him
(e) no replacement required


S1. Ans. (a)

Sol. The sentence can be made grammatically correct and contextually meaningful by replacing the phrase given in bold [I needed work that could] by [I need work that will]. All the other given expressions fail to be grammatically correct.

S2. Ans. (d)

Sol. The sentence can be made grammatically correct and contextually meaningful by replacing the phrase given in bold [she had done hurrying] by [she could do to hurry]. All the other given expressions fail to be grammatically correct.

S3. Ans.(b)

Sol. When the actions performed by the doer is more than one then we use active voice for those actions.

S4. Ans. (b)         

Sol. The correct phrase that should replace the incorrect phrase given in bold should be “Henry’s life changed drastically”. It is to be noted when a living thing owns something, apostrophe (‘) and “s” is used while when a non-living thing “owns” something, “of” is used; example– “Mr. Sharma’s hat” and, “The cap of the pen”.

S5. Ans. (e)

Sol. The given sentence is grammatically correct and contextually meaningful. As, the phrase given in bold completely justifies the grammatical and contextual structure of the sentence, it does not require any correction or replacement.


English Language Quiz For Bank Mains Exam 2024-16th February |_3.1

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The IBPS Clerk Mains exam is scheduled for 7 October 2023.