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English Language Quiz For Bank Mains Exam 2024-08th April

Directions (1-5): Read each of the following four sentences to find out whether there is any grammatical mistake/error in it. Choose the sentence which is grammatically incorrect as the correct answer. If all the given sentences are grammatically correct then choose “All are correct”.

(a) The Nobel committee noted that the duo’s work “brought us considerably closer to answering the important question of how we can achieve sustained and sustainable economic growth”.
(b) In his 2005 bestselling novel “Bounce”, Matthew Syed talks about the power of practice and sacrifice that yields high performance.
(c) The book offers a compelling narrative of the hard work and sacrifice that goes on behind the scenes to nurture and create high performers in sport, art and science.
(d) Since decades, experts have advised us to take 10,000 steps a day for better health. The number is even coded into fitness trackers as a goal.
(e) All are correct

(a) Mr. Romer proposed the endogenous growth model where technological progress is seen as the outgrowth of businesses and other entities investing in research and development.
(b) Many factors affect air conditioner prices, including the capacity of the device and the features on offer.
(c) While the principle of value investing began to gain traction in the U.S and created enormous wealth for its early adopters, the Indian example stood in stark contrast to its U.S counterpart.
(d) Rain Industries began as a cement company owned by a certain Radhakrishna Reddy and a few partners catering to the burgeoning demand of the Indian Infra sector.
(e) All are correct

(a) The writer mentioned in his speech, “If my grandfather would not have emigrated to the United States, I wouldn’t be living in Seattle.”
(b) Little has been done to fulfil what the Road Transport Ministry promises: that the Centre and the States will work to improve safety as a joint responsibility.
(c) The study found that States that were relatively better developed than the rest of the country were also host to more migrants.
(d) In a bold move, Jagan Mohan Reddy decided to merge his father’s business with his own and plotted an acquisition that can best be described as pure insanity.
(e) All are correct

(a) Apart from steps to arrest the violence against the migrants and stop the exodus, the Gujarat government must commit itself to a facilitating role for job-creation.
(b) The State must follow a more holistic policy of creating incentives for firms leading to greater employment, instead of merely dictating higher recruitment of locals.
(c) The Tamil Nadu Governor’s office had complained to the police, seeking to book Mr. Gopal under Section 124 of the IPC, citing some articles published in the magazine.
(d) A ‘living will’ is a legal document prepared in advance, detailing your preferences for medical care or for the termination of medical support in circumstances in which you are no longer able to make those decisions for yourself.
(e) All are correct

(a) The Centre has watered down the national bus body standards code in spite of a commitment given to the Supreme Court, by requiring only self-certification by the builders.
(b) Lee is an epidemiologist at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Massachusetts who focuses on how physical activity can promote health and prevent chronic disease.
(c) Yechury objected the issue of central monitoring of the development of aspirational districts, saying it was leaving the states out of the scheme of things.
(d) Along with several studies out this year, the results reveal the incredible power of simply doing what humans have done since we stopped swinging from trees.
(e) All are correct


S1. Ans. (d)
Sol. Here, the error lies in the statement given in option (Since decades, experts have advised us to take 10,000 steps a day for better health. The number is even coded into fitness trackers as a goal.), where “Since” will be replaced with “For”. Both “for” and “since” show an event that began in the past and continues into the present but “for” is used with a period of time and “Since” is used to refer to a specific point in time.
Eg: I have been walking for five hours.
I have been walking since 10 p.m.

S2. Ans. (e)
Sol. All the sentences are correct.

S3. Ans. (a)
Sol. Here, the error lies in the statement given in option (The writer mentioned in his speech, “If my grandfather would not have emigrated to the United States, I wouldn’t be living in Seattle.”), where, “would not have” will be replaced by “had not” because in case of unfulfilled desires, wishes, condition, the correct structure of the statement would be “If+ Subject+ had+ V3, Sub+ would/could/ might/ should+ have+ been V3.”

S4. Ans. (e)
Sol. All the statements given above are correct and do not require any improvement.

S5. Ans. (c)
Sol. Here, the error lies in the statement given in option (Yechury objected the issue of central monitoring of the development of aspirational districts, saying it was leaving the states out of the scheme of things.) where, “objected” will be followed by a preposition “to”. Hence, option (c) is the most suitable answer choice.

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