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English Language Quiz For Bank Mains Exam 2023-22nd October

Directions (1-5): The following sentences contain two blanks which prevent them from forming a coherent sentence. Choose the pair of words which will be used to complete the sentence and make it meaningful. If none of the pairs fit in the blanks, then choose option (e) ‘none of these’ as your answer.

Q1. Pakistan’s Prime Minister Imran Khan has been ousted as the country’s leader following a vote of no confidence over allegations of economic ______________________ and mishandling of the country’s foreign policy, bringing an end to his ______________________ term in office.
(a) warranty, attentive
(b) approach, incidental
(c) mismanagement, tumultuous
(d) consolation, obscure
(e) none of these

Q2. US authorities have arrested the alleged leader of a Japanese crime ___________________ on charges of plotting to distribute drugs in the United States and purchase weapons including US-made surface-to-air missiles, according to ___________________ on Thursday.
(a) buttress, cartographer
(b) rapport, tribunal
(c) alien, impasse
(d) syndicate, prosecutors
(e) none of these

Q3. Finland and Sweden could soon join NATO, moves that would likely __________________ Moscow and that officials say would further underscore Russia’s ______________ error in invading Ukraine.
(a) infuriate, strategic
(b) admonish, mercurial
(c) cohere, frugal
(d) muster, amenable
(e) none of these

Q4. A __________________ of students from Yale, MIT, Princeton, Stanford and Vanderbilt working with the non-profit Climate Defense Project filed legal complaints in February to _________________ their universities to end their financial relationships with the fossil fuel industry.
(a) exploration, restore
(b) rampage, ensure
(c) denunciation, accompany
(d) coalition, compel
(e) none of these

Q5. Feather clipping is a common and _________________ form of flight _______________ used not only by zoos, but also people who have pet birds and don’t want the birds to have their full flight potential.
(a) temporary, restriction
(b) indulgent, disillusionment
(c) exhibitionist, sporadic
(d) divisive, tribulation
(e) none of these


S1. Ans (c)
Sol. The correct pair of words that will be make the sentence coherent are mismanagement and tumultuous.
Mismanagement- the process of managing something badly or wrongly.
Tumultuous- characterized by disorderly commotion.

S2. Ans (d)
Sol. The correct pair of words that will be make the sentence coherent are syndicate and prosecutors.
Syndicate- a group of individuals or organizations combined to promote a common interest.
Prosecutors- a lawyer who works for a state or government organization and is responsible for starting legal proceedings and then proving in court that the suspect committed the crime he’s accused of.

S3. Ans (a)
Sol. The correct pair of words that will be make the sentence coherent are infuriate and strategic.
Infuriate- to make furious.
Strategic- relating to the identification of long-term or overall aims and interests and the means of achieving them.

S4. Ans (d)
Sol. The correct pair of words that will be make the sentence coherent are coalition and compel.
Coalition- a body formed by the coalescing of originally distinct elements.
Compel- bring about (something) by the use of force or pressure.

S5. Ans (a)
Sol. The correct pair of words that will be make the sentence coherent are temporary and restriction.
Temporary- lasting for only a limited period of time; not permanent.
Restriction- the limitation or control of someone or something, or the state of being restricted.
Stoking- encourage or incite.

English Language Quiz For Bank Mains Exam 2023-22nd October_3.1

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When is the IBPS Clerk Mains exam scheduled for?

The IBPS Clerk Mains exam is scheduled for 7 October 2023.