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English Language Quiz For Bank Foundation 2023-7th March

Directions (1-10): Each question below has two blanks. There are five pairs of words below the sentence. Each pair is lettered. Choose the pair of words which can be filled up in the blanks in the sentence in the same order so as to complete the sentences meaningfully.

Q1. The inscriptions are _________________________ with complimentary titles and _________________________ sentiments and are finely enameled in the purplish gray background characteristic of wares made for the personality.

(a) parsimonious, equivocal
(b) auspicious, laudatory
(c) replete, laudatory
(d) replete, auspicious
(e) equivocal, parsimonious

Q2. The results _________________________ that statins could help _________________________ rheumatoid arthritis and other auto-immune diseases.
(a) treat, concede
(b) betray, energize
(c) enervate, concede
(d) betray, imply
(e) imply, treat
Q3. Mr. Sinha is of the view that it is not appropriate to _________________________ a verdict of acquittal for the _________________________.
(a) proliferate, felony
(b) propitiate, probable
(c) substitute, probity
(d) substitute, conviction
(e) profane, probity
Q4. The major difference is that poor little Johnny is _________________________ for appalling behavior and Bob is _________________________ to sainthood status.

(a) excoriate, elevated
(b) elevate, testified
(c) testify, exfoliated
(d) extol, expurgated
(e) expurgate, elevated

Q5. The talk among the crowd was _________________________ and friendly, and when the guests of honour came into sight, the women would _________________________ and hug them, and the men would shake their hands in congratulation.
(a) nebulous, mortify
(b) narcissistic, indict
(c) genial, indict
(d) narcissist, amplify
(e) genial, shriek

Q6. It is certainly possible for a rational _________________________ to be a highly _________________________ and responsible person.

(a) parlance, nebulous
(b) agnostic, moral
(c) paroxysm, mortal
(d) agnostic, mendacious
(e) penchant, mordant

Q7. Biogas has a _________________________ future, due to the _________________________ increase of gasoline prices.
(a) facetious, capricious
(b) tremendous, fallow
(c) exalted, facetious
(d) tremendous, exorbitant
(e) fallow, capricious

Q8. The single greatest _________________________ to creative, revolutionary sustainment progress appears to be entrenched _________________________ jurisdictions.
(a) alacrity, parochial
(b) agnostic, capacious
(c) impediment, parochial
(d) impede, callous
(e) alacrity, ambidextrous

Q9. Black vultures choose less _________________________ rocky perches on which to nest but join the lammergeiers on the thermals in their _________________________ for food.
(a) veracious, gall
(b) precarious, quest
(c) prevaricate, perfidy
(d) involved, quest
(e) involved, gall

Q10. Despite good supporting work from Keener, the film _________________________ with _________________________ pacing and a confusing point of view.
(a) vindicates, mitigated
(b) confers, endangers
(c) engenders, flays
(d) flounders, muddled
(e) mitigates, culminated

Directions (11-15): Select the phrase/connector (STARTERS) from the given three options which can be used to form a single sentence from the two sentences given below, implying the same meaning as expressed in the statement sentences.

Q11. (1) The final word is yet to be said on the alleged channeling of black money into Jan Dhan accounts.
(2) The scheme has indeed led to a transformation.

(I)While the final word…
(II)Although the final word…
(III)Not only did the scheme…

(a)Only (I) is correct
(b)Only (II) is correct
(c)Both (I) and (II) are correct
(d)Both (II) and (III) are correct
(e)All are correct

Q12. (1) The BJP Chief, Amit Shah was summoned back to Delhi for an urgent meeting with the PM and Arun Jaitley.
(2) The aborted march is being seen in Kerala as an admission of defeat by the BJP chief.

(I)Notwithstanding that Amit Shah…
(II)For all that the aborted march…
(III)Although Amit Shah was…

(a)Only (I) is correct
(b)Only (II) is correct
(c)Only (III) is correct
(d)Both (I) and (III) are correct
(e)All are correct

Q13. (1)A person can be charged with sedition only if he incites violence or intends to create disorder through speech or writing.
(2) The Constitutional Bench of the Supreme Court in the Kedarnath case came up with the judgment.

(I)If a person is charged with…
(II)According to the judgment of the…
(III)In the case of Kedarnath…

(a)Only (I) is correct
(b)Only (II) is correct
(c)Both (I) and (III) are correct
(d)Both (II) and (III) are correct
(e)All are correct

Q14. (1)Mr. Debroy said that the only good way to obtain satisfactory jobs data is through household surveys and that the previous National Sample Survey was released in 2011, and the next one will release data only in 2018.
(2) He stressed that there is no good data regarding jobs, employment and unemployment.

(I)Stressing that there is no…
(II)In defiance of good way to…
(III)To obtain satisfactory jobs…

(a)Only (I) is correct
(b)Only (III) is correct
(c)Both (I) and (II) are correct
(d)Both (II) and (III) are correct
(e)All are correct

Q15. (1) Germany saw its position enhanced, albeit obliquely via the tradition of having a European head of the IMF.
(2) Japan’s frustrations led it to create the Asian Development Bank as its major channel of development funding.

(I)Though Germany saw its….
(II)While Germany did see its…
(III)Regardless of Japan’s frustrations…

(a)Only (I) is correct
(b)Only (II) is correct
(c)Both (I) and (II) are correct
(d)Both (I) and (III) are correct
(e)All are correct


S1. Ans. (c)
Sol. Replete [adjective] means ‘filled or well-supplied with something’;
Laudatory [adjective] means ‘(of speech or writing) expressing praise and commendation’;
Parsimonious [adjective] means ‘extremely frugal; miserly’;
Equivocal [adjective] means ‘confusing or ambiguous’;
Auspicious [adjective] means ‘favourable, the opposite of sinister’;
Inscriptions are filled with complimentary and commendation sentiments is a meaningful notion.
Among the given options, ‘replete’ and ‘laudatory’ provide the correct context to the blanks.
Hence, option (c) is the correct answer.

S2. Ans. (e)
Sol. Imply [verb] means ‘indicate the truth or existence of (something) by suggestion rather than explicit reference’;
Treat [verb] means ‘give medical care or attention to; try to heal or cure’;
Betray [verb] means ‘to reveal or make known something, usually unintentionally’;
Enervate [verb] means ‘to sap energy from’;
Concede [verb] means ‘acknowledge defeat’;
‘Arthritis’ and auto-immune diseases are something which could be helped to be treated.
Among the given options, ‘imply’ and ‘treat’ correctly provide the correct context to the blanks. Hence, option (e) is the correct answer.

S3. Ans. (d)
Sol. Substitute [verb] means ‘use or add in place of’; ‘replace (someone or something) with another’;
Conviction [noun] means ‘a formal declaration by the verdict of a jury or the decision of a judge in a court of law that someone is guilty of a criminal offence’;
Proliferate [verb] means ‘increase rapidly in number; multiply’;
Propitiate [verb] means ‘win or regain the favour of (a god, spirit, or person) by doing something that pleases them’;
Probity [noun] means ‘the quality of having strong moral principles; honesty and decency’;
Felony [noun] means ‘a crime regarded in the US and many other judicial systems as more serious than a misdemeanor’;
Profane:treat (something sacred) with irreverence or disrespect.
Mr. Sinha is of the view that it is not appropriate to substitute a verdict of acquittal for the conviction.
Among the given options, ‘substitute’ and ‘conviction’ provides the correct context to the blanks. Hence, option (d) is the correct answer.

S4. Ans. (a)
Sol. The sentence is illustrating difference. Someone should be criticized for appalling behavior. Because, the sentence is illustrating contrast, so if one is criticized for showing appalling behavior, the other should be elevated to sainthood status.
Among the given words, ‘excoriated’ and ‘elevated’ provide the correct context to the blanks.
Excoriate [verb] means ‘criticize (someone) severely’;
Elevate [verb] means ‘raise or life (something) to a higher position’;
Extricate [verb] means ‘free (someone or something) from a constraint or difficulty’;
Expurgate [verb] means ‘remove matter thought to be objectionable or unsuitable from (a text or account)’;
Exfoliated:be shed from a surface in scales or layers.
Extol: praise enthusiastically.
Testify [verb] means ‘give evidence as a witness in a law court’;
Hence, option (a) is the correct answer.

S5. Ans. (e)
Sol. Genial [adjective] means ‘friendly and cheerful’;
Shriek [verb] means ‘utter a high-pitched piercing sound or words, especially as an expression of terror, pain, or excitement’;
Narcissistic [adjective] means ‘having or showing an excessive interest in or admiration of oneself and one’s physical appearance’;
Nebulous [adjective] means ‘in the form of a cloud or haze; hazy’;
Mortify [verb] means ‘cause (someone) to feel very embarrassed or ashamed’;
Indict [verb] means ‘formally accuse of or charge with a crime’;
The hint for the first blank can be derived from the fact that ‘friendly’ is connected with the blank through ‘and’. So, the word filling the first blank should have a complimentary meaning to ‘friendly’.
Among the given options, ‘genial’ is a correct word to fill the blank.
Similarly, the hint for the second blank can be derived from the fact that ‘hug’ is connectedwith the blank through ‘and’. So, the word fillingthe second blank can be connected to a physical display of emotion related to ‘hug’ such as shrieking.
Among the given options, ‘shriek’ is a correct word to fill the blank.
So, ‘genial’ and ‘shriek’ are the correct words which would fill the blanks.
Hence, option (e) is the correct answer.

S6. Ans. (b)
Sol. Agnostic [noun] means ‘a person who believes that nothing is known or can be known of the existence or nature of god.’
Moral [adjective] means ‘concerned with the principles of right and wrong behaviour’;
Mordant [adjective] means ‘(especially of humour) having or showing a sharp or critical quality; biting’;
Nebulous [adjective] means ‘in the form of a cloud or haze; hazy’;
Mendacious [adjective] means ‘not telling the truth; lying’;
Parlance [noun] means ‘a particular way of speaking or using words, especially a way common to those with a particular job or interest’;
Paroxysm [noun] means ‘a sudden attack or outburst of a particular emotion or activity’;
Penchant [noun] means ‘a strong or habitual liking for something or tendency to do something’;
Mortal:subject to death.
The hint for the second blank can be derived from the fact that ‘responsible’ is connected with the second blank through ‘and’. So, the word filling the second blank should have a complimentary meaning to ‘responsible’. Among the given words, ‘moral’ is a correct word to fill the blank.
For the first blank, among the given options, ‘agnostic’ can the correct choice of word further substantiated by the development of a meaningful phrase ‘Rational Agnostic’.
Hence, option (b) is the correct answer.

S7. Ans. (d)
Sol. Tremendous [adjective] means ‘very great in amount, scale, or intensity’;
Exorbitant [adjective] means ‘(of a price or amount charged) unreasonably high’;
Capricious [adjective] means ‘given to sudden and unaccountable changes of mood or behaviour’;
Facetious [adjective] means ‘treating serious issues with deliberately inappropriate humour; flippant’;
Exalted:at a high or powerful level.
Fallow [adjective] means ‘(of a period of time) characterized by inaction; unproductive’;
Biogas would have a future because of the increase of gasoline prices.
Among the given words, the adjectives ‘tremendous’ compliments ‘future’ and the adjective ‘exorbitant’ compliments ‘gasoline price’.
Hence, option (d) is the correct answer.

S8. Ans. (c)
Sol. Impediment [noun] means ‘a hindrance or obstruction in doing something’;
Parochial [adjective] means ‘having a limited or narrow outlook or scope’;
Agnostic [noun] means ‘a person who is not sure whether or not God exists’;
Alacrity [noun] means ‘great willingness or enthusiasm’;
Ambidextrous [adjective] means ‘able to use both hands with equal ease’;
Capacious [adjective] means ‘spacious, roomy’;
Callous:showing or having an insensitive and cruel disregard for others.
The words ‘impediment’ and ‘parochial’ complements each other and gels well with the context of the sentence.
Impediment to creative, revolutionary sustainment progress would be ‘parochial’ jurisdictions.
Hence, option (c) is the correct answer.

S9. Ans. (b)
Sol. Precarious [adjective] means ‘not securely held or in position; dangerously likely to fall or collapse’;
Quest [noun] means ‘a long or arduous search for something’;
Veracious [adjective] means ‘truthful’;
Involved [adjective] means ‘complicated and difficult to comprehend’;
Extant [adjective] means ‘still in existence’;
Perfidy [noun] means ‘an act of deliberate betrayal; a breach of a trust’;
Gall [noun] means ‘the trait of being rude’;
Prevaricate:speak or act in an evasive way.
Quest for food is a meaningful phrase which means searching for food.
Birds are likely to choose safe places to nest. Among the given options, ‘precarious’ gels well with the context of the statement.
Hence, option (b) is the correct answer.

S10. Ans. (d)
Sol. Flounder [verb] means ‘be in serious difficulty’;
Muddle [verb] means ‘bring into a disordered or confusing state’; ‘confuse (a person or their thoughts)’;
Vindicate [verb] means ‘to clear of accusation, blame, suspicion, or doubt with supporting arguments or proofs’;
Engender [verb] means ‘give rise to’;
Culminate [verb] means ‘reach the highest or decisive point’;
Mitigate [verb] means ‘make less severe or harsh’;
Flays:whip or beat (someone) so harshly as to remove their skin.
The hint for the second blank can be derived from the word ‘confusing’ and the fact that it is connected with the second blank through ‘and’.
The word ‘flounders’ gels well with the context of the sentence.
Hence, option (d) is the correct answer.

S11. Ans. (c)
Sol. Both the starters (I) and (II) are correct and can be used to frame the logical sentence. The third starter would give a meaningless sentence and thus it is incorrect.
(I)While the final word is yet to be said on the alleged channeling of black money into Jan Dhan accounts, the scheme has indeed led to a transformation.
(II)Although the final word is yet to be said on the alleged channeling of black money into Jan Dhan accounts, the scheme has indeed led to a transformation.

S12. Ans. (d)
Sol. Both the starters (I) and (III) can be used to frame a logical and meaningful sentence for the given set of sentences. However, the second starter is incorrect owing to its irrelevant meaning to the sentence.
(I)Notwithstanding that Amit Shah was summoned back to Delhi for an urgent meeting with the PM and Arun Jaitley, the aborted march is being seen in Kerala as an admission of defeat by the BJP chief.
(III)Although Amit Shah was summoned back to Delhi for an urgent meeting with the PM and Arun Jaitley, the aborted march is being seen in Kerala as an admission of defeat by the BJP chief.

S13. Ans. (d)
Sol. Both the starters (II) and (III) are correct to frame the meaningful sentence. The first one is incorrect as it would alter the meaning of the sentence.
(II)According to the judgment of the Constitutional Bench of the Supreme Court in the Kedarnath case, a person can be charged with sedition only if he incites violence or intends to create disorder through speech or writing.
(III)In the case of Kedarnath, the Constitutional Bench of the Supreme Court came up with the judgment that a person can be charged with sedition only if he incites violence or intends to create disorder through speech or writing.

S14. Ans. (a)
Sol. Among the given three starters, only (I) is correct enough to fulfill the required purpose. The other two would alter the meaning of the sentence.
(I)Stressing that there is no good data regarding jobs, employment and unemployment, Mr. Debroy said the only good way to obtain satisfactory jobs data is through household surveys and that the previous National Sample Survey was released in 2011, and the next one will release data only in 2018.

S15. Ans. (c)
Sol. Both the starters (I) and (II) would provide a meaningful and common sentence. The third one is incorrect as it doesn’t have the correct structure to start a sentence.
(I)Though Germany saw its position enhanced obliquely via the tradition of having a European head of the IMF, Japan’s frustrations led it to create the Asian Development Bank as its major channel of development funding.
(II)While Germany did see its position enhanced, albeit obliquely via the tradition of having a European head of the IMF, Japan’s frustrations led it to create the Asian Development Bank as its major channel of development funding.

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