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English Language Quiz For Bank Foundation 2023-6th March

Directions (1-10): In the questions given below a sentence is divided into five parts marked A-E. The five parts are jumbled and one of the parts has an error in it. Arrange the divided parts into a coherent sentence and identify the part which has an error in it. If none of the options are justifying both the conditions (sequence and grammatically incorrect part), choose option (e) i.e. none of these as your answer choice.

Q1. Rather happy for (A)/ In a tennis mix-double match, (B)/ Yet they were not sad (C)/ They had given their best in the match (D)/ Ravi and Sheela did not came out victorious (E).
(a) CDBEA; (A)
(b) EABDC; (B)
(c) EBCAD, (E)
(d) AEBCD; (D)
(e) None of these

Q2. His family (A)/ He manages to support (B)/ Ajit only earns (C)/ In spite of the fact that (D)/ Six hundred rupees a month (E).
(a) EABCD; (A)
(b) CABDE; (C)
(c) EABDC; (A)
(d) DCEBA, (C)
(e) None of these

Q3. Hardly had Sita (A)/ When the guard (B)/ And the train started moving (C)/ Bought the train ticket (D)/ Showed the flag (E).
(a) EACBD; (D)
(b) ABDEC; (A)
(c) ADBEC, No error
(d) EADBC; (E)
(e) None of these

Q4. Requested to attend (A)/ Of communalism were to be delivered (B)/ The conference in (C)/ Kamla and Kamili were kindly (D)/ Which speeches on the evils (E).
(a) DACEB, (D)
(b) CABDE; (C)
(c) EABCD; (E)
(d) AEBCD; (A)
(e) None of these

Q5. She left her passport (A)/ The port Shalini (B)/ In the drawing room (C)/ On reaching (D)/ Found that (E).
(a) CABDE; (C)
(b) DBEAC, (A)
(c) EABCD; (D)
(d) AEDCB; (E)
(e) None of these

Q6. Herself with (A)/ Her debts (B)/ Able to relieve (C)/ By working hard (D)/ Sarita became (E).
(a) ECABD, (A)
(b) DACEC; (C)
(c) EABCD; No error
(d) AEBCD; (E)
(e) None of these

Q7. Which my sister (A)/ For my sister (B)/ New novel (C)/ Bought it (D)/ This is the (E).
(a) AECDB; (A)
(b) ECADB; (D)
(c) CABED; (C)
(d) DEBAC; (B)
(e) None of these

Q8. Scientific papers are for (A)/ sharing your own original research work (D)/ with another scientists (B)/ or for reviewing the (C)/ research conducted by others. (E)
(a) CABED; (C)
(b) EABCD; (E)
(c) ADBCE; (D)
(d) EABCD; (B)
(e) None of these

Q9. Of my teachers will (A)/ When I (B)/ Be sure (C)/ Will be thirty-five most (D)/ Be above fifty-five (E).
(a) EACDB; No error
(b) BDAEC; (D)
(c) CABDE; (A)
(d) DEACB; (E)
(e) None of these

Q10. Biggest factories (A)/ Declaring a lock-out (B)/ One of the (C)/ On the verge of (D)/ In Kolkata is (E).
(a) EBDAC; (B)
(b) CDEBA; (A)
(c) DCBAE; (E)
(d) CAEDB; No error
(e) None of these

Directions (11-15): Given below each question is given two columns: Column (1) and Column (2). Column (1) has three phrases marked as (1), (2) and (3) while the Column (2) also has three phrases marked as (4), (5) and (6). Match the phrases marked as (1), (2) and (3) to the ones marked as (4), (5) and (6) to make, if possible, a grammatically meaningful sentence. Identify such matches which illustrate contextually meaningful sentences. After identifying contextually meaningful sentence(s), check if any part of that sentence has an error in it. If there is no error, then choose the part (E). If all the given options are not satisfying any of these two conditions, then choose option (e) i.e. none of these as your answer choice.

Column (1)
(1) The solution lies (A)/ in advocating values of humanism (B)/
(2) Each of (A)/ the great tragedies (B)/
(3) If Sameer has (A)/ finished the work, (B)/

Column (2)
(4) and democracy so as to combat (C)/ the oncoming brand of fascism/ (D)/ No error (E).
(5) for our team (C)/ are young and ambitious (D)/ No error (E).
(6) wins their sympathy (C) and admiration (D)/ No error (E).
(a) 2-5; (A)
(b) 1-4: (B)
(c) 3-6: (E) & 1-2: (D)
(d) 2-6 (C)
(e) None of these

Column (1)
(1) Rohan advised to (A)/ his sisters that they should (B)/
(2) The customers (A)/ who died in the plane crash (B)/
(3) Those players who (A)/ did not adhere to the rules of games (B)/

Column (2)
(4) was deprived of taking part (C)/ in the championship (D)/ No error (E).
(5) go to the college regularly (C)/ and do their assignment sincerely (D)/ No error (E).
(6) of Shakespeare (C)/ is worth reading (D)/ No error.
(a) 1-5: (A) & 2-6 (B)
(b) 2-6: (C)
(c) 1-5: (C) & 3-4: (C)
(d) 3-6: (A)
(e) None of these

Column (1)
(1) The Hostel Warden (A)/ of the city college asked the students (B)/
(2) The genesis (A)/ of all the latest innovations (B)/
(3) Such a helpful and genuine (A)/ female as has come (B)/

Column (2)
(4) to return to the hostel before (C)/ the sunset (D)/ No error (E).
(5) he may (C)/ go home (D)/ No error (E).
(6) lies in (C)/ the science (D)/ No error (E).
(a) 2-6: (D) & 1-4: (D)
(b) 2-5: (A)
(c) 1-4: (C)
(d) 2-5: (B) & 3-6: (A)
(e) None of these

Column (1)
(1) Rakhi and Raghav also help the poor (A)/ who really sympathise (B)/
(2) Sushila postponed him (A)/ going to Bengaluru tonight as (B)/
(3) The tramps (A)/ whom we had suspected (B)/

Column (2)
(4) she wanted him to deal with (C)/ one of her major problems (D)/ No error (E).
(5) at others without any (C)/ apparent reason (D)/ No error (E).
(6) but none (C)/ has arrived yet (D)/ No error (E).
(a) 1-5: (C) & 2-6: (E)
(b) 3-4: (A) & 2-5: (D)
(c) 2-4: (A)
(d) 2-5: (C) & 1-4 (A)
(e) None of these

Column (1)
(1) Prabhu ordered (A)/ some books and pencils (B)/
(2) Had Sameera come (A)/ even a moment earlier, (B)/
(3) Rihana doesn’t appreciate (A)/ those who succeed (B)/

Column (2)
(4) to be culpable turn out (C)/ to be innocent (D)/ No error (E).
(5) she would have (C)/ found Rohan there (D)/ No error (E).
(6) with them in the moments (C)/ of melancholy (D)/ No error (E).
(a) 1-4: (D), 2-5: (A) & 3-6: (E)
(b) 1-4: (D)
(c) 3-6 (E)
(d) 2-5: (E)
(e) None of these


S1. Ans. (c)
Sol. The correct sequence is ‘EBCAD’.
Instead of ‘came’, ‘come’ should be present because only first-form of verb is used after the helping verb ‘did’.
Hence, the correct option is the option (c).
Ravi and Sheela did not come out victorious in a tennis mix-double match, yet they were not sad rather happy for they had given their best in the match.

S2. Ans. (d)
Sol. The correct sequence for the sentence is ‘DCEBA’.
The usage of the word ‘only’ in the place where it is used is wrong. It should come before ‘six hundred rupees’.
Rule: Kindly keep in mind that ‘only’, ‘almost’, ‘even’ etc. are generally used before the very word which they qualify.
For example, Only Rihana went there.
Hence, option (d) is the correct answer.
In spite of the fact that Ajit earns only six hundred rupees a month he manages to support his family.

S3. Ans. (c)
Sol. The correct sequence is ‘ADBEC’.
The given sentence, upon rearrangement, has no error in it.
Hence, the correct answer is the option (c).
Hardly had Sita bought the train ticket when the guard showed the flag and the train started moving.

S4. Ans. (a)
Sol. The correct sequence is ‘DACEB’.
The usage of ‘kindly’ is wrong in the part (D) because words like ‘kindly’, ‘please’ used in the active voice are replaced in the passive voice with ‘you (/ he and she, they etc…) are requested’. Hence, the correct answer is option (a).
Kamla and Kamili were requested to attend the conference in which speeches on the evils of communalism were to be delivered.

S5. Ans. (b)
Sol. The correct sequence for the sentence would be DBEAC.
There is an error in the part (A). Instead of ‘she left’, ‘she had left’ would come because ‘Shalini found’ is an event of the Past tense and ‘leaving her passport’ is the Past event of the Past event, and for a Past event of the Past event, ‘Past Perfect’ is used. So, ‘she had left’ would be used.
Hence, the correct answer is the option (b).
On reaching the port Shalini found that she had left her passport in the drawing room.

S6. Ans. (a)
Sol. The correct sequence for the given sentence is ECABD.
There is an error in the part (A) of the sentence. The usage of the preposition ‘with’ is wrong, and instead, the preposition ‘from’ should have been used because ‘free somebody from something’ or ‘free from something’ are used.
Hence, the correct answer is option (a).
Sarita became able to relieve herself from her debts by working hard.

S7. Ans. (b)
Sol. The correct sequence is ECADB.
There is an error in the part (D). The usage of ‘it’ is superfluous because the object of ‘bought’ is ‘which’.
Hence, the option (b) is the correct answer.
This is the new novel which my father bought for my sister.

S8. Ans. (e)
Sol. Even though the correct sequence for the sentence is ADBCE, the error does not contain in part (D). The error is in part (B) of the sentence. The words another and other mean the same thing, except that another is used with a singular noun and other is used with uncountable and plural nouns. Therefore, ‘another’ should be replaced by ‘other’ to make the sentence grammatically correct.
Scientific papers are for sharing your own original research work with other scientists or for reviewing the research conducted by others.
Since, none of the options aptly reflect the correct sequence and the correct erroneous part, option (e) becomes the most suitable answer choice.

S9. Ans. (b)
Sol. The correct sequence for the sentence is BDAEC.
There is an error in the part (D). Instead of ‘I will be thirty-five’, ‘I am thirty-five’ should be used because Simple present tense is used in the ‘Dependent Clauses’ which start with ‘when’ and Future Tense is used in the ‘Main clause’.
For example,
‘When you are forty-five, your sister will be fifty-four.’
Hence, the option (b) is the correct answer.
When I am thirty-five most of my teachers will be above fifty-five, be sure.

S10. Ans. (d)
Sol. The correct sequence for the sentence is CAEDB.
The given sentence is grammatically correct and contextually meaningful and doesn’t require any correction.
Hence, the option (d) is the correct answer.
One of the biggest factories in Kolkata is on the verge of declaring a lock-out.

S11. Ans. (b)
Sol. The sequence 1-4 makes a coherent and contextually meaningful sentence.
In the sentence 1-4, there is an error in the part (B) of the sentence.
‘The’ should be used before ‘values’ because in the ‘Noun + of + Noun’ construction, ‘the’ is used prior to the noun appearing prior to the ‘of’.

S12. Ans. (c)
Sol. The sequences 1-5 and 3-4 would make coherent and contextually meaningful sentences.
In the sentence 1-5, there is an error in the part (C) of the sentence.
‘The’ shouldn’t be used prior to ‘college’. In the phrases like ‘go to school/church/jail’, the words ‘school, college, church, jail etc.’ are fulfilling their fundamental objectives.
In the sentence 3-4, there is an error in the part (C) of the sentence.
Instead of ‘was’, ‘were’ would be used because the subject of the verb is ‘those players’ which is a plural noun.
Hence, option (c) is the correct answer.

S13. Ans. (a)
Sol. The sequences 2-6 and 1-4 make coherent sentences.
In the sentence 2-6, there is an error in the part (D) of the sentence.
‘The’ should be omitted before ‘science’. Also, in the sentence 1-4, there is an error in the part (D) of the sentence. ‘The’ should not be used before ‘sunset’ because no article is used before ‘dawn, daybreak, sunrise, sunset, noon, night’ etc. when these words are preceded by the words ‘before’, ‘after’ etc.
Hence, option (a) is the correct answer.

S14. Ans. (c)
Sol. The only sequence formed is 2-4.
And in the sentence 2-4, there is an error in the part (A) of the sentence.
Instead of ‘him’, ‘his’ would be used because ‘going’ is a gerund, and before gerund, possessive case is used, not objective case.
Hence, option (c) is the correct answer.

S15. Ans. (d)
Sol. The sequence 2-5 makes a coherent and contextually meaningful sentence.
In the sentence 2-5, there is no error. So, (E) is the correct part.
Hence, option (d) is the correct answer.

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