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English Language Quiz For Bank Foundation 2023 -23rd May

Direction (1-10): The sentences given below consists of an idiom given in bold. From the given alternatives identify the most suitable option reflecting the meaning of the idiom. 

Q1. My business partner and I were on the same wavelength when we first started but now, we

have very different ideas about the company

(a) something you never forget how to do

(b) a big fuss about a small problem

(c) agreeing or having the same opinion

(d) begin behaving in an uncontrolled or unacceptable way

(e) stop discussing an issue

Q2. Unfortunately, the results of this new survey really muddy the waters.

(a) to make things more complicated or confusing

(b) hear news of something secret

(c) fail spectacularly

(d) to rudely reply

(e) to take over control of something

Q3. You’ll be in hot water if anyone notices you’re watching movies at work.

(a) a sign of hope

(b) to quickly say something

(c) to be ruined by poor management

(d) to be in a difficult situation for doing something wrong

(e) the easiest possible way

Q4. My secretary pops her chewing gum loudly all day and it absolutely drives me up the wall.

(a) something very likely to happen, occur or take place

(b) to really bother or annoy someone

(c) out of control

(d) trouble is coming

(e) getting a good start is important

Q5. Everyone is walking on eggshells at my firm because the owner is visiting our office this week.

(a) doing something that you had stopped doing for a while

(b) so completely frustrated and upset that you’re unsure what to do

(c) to be extremely careful around someone in order not to upset them

(d) help someone with something

(e) doing something poorly in order to save time or money

Q6. Lying creates a vicious circle as you have to keep telling new lies to cover the old ones.

(a) a set of repeating events and factors that negatively affect the next


(b) to make a mistake.

(c) things that are completely different

(d) give away a secret

(e) in great detail or completely

Q7. There are some gently-used ski jackets up for grabs in the staff lounge if you’re interested.

(a) the big issue or the problem people are avoiding

(b) to think about something very hard, or to try to remember something

(c) something that you find very easy to do

(d) to be able to think and handle a situation quickly

(e) possible for anyone to have

Q8. I explained how to operate the machine until I was blue in the face.

(a) to not say something that you want to say

(b) to work/ study late in the night

(c) talking for a very long time

(d) take a risk

(e) to have no knowledge about something

Q9. Unfortunately, politicians sometimes award contracts to companies under the table.

(a) to improve poor or bad behaviour

(b) to carefully think about or consider something

(c) events have momentum and build upon each other

(d) in secret (often doing something illegal)

(e) available and ready to work

Q10. All applicants must have a college degree and at least one year of work experience under

their belts to apply for this position.

(a) work better or leave

(b) having the experience of doing something

(c) at the usual and expected standard

(d) when something happens or is successful

(e) make every possible effort


S1. Ans (c)
Sol. On the same wavelength is a phrase that means people are acting or thinking in accord or agreement.
Hence, option (c) becomes the most viable answer choice.

S2. Ans (a)
Sol. Muddy the waters- make an issue or situation more confused or complicated.
Hence, option (a) becomes the most viable answer choice.

S3. Ans (d)
Sol. Be in hot water- in a difficult situation in which you are likely to be punished.
Hence, option (d) becomes the most viable answer choice.

S4. Ans (b)
Sol. Drive someone up the wall- make someone very irritated or angry.
Hence, option (b) becomes the most viable answer choice.

S5. Ans (c)
Sol. Walk on eggshells- to be overly careful in dealing with a person or situation because they get angry or offended very easily; to try very hard not to upset someone or something.
Hence, option (c) becomes the most viable answer choice.

S6. Ans (a)
Sol. A vicious circle- a chain of events in which the response to one difficulty creates a new problem that aggravates the original difficulty.
Hence, option (a) becomes the most viable answer choice.

S7. Ans (e)
Sol. Up for grabs- available.
Hence, option (e) becomes the most viable answer choice.

S8. Ans (c)
Sol. Blue in the face- exhausted from anger, strain, or other great effort.
Hence, option (c) becomes the most viable answer choice.

S9. Ans (d)
Sol. Anything that happens under-the-table is taking place secretly, like under-the-table payments that are illegal.
Hence, option (d) becomes the most viable answer choice.

S10. Ans (b)
Sol. If you have something under your belt, you have already achieved it or done it.
Hence, option (b) becomes the most viable answer choice.

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