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English Language Quiz For Bank Foundation 2023 -12th April

Directions (1-15): Each of the following questions give a sentence which has been divided into four parts which might not be in their correct order of narrative. The sentence is then followed by five options, one of which gives the sequence of the rearranged parts to make the sentence meaningful. You must choose the option which gives the correct sequence of the parts. If the sentence is already arranged in the correct sequence or the correct sequence doesn’t match with any of the given sequence, mark option (e). i.e., ” No arrangement required ” as your answer.

Q1. The manager assigned the project to the new employee (A)/ and expected her to complete it within a month (B)/ who had impressed him during the interview (C)/ with the help of the existing team members (D)/ No arrangement required (E).
(a) ABDC
(b) ACBD
(c) CABD
(d) ADBC
(e) No arrangement required

Q2. of the most biodiverse spots globally (A)/ the Western Ghats while one (B)/ India’s most populous tiger reserves (C)/ also hosts some of (D)/ No arrangement required (E).
(a) ABDC
(b) BCAD
(c) CABD
(d) BADC
(e) No arrangement required

Q3. Formal education is a critical part (A)/ in which (B)/ younger generation is a (C)/ collective responsibility of a society (D)/ No arrangement required (E).
(a) ABDC
(b) BCAD
(c) CDBA
(d) ADBC
(e) No arrangement required

Q4. Their parents sat on the benches (A)/ the children played (B)/ in the park while (C)/ and watched them from a distance (D)/ No arrangement required (E).
(a) ABDC
(b) BCAD
(c) CDBA
(d) ADBC
(e) No arrangement required

Q5. various parts of India (A) during/ the month of October or November (B)/ the festival is celebrated (C)/ with great enthusiasm in (D)/ No arrangement required (E).
(a) ACDB
(b) BCAD
(c) CDAB
(d) ADBC
(e) No arrangement required

Q6. To all my friends who are movie buffs (A)/ the movie was so good (B)/ and recommended it (C)/ that I watched it twice (D)/ No arrangement required (E).
(a) BDCA
(b) DCAB
(c) CDBA
(d) ADBC
(e) No arrangement required

Q7. to go for a hike up (A)/ to the summit of the mountain (B)/ my friend and I decided (C)/ early in the morning (D)/ No arrangement required (E).
(a) BDCA
(b) DCAB
(c) CABD
(d) ADBC
(e) No arrangement required

Q8. The new CEO has introduced (A)/ in the current market scenario (B)/ to make the company more competitive (C)/ many innovative policies (D)/ No arrangement required (E)
(a) BDCA
(b) DCAB
(c) CABD
(d) ADCB
(e) No arrangement required

Q9. walked around the city, taking in the sights (A)/ after having lunch at the new restaurant we (B)/ which had been recommended by our tour guide and (C)/ decided to visit some of the nearby shops (D)/ No arrangement required (E)
(a) BACD
(b) DCAB
(c) CABD
(d) ADCB
(e) No arrangement required

Q10. support their findings (A)/ the scientists conducted experiments (B)/ to test their hypothesis (C)/ and gathered data to (D)/ No arrangement required (E)
(a) DBCA
(b) BCDA
(c) CABD
(d) ADCB
(e) No arrangement required

Q11. ensure its success (A)/ the progress of the project (B)/ and identified areas for improvement to (C)/ the manager reviewed (D)/ No arrangement required (E)
(a) DBCA
(b) BCDA
(c) CABD
(d) ADCB
(e) No arrangement required

Q12. rough draft of the painting (A)/ the artist sketched a (B)/ before applying the final (C)/ brushstrokes to create the finished piece (D)/ No arrangement required (E)
(a) ABDC
(b) BACD
(c) CDBA
(d) ADBC
(e) No arrangement required

Q13. athlete trained hard and (A)/ to prepare for the competition the (B)/ following a strict diet (C)/ by lifting weights and doing cardio (D)/ No arrangement required (E)

(a) BACD

(b) ABDC

(c) CDBA

(d) ADBC

(e) No arrangement required

Q14. gather information (A)/ the journalist conducted interviews with (B)/ eyewitnesses and experts to (C)/ for the news story (D)/ No arrangement required (E)
(a) DBCA
(b) BCAD
(c) CABD
(d) ADCB
(e) No arrangement required

Q15. The homework assignment (A)/ and explained the instructions (B)/ the teacher handed out (C)/ for completing it (D)/ No arrangement required (E)
(a) BDCA
(b) DCAB
(c) CABD
(d) ADCB
(e) No arrangement required


S1. Ans. (b)
Sol. The right answer choice is option (b) ACBD. The sentence thus arranged is,
“The manager assigned the project to the new hire who had impressed him during the interview and expected her to complete it within a month with the help of the existing team members.”

S2. Ans. (d)
Sol. The right answer choice is option (d) BADC. The sentence thus arranged is,
“The Western Ghats, while one of the most biodiverse spots globally, also hosts some of India’s most populous tiger reserves.”

S3. Ans. (c)
Sol. The right answer choice is option (c) CDBA. The sentence thus arranged is,
“Younger generation is a collective responsibility of a society in which formal education is a critical part.”

S4. Ans. (b)
Sol. The right answer choice is option (b) BCAD. The sentence thus arranged is,
“The children played in the park while their parents sat on the benches and watched them from a distance.”

S5. Ans. (c)
Sol. The right answer choice is option (c) CDAB. The sentence thus arranged is,
“The festival is celebrated with great enthusiasm in various parts of India during the month of October or November.”

S6. Ans. (a)
Sol. The right answer choice is option (a) BDCA. The sentence thus arranged is,
“The movie was so good that I watched it twice and recommended it to all my friends who are movie buffs.”

S7. Ans. (c)
Sol. The right answer choice is option (c) CABD. The sentence thus arranged is,
“My friend and I decided to go for a hike up to the summit of the mountain early in the morning.”

S8. Ans. (d)
Sol. The right answer choice is option (d) ADCB. The sentence thus arranged is,
“The new CEO has introduced many innovative policies to make the company more competitive in the current market scenario.”

S9. Ans. (a)
Sol. The right answer choice is option (a) BACD. The sentence thus arranged is,
“After having lunch at the new restaurant which had been recommended by our tour guide, we walked around the city, taking in the sights and decided to visit some of the nearby shops.”

S10. Ans. (b)
Sol. The right answer choice is option (b) BCDA. The sentence thus arranged is,
“The scientists conducted experiments to test their hypothesis and gathered data to support their findings”

S11. Ans. (a)
Sol. The right answer choice is option (a) DBCA. The sentence thus arranged is,
“The manager reviewed the progress of the project and identified areas for improvement to ensure its success.”

S12. Ans. (b)
Sol. The right answer choice is option (b) BACD. The sentence thus arranged is,
“The artist sketched a rough draft of the painting before applying the final brushstrokes to create the finished piece.”

S13. Ans. (a)
Sol. The right answer choice is option (a) BACD. The sentence thus arranged is,
“The athlete trained hard to prepare for the competition by lifting weights and doing cardio and following a strict diet.”

S14. Ans. (b)
Sol. The right answer choice is option (b) BCAD. The sentence thus arranged is,
“The journalist conducted interviews with eyewitnesses and experts to gather information for the news story.”

S15. Ans. (c)
Sol. The right answer choice is option (c) CABD. The sentence thus arranged is,
“The teacher handed out the homework assignment and explained the instructions for completing it”

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The selection process of the Bank Clerk is Prelims & Mains.