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English Language Quiz For Bank Foundation 2023 -08th October

Directions (1-7): Given below is a passage with seven blanks. In each of the questions corresponding with the blank numbers that follow, choose from the options the word or phrasal verb which most appropriately fills the blanks in the passage according to the context.

The circulatory system is made up of the lymphatic system, the heart, and blood vessels. The heart is a muscular organ that pumps blood throughout the body. Blood vessels ________________ (1) arteries, veins, and capillaries. Arteries ________________ (2) oxygen-rich blood away from the heart to the rest of the body, ________________ (3) veins carry oxygen-poor blood back to the heart. Capillaries are the smallest blood vessels and connect the arteries and veins, _________________ (4) for the exchange of oxygen, nutrients, and waste products.

One of the most important ____________________ (5) of the circulatory system is red blood cells, which is a protein found in red blood cells. Haemoglobin binds to oxygen in the lungs and carries it __________________ (6) the body, delivering it to cells and tissues that need it. Without enough haemoglobin, the body cannot get enough oxygen, which can ___________________ (7) anaemia.


(a) involve
(b) initiate
(c) include
(d) consist
(e) gather


(a) carry
(b) carries
(c) is carrying
(d) have carried
(e) will carry


(a) for instance
(b) while
(c) such as
(d) as well was
(e) due to


(a) blockage
(b) prohibition
(c) preventing
(d) allowing
(e) escaping


(a) functions
(b) components
(c) incentives
(d) indicators
(e) facilitators


(a) within
(b) outside
(c) throughout
(d) toward
(e) against


(a) draw up
(b) bank on
(c) let down
(d) lead to
(e) get by

Directions (8-10): Each question below has one blank, which is indicating that something has been omitted. Find out which word from the options can be used to fill up the blank to make it meaningfully complete.

Q8. The criminal was _____________ guilty of the crime he was accused of.
(a) found
(b) lost
(c) won
(d) built
(e) praised

Q9. The teacher’s patience _____________ as the students continued to misbehave.
(a) increased
(b) decreased
(c) plateaued
(d) maintained
(e) augmented

Q10. The _____________ of the performance brought tears to the eyes of the audience.
(a) clarity
(b) eloquence
(c) poignancy
(d) frivolity
(e) ambiguity


S1. Ans (c)
Sol. The sentence talks about the components of the blood vessels in the circulatory system, so the correct word for the blank would be “include”.

(a) Involve: to involve something (or someone) is to make it part of a situation or event, for as a necessary part, maybe to achieve a result.
(b) Initiate: to start something
(c) Include: to include something is to make something part of a whole.
(d) Consist: to be made up of or to have as an essential feature.
(e) Gather: to collect or bring together or to understand from information or evidence.

S2. Ans (a)
Sol. The sentence talks about the function of arteries, which is to carry oxygen-rich blood away from the heart. Hence, the correct word for the blank would be “carry”. Simple present is the tense to be used in stating facts or statements of general occurrence.

S3. Ans (b)
Sol. The sentence contrasts the function of arteries and veins, so the correct word for the blank would be “while”.

(a) For instance: a phrase that is used to give an example or to provide further explanation or clarification for something
(b) While: a word used to describe two things happening at the same time, or to show contrast between two things.
(c) Such as: used to introduce an example or series of examples.
(d) As well as: a phrase used to indicate that something is in addition to something else.
(e) Due to: a phrase used to indicate the cause or reason for something.

S4. Ans (d)
Sol. The sentence talks about the function of capillaries, which is to allow for the exchange of oxygen, nutrients, and waste products. Hence, the correct word for the blank would be “allowing”

(a) Blockage: when something is blocking or stopping the flow of something else.
(b) Prohibition: when there is a rule or law that says you are not allowed to do something.
(c) Preventing: stopping something from happening.
(d) Allowing: to make it possible for somebody/something to do something.
(e) Escaping: getting away from something, often in a quick or sneaky manner.

S5. Ans (b)
Sol. The correct word for the blank is “components”, as the context is going to establish the relationship between red blood cells and the circulatory system. The text is addressing parts of the circulatory system in this context.

(a) Functions: the purpose or role of something, especially as part of a larger system or organization.
(b) Components: parts or elements that make up a whole system or object.
(c) Incentives: something that motivates or encourages someone to do something, usually in the form of a reward or benefit.
(d) Indicators: a sign, measurement, or signal that helps to show the presence, state, or quality of something.
(e) Facilitators: something or someone that helps to make a process or action easier or smoother, usually by removing obstacles or providing support.

S6. Ans (c)
Sol. The sentence talks about how haemoglobin carries oxygen throughout the body, so the correct word for the blank would be “throughout”.

(a) Within: inside something or inside of a place.
(b) Outside: not inside something or not enclosed.
(c) Throughout: all the way from one end to the other of: in or to every part of.
(d) Toward: moving in the direction of something or someone.
(e) Against: in opposition to something or someone, or touching or pressing on something.

S7. Ans (d)
Sol. The sentence talks about the consequence of not having enough haemoglobin, which is the development of anaemia. Hence, the correct phrasal verb for the blank would be “lead to”.

draw up – To write (contract, agreement, document)
bank on – To base your hopes on something / someone
let down – To disappoint
lead to – to result in (something)
get by – To manage to cope or to survive

S8. Ans (a)
Sol. The correct answer is (a) found. This makes sense in the context of the sentence, as a person can be found guilty or not guilty in a court of law.

S9. Ans (b)
Sol. The correct answer is (b) decreased. This makes sense in the context of the sentence, as the teacher’s patience would likely wear thin if the students continued to misbehave.

plateau – a state where there is little development or change
augment – make (something) greater by adding to it; increase

S10. Ans (c)
Sol. The correct answer is (c) poignancy. This means that the performance was emotionally moving and touching, and it brought tears to the eyes of the audience.

clarity – the quality of being clear, transparent, or easily understood.
eloquence – fluent or persuasive speaking or writing
poignancy – the quality of evoking a keen sense of sadness or regret
frivolity – lack of seriousness; lightheartedness
ambiguity – the quality of being open to more than one interpretation; inexactness

English Language Quiz For Bank Foundation 2023 -08th October |_3.1

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