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English Language Quiz For Bank Foundation 2023 – 02nd April

Directions (1-3): Two columns are given in each question and each column has three parts of a sentence. Choose the most suitable pair, which makes a grammatically correct and contextually coherent statement.

(A) Despite the heavy rain
(B) The new tax reforms
(C) According to the latest research findings, people
(D) has been widely criticized by the opposition parties
(E) are expected to boost the economy
(F) eats a healthy diet is less likely to develop chronic diseases

(a) A-D
(b) B-E
(c) C-F
(d) B-D
(e) None of these

(A) In his latest interview with the news channel
(B) While the company’s efforts to improve sales
(C) According to the company’s annual report, the company’s

(D) the board of directors expressed confidence in the company’s future prospects
(E) the sales figures for the last quarter were disappointing
(F) profits have increased by 20% compared to last year

(a) A-D
(b) B-E
(c) C-F
(d) A-E
(e) None of these

(A) Despite the traffic congestion
(B) The new policy on immigration
(C) According to the latest weather forecast

(D) he did not give in to the demands of the company
(E) has sparked a debate among politicians and the public
(F) the principal of the school is expected to resign from his position

(a) A-D
(b) B-E
(c) C-F
(d) B-D
(e) None of these

Directions (4-10): Given below is a passage with seven blanks. In each of the questions corresponding with the blank numbers that follow, choose from the options the word or phrasal verb which most appropriately fills the blanks in the passage according to the context.

The world is constantly changing and evolving, and we must ______________ (4) to keep up with it. One of the key ways to do this is through ______________ (5). Learning helps us ______________ (6) new knowledge, skills, and perspectives that enable us to navigate the complexities of the world. It is a continuous process that takes place throughout our lives, from our earliest years to our later ones. Through learning, we become more ______________ (7), more ______________ (8), and more open-minded. We learn to see things from different angles and to appreciate diversity in all its forms. Learning ______________ (9) us to grow and develop, to achieve our goals and aspirations, and to make a positive impact in the world.
Therefore, it is essential to ______________ (10) our learning throughout our lives.


(a) ignore
(b) resist
(c) adapt
(d) dislike
(e) reject


(a) exploring
(b) socializing
(c) working
(d) learning
(e) watching


(a) lose
(b) acquire
(c) hide
(d) reject
(e) share


(a) self-centered
(b) humble
(c) self-aware
(d) reckless
(e) timid


(a) fearful
(b) curious
(c) stubborn
(d) pessimistic
(e) narrow-minded


(a) discourages
(b) enables
(c) weakens
(d) hinders
(e) restrains


(a) halt
(b) stop
(c) hinder
(d) continue
(e) interfere

Directions (11-15): In each of the following sentence there are two blank spaces. Below each sentence there are five options and each option consists of two words which can be filled up in the blanks in the sentence to make the sentence grammatically correct. Choose the correct pair of sentences.

Q11. He was _____ and _____ when he realized he had lost his wallet.
(a) angry, upset
(b) happy, content
(c) calm, relaxed
(d) elated, cheerful
(e) energetic, lively

Q12. The flowers in the garden were _____ and _____, adding to the beauty of the landscape.
(a) dull, uninteresting
(b) bright, colourful
(c) gloomy, depressing
(d) dry, withered
(e) weak, feeble

Q13. She was _____ of the situation, but she _____ to not do anything about it.
(a) aware, chose
(b) unaware, chose
(c) conscious, decided
(d) ignorant, failed
(e) certain, neglected

Q14. The athlete was _____ for the competition, but he _____ to win the gold medal.
(a) confident, hoped
(b) nervous, succeeded
(c) excited, failed
(d) apprehensive, aimed
(e) prepared, managed

Q15. The concert was _____ and _____, with the audience cheering for an encore.
(a) dull, boring
(b) lively, energetic
(c) quiet, peaceful
(d) tranquil, disorganized
(e) sombre, gloomy


S1. Ans (b)
Sol. The correct pair of sentences is option (b) B-E. The complete sentence would be: “The new tax reforms are expected to boost the economy.” This statement is grammatically correct and makes sense in the given context. Option (a) A-D is incorrect as it doesn’t form a proper context. Option (c) C-F and option (d) B-D are also grammatically incorrect and do not make sense in the given context. Therefore, the answer is (b) B-E.

S2. Ans (c)
Sol. The correct pair of sentences is option (c) C-F. The complete sentence would be: “According to the company’s annual report, the company’s profits have increased by 20% compared to last year.” This statement is grammatically correct and makes sense in the given context. Option (a) A-D does not make grammatical sense. Option (b) B-E is incorrect as it doesn’t form a complete sentence. Option (d) A-E is also incorrect as it doesn’t make sense in the given context. Therefore, the answer is (c) C-F.

S3. Ans (b)
Sol. The correct pair of sentences is option (b) B-E. The complete sentence would be: “The new policy on immigration has sparked a debate among politicians and the public.” This statement is grammatically correct and makes sense in the given context. Option (a) A-D and option (c) C-F are both incorrect as they don’t form a complete sentence. Option (d) B-D is also incorrect as it doesn’t make sense in the given context. Therefore, the answer is (b) B-E.

S4. Ans (c)
Sol. The blank requires a verb that means to adjust or change in response to the changing world. The word “adapt” means to change in response to new circumstances, and it fits the blank best in the given context.

S5. Ans (d)
Sol. The blank requires a noun that represents a way to keep up with the changing world. The word “learning” fits best in the given context as it is the process of acquiring knowledge, skills, or understanding through study, experience, or teaching.

S6. Ans (b)
Sol. The blank requires a verb that means to gain or obtain something. The word “acquire” fits best in the given context as it is the act of gaining or getting something, especially by one’s own efforts.

S7. Ans (c)
Sol. The blank requires an adjective that means having knowledge and understanding of one’s own character, feelings, motives, and desires. The word “self-aware” fits best in the given context as it describes the ability to be aware of one’s own thoughts and emotions.

S8. Ans (b)
Sol. The blank requires an adjective that means having a strong desire to know or learn something. The word “curious” fits best in the given context as it describes the desire to learn or know more about something.

S9. Ans (b)
Sol. The blank requires a verb that means to provide the means or ability to do something. The word “enables” fits best in the given context as it means to provide the means or ability to do something, which is what learning does.

S10. Ans (d)
Sol. The blank requires a verb that means to keep doing something. The word “continue” fits best in the given context as it means to keep doing something without stopping or changing. In this case, the blank refers to the act of learning, which should continue throughout our lives.

S11. Ans (a)
Sol. The correct answer is (a) angry, upset. Both adjectives indicate a negative emotional state, which would be appropriate for someone who has just realized they’ve lost their wallet.

S12. Ans (b)
Sol. The correct answer is (b) bright, colourful. These adjectives are commonly used to describe flowers, and they suggest a visually appealing landscape.

S13. Ans (a)
Sol. The correct answer is (a) aware, chose. The first blank suggests that the person knows what’s happening, while the second blank suggests that they have some control over the situation.

S14. Ans (c)
Sol. The correct answer is (c) excited, failed. The first blank suggests that the athlete was ready for the competition, while the second blank suggests that he didn’t necessarily win, but had high aspirations.

S15. Ans (b)
Sol. The correct answer is (b) lively, energetic. Both adjectives suggest an exciting and engaging performance, which is often met with enthusiasm from the audience.
Definitions of some of the difficult words are given for convenience.
sombre – dark in colour; dull
gloomy – sad and without much hope
tranquil – quiet and peaceful

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