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Don’t wait to Start your Preparation for SBI Clerk Mains 2020

SBI Clerk Main Exam Preparation 2020- The State Bank of India has already been conducting the Prelims for Junior Associate Post. Prelims will be over on 8th of March 2020. If you are someone who is waiting for the Prelims result then think again. SBI Clerk is one of the most coveted exam of banking sector. Though the number of vacancies are 8000+, but the number of students applying for these vacancies are in lakhs. This brings all aspirants who have appeared for SBI Clerk Prelims to the question- When should you start your preparation for the Mains exam?

Every year lakhs of aspirants sit in this exam to secure that one seat you too are working hard for. Thus, it wouldn’t be wrong to say that the time when you are waiting for the Prelims result to be declared, there are other students who must be working really hard to crack the SBI clerk Mains 2020. And this attitude makes all the difference in the final merit list.

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SBI Clerk mains is an exam that you can easily clear if you start your preparation now with the right strategy. In this article, we will be discussing all about SBI Clerk Mains 2020 to set you ready for the final lap.

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SBI Clerk Mains 2020 Exam Pattern

SBI Clerk Main Examination will consists 190  Objective type questions for 200 marks and. Below table shows the detailed pattern of SBI Clerk exam 2020

S.No. Name of Tests(Objective) No. of Questions Maximum Marks Duration
1 Reasoning Ability & Computer Aptitude 50 60 45
2 General English 40 40 35 minutes
3 Quantitative Aptitude 50 50 45 minutes
4 General/Financial Awareness 50 50 35 minutes
Total 190 200 2 Hour 40 minutes

Strategy to Start Your Preparation for SBI Clerk Mains 2020

Reasoning Ability & Computer Aptitude- This section requires a lot of practice. It doesn’t have any particular rule. This section is all about practice. The more you practice the different types of Puzzles the better you will understand this topic. Puzzles and New pattern requires you to practice them alot if you want to ace these topics. You can watch adda247 videos to learn the techniques of solving Mains level puzzles and new pattern questions.  Give sectional Mains level mock of Reasoning to save your time. You can purchase adda247 Test series to avail the sectional mock tests.

General English- Candidates are very much scared of this section and usually have no idea how to prepare this section. English is one such section that can be prepared with little efforts if prepare with the right strategy. Reading newspaper’s editorial will serve your maximum purpose. As, the maximum number of questions asked in SBI Clerk Mains English section are related to RC. It will also enhance your vocabulary and reading speed. Going through the grammatical rules is another important drill to score good marks in this section.

Quantitative Aptitude- This section though seems to be very difficult but it isn’t if prepare with the right strategy. But you need to do maximum of your hard work in this section. Because this section demands extensive practice. The questions asked in this section are calculative and very time-consuming. and the time constrain makes this section even more difficult The trick is to attempt the mini quizzes on Adda247 App on a regular basis, without skipping a single day. Practice DI on a regular basis and for that practice arithmetic questions as they form the basis for DI , Data sufficiency and many other topics.

General Awareness- To ace this section, all you need to do is to read newspaper. Reading newspaper will serve your many purposes. You can also refer Adda247 Daily Current Affairs, Monthly capsules and also Power Capsule. And you are good to go.

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