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Dispel COVID-19 Darkness by Lighting a Candle on April 5- “Aao Phirse Diya Jalaye”

India is under a lockdown, that started on 23 March and is expected to end on 14 April, in a fight against the nationwide health emergency due to Coronavirus Outbreak. Prime Minister Narendra Modi has urged the citizens of the country to turn off their lights for 9 minutes on 5 April (Sunday) and dispel the darkness by lighting a diya or a candle or even use the flashlight on one’s mobile phone or a torch to acknowledge the country’s fights against the pandemic.

PM Narendra Modi also tweeted a video of the former late prime minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee reciting his poem ‘aao, phir se diya jalaein’ on Saturday, to boost the moral of all citizens to remind everyone that we are united in this fight and that by practicing social distancing we are not only helping ourselves but millions of other in staying safe.

Team bankersadda requests all students to light a candle on 5 April, at 9PM for 9 minutes. Doctors, policemen and all essential service providers are the warriors who are fighting on the front of the battlefield and we have to perform our duty by encouraging them, respecting their efforts and by STAYING AT HOME!! Yes because the number of coronavirus infected cases in India has crossed the 3000 marks on Saturday as there are 3210 confirmed cases out of which 2895 are active cases of the COVID-19 disease.

भरी दुपहरी में अँधियारा, सूरज परछाई से हारा
भरी दुपहरी में अँधियारा, सूरज परछाई से हारा
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आओ फिर से दिया जलाये
आओ फिर से दिया जलाये

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