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NABARD Grade A 2020 – Get Direct Link to Apply Online for 154 posts

NABARD Grade A Officer Recruitment 2020: National Bank For Agriculture & Rural Development has finally released the official notification for the aspirants to be recruited for a total of 154 posts in Rural and agriculture bank. There are 150 vacancies in NABARD Grade A (RDBS) (Rajbhasha Adhikari and Legal Officer) where no experience is required and 4 vacancies in NABARD Grade A (P&SS) (Protocol and security service) but experience is mandatory to apply for this post. Online apply online link will be closed on 3rd February 2020.Get the direct link to apply online for two different posts.

NABARD Grade A 2020 Recruitment- Direct Link to Apply Online, Check Eligibility, Vacancies and Steps to Apply Online_3.1

Apply Online for NABARD Grade A (P&SS)

Apply Online for NABARD Grade A (RDBS)

NABARD Grade A Officers Apply Online

Aspirants willing to apply for the NABARD Grade A officers for protocol and security service and Rajbhasha service and legal service can fill their registration form from today onwards till 3rd February 2020. It is to be noticed that those who are applying for NABARD Grade A (P&SS) will be called for interview directly as there is no written test for this post.

Click here to check the official notification for the post of Officers in Grade ‘A’ (P & SS)

Click here to check the official notification for the post of Officers in Grade ‘A’ (RDBS)

1. NABARD Grade A 2020 Notification
2. NABARD Grade A 2020 Vacancies
3. NABARD Grade A 2020 Important Dates
4. NABARD Grade A 2020: Apply Online
5. NABARD Grade A 2020 Application Fees
6. NABARD Grade A 2020 Eligibility Criteria
7. NABARD Grade A 2020 Recruitment Process
8. NABARD Grade A 2020 Exam Pattern
9. NABARD Grade A 2020 Syllabus
10. NABARD Grade A 2020 Cut Off
11. NABARD Grade A 2020 Final Selection

NABARD Grade A 2020 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Frequently asked questions will give an entire idea about the NABARD Grade A Recruitment. Here we go:

Question: What are the important dates for NABARD Grade A Recruitment 2020?

Answer: Given below are the important dates related to NABARD Grade A Recruitment 2020:

Events Dates
Commencement of Online Registration January 15, 2020
Last Date To Apply Online February 3rd, 2020
Closure of  editing application details  February 3rd, 2020
NABARD Grade A Prelims Exam (For RDBS post) 25th February 2020
NABARD Grade A Mains Exam Will be announced later
NABARD Grade A Interview Date( For post of P&SS) March – 2020 (Tentatively)

Question: What is the NABARD Grade A Exam Pattern?

Answer: NABARD Grade A Exam is conducted in three phases: Prelims, Mains and Interview. The prelims exam has 2 hours time duration and will carries a total of 200 marks. There is no changes in NABARD Grade A Exam Pattern this year. Here is the NABARD Grade A Exam Pattern:

NABARD Grade A Prelims Exam Pattern:(RDBS post Only)

S. No. Subjects Maximum Marks
1. Test of Reasoning 20 Marks
2. English Language 40 Marks
3. Computer Knowledge 20 Marks
4. General Awareness 20 Marks
5. Quantitative Aptitude 20 Marks
6. Economic & Social Issues (with focus on Rural India) 40 Marks
7. Agriculture & Rural Development (with focus on Rural India) 40 Marks
Total Marks 200 Marks

Note: Exam pattern for NABARD Grade A prelims for RDBS, Legal Service, and Rajbhasha officer post is similar.

NABARD Grade A Mains Exam Pattern: (RDBS)

NABARD Grade A is both objective and descriptive in nature. The analytical and drafting abilities of the candidate shall be assessed through Descriptive Paper (Paper 1) on General English comprising essay writing, comprehension, report writing, paragraph writing & letter writing.

S. No. Subjects Maximum Marks Duration
1. Paper I (Descriptive Test) 100 Marks 1 Hour 30 Minutes
2. Paper II-Economic & Social Issues and Agriculture & Rural Development with focus on Rural India) for General Post and for all the other posts – Paper on related discipline 100 Marks 1 Hour 30 Minutes
Total 200 Marks 3 Hours

NABARD Grade A Mains Exam Pattern (Rajbhasha)

S. No. Subjects Maximum Marks Duration
1. Paper I (Descriptive Test) 100 Marks 1 Hour 30 Minutes
2. MCQs( Proficiency in Hindi including Translation from English to Hindi and Vice versa. The analytical and
drafting ability of the candidate shall also be assessed from the descriptive paper)
100 Marks 1 Hour 30 Minutes
Total 200 Marks 3 Hours

NABARD Grade A Mains Exam Pattern (Legal Service)

S. No. Subjects Maximum Marks Duration
1. Paper I (Descriptive Test) 100 Marks 1 Hour 30 Minutes
2. MCQs( The paper will be based on proficiency in interpreting various Laws viz., Banking, Negotiable
Instruments, Company, Industrial and Cooperative Laws, Cyber laws, Commerce/Property
transactions, Rural non-life insurance, direct financing, staff matters and good experience in
drafting various types of documents.)
100 Marks 1 Hour 30 Minutes
Total 200 Marks 3 Hours

Note: There is no sectional timing in NABARD Grade A Prelims Exam. However, mains exam have 1 hour 30 minutes duration for each paper.

Note: There will be only interview for the post of P&SS

NABARD Grade A Interview (RDBS post)

The Interview stage consist of 25 marks and is the final stage of NABARD Grade A Recruitment. Candidate who will qualify NABARD Grade A Mains Exam will be eligible for Interview Round.

Question: What are the total number of vacancies for NABARD Grade A 2020?

Answer: NABARD has released a total of 154 vacancies for NABARD Grade A Recruitment for the post of Rural Development Banking Service, Rajbhasha Service, Legal Service and Protocol & Security Service. Here is the post-wise vacancies:

Post Vacancies
Rural Development Banking Service 139
Rajbhasha Service 08
Legal Service 03
Protocol & Security Service 04

Question: What is the NABARD Grade A (RDBS) eligibility criteria (educational) 2020? (as on 01-01-2020) 

Answer: Candidate can not apply for more than one post. If a candidate apply for multiple post then the last application submitted by his/her will be considered for the examination purpose.

According to official notification The candidate must possess the required educational qualification as on 01-01-2020. The result of final term / semester/ year examination of the required educational qualification must have been declared on or before 01-01-2020. In other words, candidates whose final year/semester results have been declared on or after 02-01-2020 are not eligible to apply.

Question: What is the NABARD Grade A (P&SS) eligibility criteria (educational) 2020? (as on 01-01-2020) 

Answer: He/she should be an officer with a minimum of five years’ of Commissioned service in the Army/Navy/Air Force holding a valid Ex-Serviceman Identity Card.

Question: What is the NABARD Grade A Age Criteria? (as on 01-01-2020)

Answer: The NABARD Grade ‘A’ Age Criteria will be calculated from the 1 January 2020. The lower and upper age limit includes:

Minimum Age: 21 Years

Maximum Age: 30 Years

Age limit under (P&SS)Posts

Minimum age: 25 years

Maximum Age: 40 years

Relaxation in Maximum Age Limit 

OBC: Given a relaxation of 3 Years

SC/ ST: 5 Years

PWBD: 10 Years (General), 13 Years (OBC) and 15 Years (SC/ST)

No age relaxation provided under P&SS post

Question: What is the NABARD Grade A Application fees?

Answer: Application fee for the post will be as under: (for RDBS post)

Category Application Fee Intimation charges etc. Total
General/ OBC Rs 650 Rs 150 Rs 800
SC/ ST/ PWBD Nil Rs 150 Rs 150

Application fees under P&SS post

Category Application Fee Intimation charges etc. Total
SC/ ST NIL 100/- 100/-
All others 650 100/- 750/-

*Exclusive of applicable GST

Question: What is the NABARD Grade A Salary (RDBS) post?

Answer: Selected candidates will draw a starting basic pay of Rs.28150/- p.m. in the scale of 28150-1550(4)-34350-1750(7)–46600–EB-1750(4)-53600-2000(1)-55600 applicable to Officers in Grade ‘A’ and they will be eligible for Dearness Allowance, Local Compensatory Allowance, House Rent Allowance, and Grade Allowance as per rules in force from time to time. At present, initial monthly gross emoluments are approximately Rs. 62,600/-.

Question: What is the Grade A salary (P&SS)post?

Answer: Selected candidates will draw a starting basic pay of Rs.28150/- p.m. in the scale of Rs.28150-1550(4)-34350-1750(7)-46600-EB-1750(4) – 53600-2000(1) -55600 applicable to officers in Grade ‘A’. They will also be eligible for Dearness Allowance, Local Compensatory Allowance as per Rules
in force from time to time. At present, initial monthly gross emoluments are
approximately Rs 62,600/-

Question: What is the NABARD Grade A (RDBS) selection procedure?

Answer: NABARD Grade A Recruitment consist of 3 stages including Prelims, Mains and Interview. The Prelims Exam is qualifying in nature. However, marks of mains and interview stage are included in the merit list. So, candidate need to perform well in the mains and interview to get selected in the National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development.

Question: What is the NABARD Grade A (P&SS) selection procedure?

Answer: According to the official notification, candidates applying for P&SS post will be called for the interview round only. Their selection will be based on the performance in the interview round details mentioned in the application form (Experience required)

Question: Is there any experience required in NABARD Grade A officer recruitment?

Answer: No experience required if candidates are applying for NABARD Grade A (RDBS) post while for P&SS post He/she should be an officer with a minimum of five years’ of Commissioned service in the Army/Navy/Air Force holding a valid Ex-Serviceman Identity Card.

Question: How to apply for NABARD Grade A (P&SS) post?

Answer: Willing and eligible candidates can apply from the link given on the official website of NABARD i.e www.nabard.org it is to be noted that no other means of submitting application form would be accepted in any case.

Candidates are required to fill the application form in English only.

Option to use Hindi language will be available at the time of interview only.

Detailed Guidelines / Procedure for
A. Application Registration
B. Payment of Application Fee
C. Documents Scan and Upload
Candidates can apply online only from 15-01-2020 to 03-02-2020 and no other mode of application will be accepted.

Question: How to apply for NABARD Grade A (RDBS) post?

Answer: Willing and eligible candidates can apply from the link given on the official website of NABARD i.e www.nabard.org it is to be noted that no other means of submitting application form would be accepted in any case.

This is the first step, and your registration will be done for the first phase of the recruitment process i.e for preliminary exam.

It is important to fill the application according to the eligibility and other details mentioned in the official notification discrepancy in filling the application form may result into failure of your candidature.

Candidates are required to fill the application form in English only

Detailed Guidelines / Procedure for
A. Application Registration
B. Payment of Application Fee
C. Documents Scan and Upload
Candidates can apply online only from 15-01-2020 to 03-02-2020 and no other mode of application will be accepted.

Register here to get study materials and regular updates!!

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