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DFCCIL Syllabus 2023 & Exam Pattern for Executive and Jr. Executive

DFCCIL Syllabus 2023

The Dedicated Freight Corridor Corporation of India Limited has released the DFCCIL Exam Dates for CBT 1. The following exam dates have been released for 535 posts from different disciplines like Junior Manager, Executive and Junior Executive. So, candidates who are willing to appear in the DFCCIL Exam 2023 should prioritize the DFCCIL Syllabus 2023 and follow the exam pattern thoroughly. In this post, we will give you a detailed and streamlined version of DFCCIL Syllabus 2023 through which you sense the difficulty level of the paper and can be precise about the important concepts.

DFCCIL Syllabus 2023

Dedicated Freight Corridor Corporation of India Limited has released an official notification on 20 May 2023. This detailed notification has been consisting all the crucial details related to the exam. However, when it comes of DFCCIL Syllabus 2023, the candidates need to brace up their strategies by following the pattern properly. In this article, we have provided comprehensive information regarding the DFCCIL Syllabus 2023, encompassing all the different posts.

DFCCIL Syllabus 2023: Overview

The DFCCIL 2023 CBT 1 will be held on 23, 24 and 25 August 2023. Here is a brief overview of the DFCCIL Syllabus 2023.

DFCCIL Syllabus 2023: Overview
Organization Dedicated Freight Corridor Corporation of India Limited
Exam Name DFCCIL Exam 2023
DFCCIL 2023 Exam Date  23, 24 and 25 August 2023
Post Executive and Junior Executive
Vacancy 535
Category Government Job
Application Mode Online
Selection Process Computer Based Test(CBT) Stage 1,Computer Based Test(CBT) Stage 2, Computer Based Aptitude Test(Only For Executive(Operations & Business Development)), Document Verification, and Medical Test
Official Website www.dfccil.com
DFCCIL  Syllabus 2023 Check This Post in Hindi

DFCCIL Syllabus 2023

Here is the detailed DFCCIL Syllabus 2023 section-wise and post-wise for various posts. The DFCCIL Exam will be conducted for posts like Executive and Junior Executive. The exam consists of  Computer Based Test(CBT) Stage 1, Computer Based Test(CBT) Stage 2, Computer Based Aptitude Test(Only For Executive(Operations & Business Development)), Document Verification, and Medical Test.  Here is the detailed section-wise DFCCIL Syllabus 2023.

DFCCIL Post Wise Syllabus 2023

Here is the post-wise syllabus for DFCCIL Exam.  The candidates can check the DFCCIL Post Wise Syllabus 2023 as per the post they are interested in.

DFCCIL Post Wise Syllabus 2023
Post Code Position Part-I Part-II
11 Executive (Civil) General Knowledge, General Aptitude/Reasoning, etc. Engineering and Solid Mechanics, Structural Analysis, Building & Construction Materials, Concrete, Soil Mechanics, Foundation Engineering, Transportation Engineering, Hydraulics, Engg. Drawing, Estimation and Surveying, etc.
12 Executive (Electrical) General Knowledge, General Aptitude/Reasoning, etc. Power Transmission & Distribution, Circuit Analysis & Control system, Machines, Electronics, Measurement, etc.
13 Executive (Operations & Business Development) General Knowledge, Logical Reasoning, Numerical Ability, General Science, History of Indian Railways and DFCCIL, Economics & Marketing, Customer Relations, etc.
14 Executive (Finance) General Knowledge, General Aptitude/Reasoning, etc. Corporate Accounting, Income Tax Laws and Practice, Indirect Tax Laws, Corporate Laws, Cost Accounting, etc.
15 Executive (Human Resource) General Knowledge, General Aptitude/Reasoning, etc. Human Resources Management, Industrial Relations & Labour Laws, Training and Development, Recruitment & Selection, etc.
16 Executive (Information Technology) General Knowledge, General Aptitude/Reasoning, etc. Basic Knowledge about the hardware configuration of computers and servers, Networking, IP routing & Traffic Management, etc.
21 Junior Executive (Electrical) General Knowledge, Numerical Ability, General Aptitude/Reasoning, General Science, etc. Electrical Circuits and Fields, Signals and Systems, Electrical Machines, Power Systems, Control Systems, etc.
22 Junior Executive (Signal & Telecommunications) General Knowledge, Numerical Ability, General Aptitude/Reasoning, General Science, etc. Electronic Measurements and Instrumentation, Analog and Digital Circuits, Analog and Digital Communication Systems, Basic Network Connectivity and Communications, etc.
23 Junior Executive (Mechanical) General Knowledge, Numerical Ability, General Aptitude/Reasoning, General Science, etc. Engineering Drawing, Measurement, Work, Power & Energy, Heat & Temperature, Machines, Tools & Equipment, etc.

DFCCIL Exam Pattern 2023

Familiarizing oneself with the exam pattern is crucial for candidates preparing for the DFCCIL Exam 2023, in addition to studying the syllabus. Understanding the structure of the exam, the types of questions, and the weightage assigned to each section can help candidates approach the exam more effectively. Below is the detailed post-wise exam pattern for DFCCIL 2023.

DFCCIL Exam Pattern 2023 For Executive & Junior Manager

The below table shows the exam pattern of DFCCIL 2023 for Executive (Operations & BD/ Civil/ Mechanical/ Signal & Telecommunication), Junior Manager (Civil/ Mechanical/ Electrical/ Operations & BD) posts, in which there will be total 3 subjects for which candidates will get 2 hours to complete the same.

DFCCIL Exam Pattern 2023 For Executive & Junior Manager
Test Subjects No. of Questions Duration
Computer Based Test (CBT) General Knowledge 24 2 hours
General Aptitude/Reasoning
Concerned Subjects 96
Overall 120

DFCCIL Junior Executive Exam Pattern 2023

Here is the exam pattern for the post of Junior Executive (Mechanical, Electrical, Signal & Telecommunications, Operation) in the DFCCIL 2023 examination. The exam will consist of questions from four subjects: General Knowledge, Reasoning, General Science, and Concerned Subjects. Candidates will have a total of 2 hours to complete the exam.

DFCCIL Exam Pattern 2023 For Junior Executive
Test Subjects No. of Questions Duration
Computer Based Test (CBT) General Knowledge 60 2 hours
General Aptitude/Reasoning
General Science
Concerned Subjects 60
Overall 120


DFCCIL Qualifying Marks for CBT

In the Computer Based Test (CBT), there are fixed qualifying marks for all candidates, given below according to the categories.

DFCCIL Qualifying Marks For CBT
Categories Qualifying Marks
UR 40%
ST 25%

DFCCIL Recruitment 2023 Notification Out for 535 Vacancies_80.1

Test Prime For All Exams 2024


What is the DFCCIL Syllabus 2023?

The detailed DFCCIL Syllabus 2023 is mentioned in the article above.

What is the selection process for DFCCIL Exam?

The selection process for DFCCIL Exam Computer Based Test(CBT) Stage 1, Computer Based Test(CBT) Stage 2, Computer Based Aptitude Test(Only For Executive(Operations & Business Development)), Document Verification, and Medical Test.

Is there negative marking in DFCCIL Exam?

Yes there is negative marking in DFCCIL Exam there is a deduction of 0.25 marks for incorrect answer.

When is the DFCCIL 1st Stage Computer Based Test (CBT)?

The DFCCIL 1st Stage Computer Based Test (CBT) is on 23,24 and 25 August 2023.

Is DFCCIL Syllabus discussed post-wise in the given article?

Yes, DFCCIL Syllabus is discussed post-wise in the given article.