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Detailed IBPS SO Syllabus For Agriculture Officer Professional Knowledge

IBPS SO  Prelims exam is scheduled to be held on 28th and 29th December. IBPS released its notification for different post for about 1163 vacancies and last date to apply for the same is about to over on 26th November. We have already provided you with IBPS SO Syllabus. Every post is having different eligibility criteria students are required to check the necessary details before filling up the application form. Although we have provided you with the detailed exam pattern and syllabus for the respective post.  In this article we will check the detailed Agriculture officer Syllabus for professional knowledge that will carry weightage of 60 marks.

Detailed IBPS SO Syllabus For Agriculture Officer Post_3.1

IBPS SO exam will be conducted in two phases i.e Preliminary and Mains.Where Professional knowledge is the important section in IBPS SO Mains exam. If you are appearing for IBPS SO exam for Agriculture officer scale-1 post, then you are at the right place. Check the IBPS SO Syllabus for Agriculture.

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IBPS SO Agriculture Officer Scale-1: Professional Knowledge Syllabus

1.Agriculture current affairs

2.Crop horticulture vegetables

3.Spacing time of sowing seed rate

4.Herbicides Pesticides

5.Important points regarding plants fruits vegetables

6.Preservation of fruits and vegetables

7.Types of cropping system

8.Different Diseases

9.Seed technology – Different government schemes

10.Agriculture economics – Agriculture cost and schemes

11.Various types of agricultural practices

12.Soil resources

13.Indian soil

14.Green manures

15.Animal husbandry and technology

16.Different varieties of animals

17.Agriculture small industries like honey daily in the fisheries

18.Various diseases and its causes

19.Rural welfare activities in India

20.Different insurance schemes regarding agriculture

21.Development schemes.

Students if you want to be in the merit list this time, make use of the time that you have. Do not leave any stone unturned. Revise.Learn.Improve.

Make sure you revise everything that is important from the examination point of view. Time is limited. Prepare smart. All The Best!

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Detailed IBPS SO Syllabus For Agriculture Officer Post_4.1

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