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Daily Wordlist for RBI/IBPS Exam 2016

Daily Wordlist for RBI/IBPS Exam 2016 |_2.1

Meaning: having or showing excessive or offensive sexual desire.
Synonym: lustful, licentious, lascivious,
Antonym: chaste, pure
Sentence: “she ignored his lecherous gaze”

Meaning: deceive or trick
Synonym: dupe, outwit
Antonym: debunk, expose, reveal,
Sentence: “staff was hoodwinked into thinking the cucumber was a sawn-off shotgun”

Meaning: (especially of a comment or style of speaking) sharp and forthright.
Synonym: sharp, sarcastic, sardonic,
Antonym: mild, kind, sweet
Sentence: “his acerbic wit”

Meaning: (of a view or picture) with a wide view surrounding the observer; sweeping.
Synonym: sweeping, wide, extensive, bird’s-eye, scenic
Antonym: restricted, narrow, limited
Sentence: “on a clear day there are panoramic views”

Meaning:a violent windy storm.
Synonym:storm, gale, squall, superstorm,
Sentence:”a raging tempest”

Meaning: the playful and friendly exchange of teasing remarks.
Synonym: wisecracks, crosstalk, wordplay; More
Sentence:”there was much good-natured banter”

Meaning:a violent windy storm.
Synonym:storm, gale, squall, superstorm,
Sentence:”a raging tempest”

Meaning: very weak or slight.
Synonym: slight, insubstantial, flimsy, negligible,
Antonym: convincing, substantial, strong
Sentence: “the tenuous link between interest rates and investment”

Meaning: on or relating to the earth.
Synonym: earthly, worldly, mundane, earthbound
Antonym: cosmic, heavenly
Sentence: “increased ultraviolet radiation may disrupt terrestrial ecosystems”

Meaning: a petty lie., pretentious nonsense.
Synonym: fable, fabrication, falsehood,
Sentence: “no sane person would make up such a taradiddle”

Daily Wordlist for RBI/IBPS Exam 2016 |_3.1

Daily Wordlist for RBI/IBPS Exam 2016 |_4.1

Daily Wordlist for RBI/IBPS Exam 2016 |_5.1

Daily Wordlist for RBI/IBPS Exam 2016 |_6.1


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