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Daily Vocabulary Words 9th & 10th September 2022: Improve Your Vocabulary with Antonyms & Synonyms

Daily Vocabulary Words: For most banking Aspirants, vocabulary is a nightmare but it carries a great amount of importance in every competitive exam. It is very important to have a good hold on the vocabulary to increase efficiency in the language section and also to increase your overall scores. That is why Adda247 has started a new initiative to improve the vocabulary of the aspirants with Visual vocabulary words and their meanings.

Daily Vocabulary Words

  1. Egregious (Adjective)

Meaning; Outrageously bad; shocking.

Daily Vocabulary Words 9th & 10th September 2022: Improve Your Vocabulary with Antonyms & Synonyms |_3.1

Synonyms: shocking, horrific

Antonyms: pleasing, marvelous


  1. Lousy (adjective)

Meaning; Remarkably bad

Daily Vocabulary Words 9th & 10th September 2022: Improve Your Vocabulary with Antonyms & Synonyms |_4.1

Synonyms: bad, awful

Antonyms: good, nice


  1. Ecstasy (noun)

Meaning; Intense pleasure.

Daily Vocabulary Words 9th & 10th September 2022: Improve Your Vocabulary with Antonyms & Synonyms |_5.1

Synonyms: bliss, happiness

Antonyms: pain, unhappiness


  1. Inglorious (adjective)

Meaning; Ignominious; disgraceful

Daily Vocabulary Words 9th & 10th September 2022: Improve Your Vocabulary with Antonyms & Synonyms |_6.1

Synonyms; disgraceful, shameful

Antonyms; respectful, appreciable


  1. Contrite (adjective)

Meaning; Sincerely penitent or feeling regret or sorrow

Daily Vocabulary Words 9th & 10th September 2022: Improve Your Vocabulary with Antonyms & Synonyms |_7.1

Synonyms: remorseful, regretful

Antonyms: unrepentant, ignorant


  1. Meed (noun)

Meaning; A payment or recompense made for services rendered or in recognition of some achievement

Daily Vocabulary Words 9th & 10th September 2022: Improve Your Vocabulary with Antonyms & Synonyms |_8.1

Synonyms: compensation

Antonyms: penalty


  1. Skulk(verb)

Meaning;  To move in a stealthy or furtive way; to come or go while trying to avoid detection.

Daily Vocabulary Words 9th & 10th September 2022: Improve Your Vocabulary with Antonyms & Synonyms |_9.1

Antonyms: hustle, race

Synonyms: sneak, lurk

  1. Leverage (noun)

            Meaning; By extension, any influence which is compounded or used to gain an advantage.

Daily Vocabulary Words 9th & 10th September 2022: Improve Your Vocabulary with Antonyms & Synonyms |_10.1

            Synonyms: influence, dominance 

            Antonyms: impotence, powerlessness


  1. Predatory (adjective)

Meaning; Exploiting or victimizing others for personal gain.

Daily Vocabulary Words 9th & 10th September 2022: Improve Your Vocabulary with Antonyms & Synonyms |_11.1

Synonyms: Greedy, exploitative

Antonyms: Selfless, supportive


  1. Cumbersome (adjective)

Meaning; Burdensome or hindering, as a weight or drag; vexatious

Daily Vocabulary Words 9th & 10th September 2022: Improve Your Vocabulary with Antonyms & Synonyms |_12.1

            Synonyms: complex, complicated

Antonyms: systematic, straightforward


  1. Nightmare (noun)

Meaning; Any bad, miserable, difficult or terrifying situation

Daily Vocabulary Words 9th & 10th September 2022: Improve Your Vocabulary with Antonyms & Synonyms |_13.1

Synonyms: dread, phobia

Antonyms: Gratifying, Pleasant


  1. Expunge (verb)

Meaning; obliterate aur remove completely.;

Daily Vocabulary Words 9th & 10th September 2022: Improve Your Vocabulary with Antonyms & Synonyms |_14.1

Synonyms: abolish, eliminate

Antonyms: renovate, revamp


  1. Dictum (noun)

Meaning; An authoritative statement

Daily Vocabulary Words 9th & 10th September 2022: Improve Your Vocabulary with Antonyms & Synonyms |_15.1

Synonyms: order, declaration

Antonyms: request, proposal


  1. Perfunctory (adjective)

Meaning; Done only to fulfill a duty, or in a careless or indifferent manner

Daily Vocabulary Words 9th & 10th September 2022: Improve Your Vocabulary with Antonyms & Synonyms |_16.1

Synonyms: careless

Antonyms: Careful

Importance of Vocabulary Words in the English Language

  • The reading comprehension from which 50% of the English language section questions are based requires the candidate to have good reading skills and requires a good hold on the English vocabulary. A good vocabulary will give the candidates of a better understanding of comprehension which will benefit them in scoring maximum marks.
  • A good vocabulary also helps a candidate to crack the interview round of the banking exams. The candidate can form a sentence perfectly if he/she has a good vocabulary.
  • Apart from the reading comprehension section, there are multiple English tests where vocabulary can be used.


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