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Daily Vocabulary Words 27th April 2020- Daily Use Words

REPUGNANT (adjective) प्रतिकूल
Meaning: extremely distasteful; unacceptable.
Synonyms: abhorrent, repulsive, offensive, nauseous.
Antonyms: appealing, desirable, felicitous, pleasing.
Usage: The racist words were repugnant to everyone in the auditorium.

DEVOLVE (verb) सौंपना
Meaning: transfer or delegate (power) to a lower level, especially from central government to local or regional administration.
Synonyms: depute, assign, consign, entrust.
Antonyms: centralize, retain, preserve, confine.
Usage: The State Government devolving its powers on local self-governments is not to be criticized.

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BLOC (noun) गुट
Meaning: a group of countries or political parties with common interests who have formed an alliance.
Synonyms: association, coalition, federation, confederation.
Usage: The parliamentary members tended to coalesce in blocs, which were alliances in support of particular philosophies.

SOJOURN (noun) विराम
Meaning: a temporary stay at one place, esp. while traveling.
Synonyms: stay, tarry, visit, stopover.
Antonyms: journey, migration, departure, advance.
Usage: During Dean’s sojourn in Paris, he spent two weeks visiting all of the city’s cultural attractions.

TORPOR (noun) उदासीनता
Meaning: a state of physical or mental inactivity; lethargy.
Synonyms: listlessness, languor, stagnation, idleness.
Antonyms: eagerness, keenness, spiritedness, vigor.
Usage: During the winter, the bears fall into an intense torpor.

INCUR (verb) झेलना
Meaning: become subject to (something unwelcome or unpleasant) as a result of one’s own behavior or actions.
Synonyms: provoke, earn, arouse, induce.
Antonyms: avoid, shun, elude, evade.
Usage: The surgery wasn’t what scared the sick man, it was all of the medical bills he would incur from the procedure.

VEXATIOUS (adjective) कष्टकर
Meaning: Causing or tending to cause annoyance, frustration, or worry.
Synonyms: annoying, irksome, infuriating, exasperating.
Antonyms: pleasing, soothing, aiding, assisting.
Usage: This vexatious problem was resolved, incompletely, by civil war and secession.

AGAPE (adjective) भौंचक्का
Meaning: (of a person’s mouth) wide open in surprise or wonder.
Synonyms: agog, breathless, enthusiastic, raring.
Antonyms: apathetic, indifferent, unimpressed, uninterested.
Usage: When I first saw the sunset in the Grand Canyon, I could only stand staring with my mouth agape.

CONFABULATE (verb): बातचीत करना
Meaning: to talk informally.
Synonyms: chitchat, gossip, patter, schmooze.
Antonyms: be silent, be quiet, listen.
Usage: Guests gathered in the hallway to confabulate about the weather and make small talk.

EERIE (adjective): भयग्रस्त
Meaning: strange and frightening.
Synonyms: sinister, ghostly, creepy, haunting.
Antonyms: normal, ordinary, prosaic, routine.
Usage: An eerie feeling came over us as we watched the scary movie.

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