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Daily Vocabulary Words 23rd April 2020- Daily Use Words

DIVULGE (Verb) : प्रकाशित करना
Meaning: Make known something, such as a confidence or secret.
Synonym: promulgate, declare
Antonym: conceal
Usage: She does not want to divulge any information regarding the nature of her speech in order to keep the curiosity alive

CULMINATE (Verb): पराकाष्ठा पर पहुंचना
Meaning: reach a climax or point of highest development.
Synonyms: peak, climax
Antonyms: start, begin
Usage: At the end of the night, the concert will culminate in a huge fireworks display.

EXOTERIC Adjective) : बाहरी
Meaning: Suitable to be imparted to the public
Synonym: Beyond, outmost
Antonym: Middle, Inner
Usage: I just read one exoteric modern novel in my high school.

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PIQUANT (Adjective) : सरस
Meaning: having a pleasantly sharp taste or appetizing flavour., pleasantly stimulating or exciting to the mind.
Synonym: poignant, intriguing, stimulating, interesting, fascinating, zesty
Antonym: bland, insipid, dull, zestless, insipid
Usage:- Gobblezz restaurant has a secret piquant sauce that makes the dish scrumptious.

CARCASS (noun) शव
Meaning: the dead body of an animal.
Synonyms: corpse, cadaver, remains, relics.
Antonyms: revival, alive, essence, resurrection.
Usage: There were a couple of dead animal carcasses on the ground as well.

PURITANICAL (adjective) सख़्त
Meaning: having or displaying a very strict or censorious moral attitude towards self-indulgence.
Synonyms: prudish, puritan, prim, priggish.
Antonyms: lecherous, indulgent, indecent, debauched.
Usage: It just shows that those endless puritanical bromides about the perils of fixating on individual designers are wasted breath.

BACKSTOP (noun) पूर्वावधान
Meaning: an emergency precaution or last resort.
Synonyms: safeguard, preventive measure, insurance.
Antonyms: constraint, limitation, restriction, sanction.
Usage: They want the Democrats to act as a backstop for this wild nonsense.

NUDGE (Verb):कुहनी से हलका धक्का मारना
Meaning: coax or gently encourage (someone) to do something.
Synonyms: prompt, encourage, coax, stimulate
Antonyms: discourage, dissuade
Usage: After her late night out partying, both parents nudge their daughter to wake her up during the church service.

FLAGRANT (Adjective): कुख्यात
Meaning: (of an action considered wrong or immoral) conspicuously or obviously offensive.
Synonyms: blatant, glaring, obvious, overt, evident,
Antonyms: unobtrusive, slight
Usage: The bruises on the boy’s legs revealed the flagrant abuse he had suffered at home.

CONTRITION (Noun): पछतावा
Meaning:- the state of feeling sorry for bad behavior: the state of repentance.
Synonyms: contriteness, guilt, penitence, regret, remorse, repentance
Antonyms:-impenitence, remorselessness
Usage:- The defendant pled guilty to the crime and expressed heartfelt contrition for the things he had done.

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