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Daily Vocabulary Words 22nd April 2020- Daily Use Words

POGROM (noun) : तबाही
Meaning: massacre, mass murder.
Synonyms: holocaust, slaughter, decimation, carnage.
Antonyms: relief, rescue, refuge, support.
Usage: It is unthinkable that anyone could design a pogrom as a means for eliminating a group of people.

MALAPERT (adjective) : असभ्य
Meaning: boldly disrespectful; impudent.
Synonym: impertinent, cheeky, rude, brazen.
Antonyms: courteous, humble, modest, polite.
Sentence: In a fury, she said that he was too malapert to give her such an answer, and affirmed that both he and they should repent it.

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SUAVE(Adjective): शिष्ट
Meaning: (especially of a man) charming, confident, and elegant.
Synonyms: charming, sophisticated, debonair, urbane
Antonyms: unsophisticated, rude
Usage: He was tall and suave, careful in dress, careful in behavior.

FRAY (noun) : दंगा
Meaning: a battle or fight.
Synonyms: skirmish, altercation, tussle, struggle.
Antonyms: agreement, truce, harmony, tranquility.
Usage: Police officers pushed several against cars to separate them from the fray as the fight spilled into a parking garage.

UNCHARTED (adjective): अस्पष्टीकृत
Meaning: (of an area of land or sea) not mapped or surveyed.
Synonyms: unexplored, undiscovered, unfamiliar, unplumbed.
Antonyms: familiar, famous, commonplace, known.
Usage: Twice more he struck as if he was securing a flagpole into the soil of previously uncharted land.

TIRADE(Noun) : निंदा-भाषण
Meaning: a long, angry speech of criticism or accusation.
Synonyms: diatribe, invective, polemic, denunciation, rant
Antonyms: compliment, praise
Usage: She launched into a tirade against the policies that ruined her business.

QUINTESSENTIAL(Adjective): सर्वोत्कृष्ट
Meaning: representing the most perfect or typical example of a quality or class.
Synonyms: typical, prototypical, stereotypical, archetypal, classic
Usage: Paris, the quintessential city of freedom and discretion, he could lead a double life.

POCOCURANTE (adjective) : विरक्त
Meaning: indifferent or unconcerned.
Synonyms: apathetic, listless, insouciant, nonchalant.
Antonyms: overprotective, prudent, absorbed, concerned.
Sentence: Since the boy didn’t plan on doing his homework anyway, his pococurante look on his face did not change when the teacher assigned the 10-page essay.

BANTER (noun) : मज़ाक
Meaning: the playful and friendly exchange of teasing remarks.
Synonym: wisecracks, crosstalk, wordplay, ribbing.
Antonym: flattery, praise, work
Sentence: If the banter between the award presenters is not exciting, no one will watch the show.

AMICABLE (adjective): मैत्रीपूर्ण
Meaning: Friendly
Synonym: Cordial, Harmonious, amiable, polite.
Antonym: impolite, uncivil, rude, unfriendly.
Sentence: Most customer service agents are amicable people who are good at settling disagreements.

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