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Daily Vocabulary Words 20th April 2020- Daily Use Words

EQUANIMITY(Noun): समभाव
Meaning: to stay calm, especially under stress; to maintain composure
Synonyms: calmness, cool
Antonyms: agitation, discomposure
Usage: During the horrible storm, it was hard for us to focus on and maintain our equanimity.

CONFOUND(Verb): उलझाना
Meaning: to mix up or confuse
Synonyms: confuse, puzzle
Antonyms: confirm, verify
Usage: Without instructions, this unusual game will confound anyone.

DENUDE (Verb): उघाड़ना
Meaning: strip (something) of its covering, possessions, or assets.
Synonyms: divest, deprive, bare, uncover
Antonyms: cover
Usage: He proceeded to denude the statue, fronting the church bishop’s podium.

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SLUMP (noun) : मंदी
Meaning: A sudden severe or prolonged fall in the price, value, or amount of something.
Synonyms: decrease, lowering, devaluation, depreciation
Antonyms: upturn, growth, progress, surge.
Usage: The slump in prices was largely attributed to inferior quality tea being produced by various India gardens.

FORECLOSE (verb) : मना करना
Meaning: Rule out or prevent (a course of action).
Synonyms: preclude, prevent, remove, avert.
Antonyms: unbound, permit, allot, co-operate.
Usage: The decision effectively foreclosed any possibility of his early rehabilitation.

SORDID (adjective) : घिनौना
Meaning: dirty or squalid.
Synonym: filthy, muddy, grubby, shabby.
Antonym: immaculate, spotless, stainless, unsullied.
Usage: He managed to rise above the sordid streets upon which he grew up

BEWAIL (verb) : शोक मनाना
Meaning: express great regret, sadness, or disappointment about (something).
Synonyms: bemoan, deplore, lament, mourn.
Antonyms: cheer, laugh, smile, rejoice.
Usage: He invariably spends more time bewailing his predicament than trying to fix it.

SMATTERING (noun) : कुछ
Meaning: a small number
Synonyms: couple, few, handful, sprinkle.
Antonyms: horde, legion, loads, multitude.
Usage: He spoke a smattering of words she didn’t understand.

BUCOLIC (adjective) : ग्राम्य
Meaning: relating to the pleasant aspects of the countryside and country life.
Synonyms: rustic, rural, pastoral, country
Antonyms: urban
Usage: Even though I was born in the city, I still prefer the quiet of a small bucolic village any day.

WRETCHED(Adjective): मनहूस
Meaning: unpleasant or of low quality
Synonyms: abject, deplorable
Antonyms: blessed, bright
Usage: The people live in wretched conditions, with no running water.

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