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Daily Vocabulary Words 15th April 2020- Daily Use Words

LACUNA(Noun) मध्यान्तर
Meaning: An empty space where something is missing
Synonym: Break, Interval
Antonym: Continuity, closure
Usage: If you complain that there is a major lacuna in the bake sale, the lack of brownies is probably to blame.

Meaning: Something that is one’s duty or responsibility.
Synonyms: burden, responsibility, liability, obligation
Antonyms: advantage, benefit, blessing
Example: The onus of proof lies with the prosecution.

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ATTUNE(Verb) अनुकूल बनाना
Meaning: Bring into accord, harmony, or sympathetic relationship
Synonym: adapt, acclimatize
Antonym: disharmonize
Usage: A new parent has to attune to a baby’s schedule and personality.

LULL (Verb)शांत करना
Meaning: make (someone) feel deceptively secure or confident.
Synonyms: assuage, allay, ease, alleviate
Antonyms: aggravate
Usage: Rocking two and fro, the hammock was just what was needed to lull the exhausted man.

Meaning: Behaviour towards others.
Synonym: attitude, appearance
Antonym: Propriety, proper
Usage: When playing poker, don’t let your demeanor give away how good your cards are.

Meaning: Left to one’s option or choice, Optional
Synonym: Enabling
Antonym: Imposed, disabling
Usage: The last question in the examination was facultative

Meaning: an instance of successfully achieving something difficult.
Synonyms: success, triumph, feat,
Antonyms: failure
Example: There have been seven coup attempts against the beleaguered government.

PLUCKY (adjective) साहसिक
Meaning: having or showing determined courage in the face of difficulties.
Synonyms: courageous, intrepid, valiant, valorous.
Antonyms: timid, timorous, gutless, frightful.
Example: His plucky attitude made him a great candidate for police officer training academy.

INCONGRUOUS (adjective) प्रतिकूल
Meaning: not in harmony or keeping with the surroundings or other aspects of something.
Synonyms: discordant, conflicting, clashing, inconsistent.
Antonyms: accordant, compatible, concordant, conformable.
Example: Wearing a rain jacket in sunny weather is quite incongruous.

HOARD(Noun)इकट्ठा करना
Meaning: to stockpile or store things excessively
Synonyms: accumulation, heap
Antonyms: debt, need
Example: The shopaholic likes to hoard clothing and has filled three closets with dresses and shoes that she doesn’t need.

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