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Daily Vocabulary Words 12 April 2024: Improve Your Vocabulary with Antonyms & Synonyms

Daily Vocabulary Words 2024

Building a strong vocabulary might be tough for those aiming to become bankers, but it is important for competitive exams. Having a good vocabulary doesn’t just assist in the language part but also boosts the overall score. Adda247 provides Daily Vocabulary Words to help candidates in learning new words, understanding what they mean, and getting the hang of synonyms and antonyms in a visual format, making learning easier.

Vocabulary Words With Antonyms & Synonyms

1. Terse (adjective)
Meaning; Of speech or style: brief, concise, to the point.

Daily Vocabulary Words 12 April 2024: Improve Your Vocab_3.1

Synonyms: laconic, concise
Antonyms: elaborate, verbose
2. Avaricious (adjective)
Meaning; Actuated by avarice; extremely greedy for wealth or material gain

Daily Vocabulary Words 12 April 2024: Improve Your Vocab_4.1

Synonyms: greedy, selfish
Antonyms: generous, unselfish
3. Sordid (adjective)
Meaning; Dirty or squalid.

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Synonyms: miserable, dirty
Antonyms: pleasant, clean

4. Impound (verb)
Meaning; to collect and hold

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Synonyms: seize
Antonyms: release
5. Conceive (verb)
Meaning; To develop an idea; to form in the mind; to plan; to devise; to originate

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Synonyms: assume
Antonyms: neglect
6. Bout (noun)
Meaning; A period of something, usually painful or unpleasant

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Synonyms: stretch
Antonyms: stagnation
7. Irrefutable (adjective)
Meaning; undeniable; unable to be disproved or refuted

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Synonyms: unquestionable
Antonyms: questionable

Daily Vocabulary Words 12 April 2024-Click Here to Download PDF 

Importance of Vocabulary Words in the English Language

Aspirants should be familiar with the importance of vocabulary words in the English Language section, the details of which has been discussed below.

  • Half of the English language section in competitive exams is dedicated to reading comprehension.
  • Excelling in the English Language section of competitive examinations requires strong reading skills and a solid vocabulary.
  • Enhanced comprehension, leading to improved performance and scores, is a direct result of having a rich vocabulary.
  • Proficiency in vocabulary facilitates effective idea creation during the interview phase.
  • Candidates who possess a strong vocabulary can skillfully construct sentences highlighting their linguistic abilities.
  • A solid vocabulary foundation is important for success in various English assessments within the exam.
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Daily Vocabulary Words 11 April 2024


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