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Daily Vocabulary Words 05 April 2024: Improve Your Vocabulary with Antonyms & Synonyms

Daily Vocabulary Words 2024

Learning vocabulary can be challenging for many people who want to become bankers, but it’s really important, especially for competitive exams. Knowing lots of words not only helps with the language part of the test but also improves the overall score. Adda247 offers Daily Vocabulary Words to help people learn new words and their meanings along with the synonyms and antonyms in a simple and visual way.

Vocabulary Words With Antonyms & Synonyms

1. Sojourn (noun)
Meaning; temporary residence

Daily Vocabulary Words 05 April 2024: Improve Your Vocab_3.1

Synonyms: visit, stopover
Antonyms: departure, migration
2. Xenophobic (Adjective)
Meaning; a fear or hatred of strangers or foreigners

Daily Vocabulary Words 05 April 2024: Improve Your Vocab_4.1

Synonyms: racist, ethnocentric
Antonyms: lenient, liking
3. Heed (noun)
Meaning; Careful attention.

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Synonyms: regard, thought
Antonyms: disregard, overlook

4. Henchman (noun)
Meaning; A loyal and trusted follower or subordinate.

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Synonyms: assistant, helper
Antonyms: captain, chief
5. Bruised (adjective)
Meaning; A dark mark

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Synonyms: damaged, injured
Antonyms: strong, healthy
6. Brunt (noun)
Meaning; The full adverse effects

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Synonyms: shock, tension
Antonyms: relax, peace
7. Allure (verb)
Meaning; To entice; to attract.

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Synonyms: tempt, attract
Antonyms: avoid, disregard

Daily Vocabulary Words 05 April 2024-Click Here to Download PDF

Importance of Vocabulary Words in the English Language

  • Reading comprehension makes up half of the English language section questions.
  • Strong reading skills and a robust English vocabulary are crucial for tackling reading comprehension.
  • A solid vocabulary boosts comprehension, resulting in better performance and higher scores.
  • Proficiency in vocabulary helps in expressing thoughts clearly during the interview phase of banking exams.
  • Candidates with a strong vocabulary can construct sentences effectively, showcasing linguistic competence.
  • Apart from reading comprehension, success in various English tests within the exam hinges on a good command of vocabulary.
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Daily Vocabulary Words 04 April 2024


Daily Vocabulary Words 05 April 2024: Improve Your Vocab_11.1


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