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Daily Vocabulary Word 5th May 2020- Daily Use Words

CONDIGN (adjective) अनुरूप
Meaning: appropriate to the crime or wrongdoing; fitting and deserved.
Synonyms: earned, merited, warranted, justified.
Antonyms: undeserved, undue, unfair, unjust.
Example: Condign punishment was rare when the criminal was a man of high social standing.

DECRY (Verb) – दोष देना
Meaning: publicly denounce.
Synonyms: denounce, condemn, criticize, censure, damn, attack
Antonyms: praise, overrate
Example: He is impatient with those who decry the scheme.

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PRUDENCE (Noun) – बुद्धिमानी
Meaning: the quality of being prudent; cautiousness.
Synonyms: wisdom, judgment, sagacity, shrewdness
Antonyms: folly, recklessness
Example: Maybe you’ll exercise a little more financial prudence next time.

DIMINUTION (Noun) : अवनति
Meaning: a reduction in the size, extent, or importance of something.
Synonyms: curtailment, contraction, constriction, restriction, limitation
Antonyms: increase, expansion, growth
Usage: The diminution of cafeteria monitors has resulted in an increase in food fights at the high school.

ROIL (Verb) – चिढ़ाना
Meaning: make (someone) annoyed or irritated.
Synonyms: disturb, rile
Antonyms: aid, calm
Example: The man’s hateful speech was just enough to roil up the already uneasy crowd.

VITRIOLIC (Adjective) – कटु
Meaning: filled with bitter criticism or malice.
Synonyms: acrimonious, rancorous, bitter, caustic, mordant
Antonyms: pleasant, kind
Example: The newspaper launched a vitriolic attack on the president.

POLEMICAL (Adjective)- विवादात्मक
Meaning: of or involving strongly critical or disputatious writing or speech.
Synonyms: critical, hostile, bitter, polemic, virulent
Example: Unlike most academic philosophy much of it is personal, polemical, poetical or allusive.

RANCOUR (Noun) – विद्वेष
Meaning: bitterness or resentfulness, especially when long-standing.
Synonyms: bitterness, spite, hate, hatred, resentment, malice
Antonyms: amicability
Example: Even though my mother despised her twin sister, she always spoke about her without rancour.

SULKY (Adjective)- उदास
Meaning: morose, bad-tempered, and resentful; refusing to be cooperative or cheerful.
Synonyms: Sullen, surly, pouting, petulant
Antonyms: cheerful, amiable
Example: Jay was quite sulky at the graduation party, but he tried to hide his apathetic attitude.

SCOFF (Verb) – व्यंग्य
Meaning: speak to someone or about something in a scornfully derisive or mocking way.
Synonyms: mock, deride, ridicule
Antonyms: flatter, praise, compliment
Example: The rude little rich girl thought it was fun to scoff at the poor children at her school.

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