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Daily Vocabulary Word 3rd May 2020- Daily Use Words

SUBVERT (verb) व्‍यवस्‍था भंग करना
Meaning: undermine the power and authority of (an established system or institution).
Synonyms: destabilize, unsettle, overthrow, depose.
Antonyms: dignify, exalt, honor, ameliorate.
Usage: She subverted my noble desire to do a good deed without reward.

SACK (verb) निकाल देना
Meaning: dismiss from employment.
Synonyms: bounce, discharge, dismiss, terminate,
Antonyms: recruit, employ, engage, hire.
Usage: Any official found to be involved would be sacked on the spot.

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SUBTERRANEAN (adjective) गुप्त
Meaning: secret; concealed.
Synonyms: covert, subversive, sunken, private.
Antonyms: aboveground, surface, open, palpable.
Usage: The robbers are digging a subterranean path that will allow them to enter the bank from underneath the vault’s floor.

USHER (verb) परिचय करवाना
Meaning: show or guide (someone) somewhere.
Synonyms: lead, accompany, conduct, assist.
Antonyms: retract, conclude, cease, stop.
Usage: A nurse ushered us into the hospital room.

ENVIRON (verb) घेरना
Meaning: surround; enclose.
Synonyms: encircle, envelop, cloak, swathe.
Antonyms: unbridle, free, open, release.
Usage: The stone circle was environed by an expanse of peat soil.

USHER (verb) परिचय करवाना
Meaning: show or guide (someone) somewhere.
Synonyms: lead, accompany, conduct, assist.
Antonyms: retract, conclude, cease, stop.
Usage: A nurse ushered us into the hospital room.

CLINCH (verb) कसना
Meaning: to make final, definite, or beyond dispute.
Synonyms: settle, conclude, finalize, wrap up.
Antonyms: confuse, unsettle, release, unfasten.
Usage: Her work on the project should clinch her a promotion.

FUNGIBLE: प्रतिमोच्य
Meaning: (of goods contracted for without an individual specimen being specified) replaceable by another identical item; mutually interchangeable.
Synonyms: compatible, synonymous
Antonyms: different, dissimilar
Example: The two automobiles are not fungible because one vehicle is worth more than the other vehicle.

ODIOUS: घिनौना
Meaning: extremely unpleasant; repulsive.
Synonyms: revolting, repulsive, repellent, repugnant
Antonyms: delightful, pleasant, agreeable, charming
Example: The athlete got arrested for participating in the odious sport of dogfighting

CYNICAL: कुटिल
Meaning: doubtful as to whether something will happen or whether it is worthwhile.
Synonyms: skeptical, doubtful, distrustful, suspicious
Antonyms: optimistic, credulous
Example: She may be cynical about the film industry, but ultimately she has no intention of biting the hand that feeds her.

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