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Daily Vocabulary Word 22nd June 2020- Daily Use Words

TRAILBLAZING (Adjective) पथप्रदर्शक
Meaning: introducing new ideas or methods; innovative or pioneering.
Synonym: innovative, radical
Antonym: conservative
Example: He could drum up the support of the municipal council for the trailblazing idea.

PROTRACTED (Adjective) लंबा
Meaning: lasting for a long time or longer than expected or usual.
Synonym: prolonged, extended
Antonym: curtail, shorten
Example: In the Senate, there was a protracted struggle.

Meaning: too great or extreme to be expressed or described in words.
Synonyms: inexpressible, indescribable, marvelous, wonderful
Antonyms: definable, describable, utterable
Example: I breathed an air of ineffable sweetness.

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HARPING (Verb) गाना गा
Meaning: talk or write persistently and tediously on (a particular topic).
Synonym: dwell, reiterate, repeat
Antonym: forbid, fearfulness
Example: He kept harping on about something.

RE-LITIGATING (Verb) मुकदमेबाजी करना
Meaning: To dispute, debate, contest again.
Synonym: prosecute, dispute
Antonym: agree
Example: This litigation filled the state and federal courts for many years.

Meaning: having an abundance of some characteristic quality (as flavor)
Synonyms: vigorous, influential, competent
Antonyms: ineffective, insignificant
Example: The potent poison killed him within seconds

INTRANSIGENCE (Noun) हठ/ कट्टरता
Meaning: refusal to change one’s views or to agree about something.
Synonyms: inflexibility, stubbornness, obstinacy
Example: I can’t understand Rachel’s intransigence, considering that we have undeniable proof that her idea is incorrect.

DEBASE (Verb) अवमूल्यन करना
Meaning: reduce (something) in quality or value; degrade.
Synonyms: degrade, demean, disgrace, undermine
Antonyms: enhance
Example: The politician tried to debase his rival’s good reputation by spreading false rumors about him.

Meaning: marked by settled sedateness and often prim self-restraint
Synonyms: dignified, composed, earnest, grave, humorless, no-nonsense
Antonyms: indecorous, frivolous, hilarious
Example: She was given a staid title-‘The Iron Lady’.

NEUROSIS (NOUN) विक्षिप्त
Meaning: a mental and emotional disorder that affects only part of the personality
Synonyms: aberration, dementia, hallucinosis, hypomania, paranoia
Antonyms: lucidity, rationality, rationalness, reasonability
Example: These are givers whose philanthropy has been absent neurosis and aggression.

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