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Daily Vocabulary Word 19th June 2020- Daily Use Words

Introvert (noun): अंतर्मुखी
Meaning: a shy, reticent person.
Synonyms: brooder, egoist, egotist, loner
Antonyms: extrovert
Usage: The Major Maintainer hadn’t merely been switched to Introvert.

Altruist (noun) : परोपकार के सिद्धन्त का
Meaning: a person unselfishly concerned for or devoted to the welfare of others
Synonyms: charitable, humanitarian, magnanimous, philanthropic
Antonyms: stingy, uncharitable, selfish
Usage: It was altruistic he knew, gentle he was sure, educational he was positive.

Futile (adjective) : व्यर्थ
Meaning: incapable of producing any useful result; pointless.
Synonyms: insufficient, trivial, unproductive, unprofitable
Antonyms: effective, fruitful, helpful, productive
Usage: The effort to make them “disgorge” is as continual as it is noisy, and, as a rule, futile.

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Inhibit (verb) : रोकना
Meaning: hinder, restrain, or prevent (an action or process).
Synonyms: prohibit, restrain, stymie
Antonyms: allow, assist, encourage
Usage: To close the path means to inhibit the idea which demands such action.

Ambivert (noun) : उभयमुखी
Meaning: a person who has a balance of extrovert and introvert features in their personality.
Synonyms: schizoid, phlegmatic, melancholic, choleric
Usage: John is an ambivert that likes to go to parties but also enjoys having his alone time.

Cynical (adjective) : निंदक
Meaning: believing that people are motivated purely by self-interest; distrustful of human sincerity or integrity.
Synonyms: contemptuous, derisive, ironic, misanthropic
Antonyms: believing, hopeful, optimistic
Usage: Armorer spoke with suave politeness, but there was a cynical gleam in his eye.

Mortal (adjective) : नाशवान
Meaning: causing or liable to cause death; fatal.
Synonyms: dire, fatal, grievous, grim
Antonyms: good, harmless, life-giving
Usage: They were fabled as seven sisters, and one lost her place in the sky by marrying a mortal.

Misogamist (noun) : विवाह से घृणा करने वाला
Meaning: a person who hates marriage
Synonyms: discrimination, prejudice, chauvinism
Antonyms: misandry, philogyny
Usage: When he and I dwelt there together, the pavilion had been a temple of misogyny.

Ascetic (adjective) : तपस्वी
Meaning: characterized by severe self-discipline and abstention from all forms of indulgence, typically for religious reasons.
Synonyms: austere, disciplined, abstinent, spartan
Usage: Saint and sinner, ascetic and worldling, united in its practice.

Austerity (noun): तपस्या
Meaning; sternness or severity of manner or attitude.
Synonyms: rigor, acerbity, asperity, astringence
Antonyms: informality, kindness, mildness
Usage: Sunday comes, and brings with it a day of general gloom and austerity.

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