1. PERPETUATE (VERB): (स्थिर रखना)
Meaning: to make perpetual or cause to last indefinitely
Synonyms: eternalize, immortalize, commemorate, memorialize
Antonyms: annihilate, crush, decimate, demolish
Sentence: He perpetuates the myth that his house is haunted.
2. BLOVIATE (VERB): (चीखना)
Meaning: to speak or write verbosely and windily
Synonyms: alleviate, aviate, bloated, blockade, deviate
Antonyms: be quiet, be silent
Sentence: Many serious individuals do not like people that bloviate, as they hate conversation that does not have a point and takes too long
3. HITHERTO (ADVERB): (पहले ही)
Meaning: up to this or that time
Synonyms: heretofore, yet, formerly, long ago
Antonyms: henceforth, henceforward, hereafter, currently, presently
Sentence: Hitherto part of French West Africa, Benin achieved independence in 1960.
4. NEUROSIS (NOUN): (विक्षिप्त)
Meaning: mental and emotional disorder that affects only part of the personality
Synonyms: aberration, dementia,hallucinosis, hypomania, paranoia
Antonyms: lucidity, rationality, rationalness, reasonability
Sentence: These are givers whose philanthropy has been absent neurosis and aggression
5. VOLTE-FACE (NOUN): (अमान्यकरण)
Meaning: a reversal in policy
Synonyms: flip-flop, reversal, turnabout, rescinding
Antonyms: enactment, validation
Sentence: After learning that I wrongly accused someone, I did a volte face and was now friends with this person.
6.SPECK (NOUN): (धब्बा)
Meaning: a small discoloration or spot especially from stain or decay
Synonyms: ace, bit, crumb, glimmer blot, dot
Antonyms: paragon, excellence
Sentence: There was not a speck of dust anywhere
7. FATALITY (NOUN): (मृत्यु-दर)
Meaning: the quality or state of causing death or destruction
Synonyms: casualty, loss, prey, victim
Antonyms: harmer, injurer, assassin, killer
Sentence: Seatbelt use significantly reduces the risk of a fatality during a traffic accident
Meaning: marked by settled sedateness and often prim self-restraint
Synonyms: dignified,composed,earnest, grave, humorless, no-nonsense
Antonyms: indecorous, frivolous, hilarious
Sentence: She was given a staid title-‘The Iron Lady’.
Meaning: having or showing mean resentment of another’s possessions or advantages
Synonyms: calumnious, defamatory
Antonyms: likeable, lovable
Sentence: His invidious acts caused the people to rise up against him.
Meaning: having an abundance of some characteristic quality (as flavor)
Synonyms: vigorous, influential, competent
Antonyms: ineffective, insignificant
Sentence: The potent poison killed him within seconds
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