1. COMMISSION : दलाली
Meaning:the use of payment to request something
Synonyms:obligation, errand
Antonyms: deposition
Example:This painting was commissioned by a rich merchant in 1589.
2. COMPETENT : सक्षम
Meaning: sufficiently qualified
Synonyms: capable, skilled
Antonyms: inefficient, inept
Example:We need to hire a competent web developer to create a good website for our company.
3. DESOLATE : उजाड़
Meaning: bare, barren, empty
Synonyms: bleak, lonesome
Antonyms: bright, inhabited
4. DREARY : सुनसान, उदास
Meaning: sad, gloomy, dull
Synonyms: boring, depressing
Antonyms: cheerful, exciting
Example: The gray clouds in the sky made the day feel dreary.
5. INDIFFERENCE : उदासीनता
Meaning: apathy, emotional detachment
Synonyms: disdain, disregard
Antonyms: esteem, respect
Example: The girl’s indifference toward her brother upset their parents.
6. MATERIALISTIC : भौतिकवादी
Meaning: superficial; focus on material possessions
Synonyms: greedy, profane
Antonyms: ungreedy, spiritual
Example: Many people accuse Americans of being materialistic.
7. PARAMOUNT : ऊंचे दर्जे का
Meaning: predominant, superior, most important
Synonyms: outstanding, predominant
Antonyms: unimportant, last
Example: Our paramount concern is the safety of our employees.
8. READILY : सहज में
Meaning: right away and without difficulty
Synonyms: easily, promptly
Antonyms: difficultly, unwillingly
Example: Water was readily available at different points in the race.
9. SCRUTINIZE : जाँचना
Meaning: to examine carefully and critically
Synonyms: analyze, check
Antonyms: forget, ignore
Example: The teacher scrutinized her student’s essays.
10. SENTIMENT : भावुकता
Meaning: a tender or moving gesture
Synonyms: feeling, passion
Antonyms: antipathy, dislike
Example: Even though I’m not a big fan of porcelain dolls, I appreciated the sentiment.
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