1. LEEWAY (Noun) : स्वतंत्रता
Meaning: the amount of freedom to move or act that is available.
Synonyms: freedom, scope, slack, laxity
Antonyms: constraint, restriction
Example: The bond market does not allow any leeway to borrowers in repayment, and there is no reason why bank loans should be any different.
2. SLACKEN (Verb) : शिथिल करना
Meaning: make or become slack.
Synonyms: loosen, relax
Antonyms: tighten
Example: It is now important for the central bank to ensure that the discipline in the system does not slacken.
3. BELEAGUER (Verb) : तंग करना
Meaning: put in a very difficult situation.
Synonyms: bedevil, troubled
Antonyms: aid, assist
Example: The board is supporting the beleaguered director.
4. OBLIVION (Noun) : विस्मृति
Meaning: the state of being unaware or unconscious of what is happening around one.
Synonyms: unconsciousness, insensibility, stupor, stupefaction
Antonyms: consciousness, awareness
Example: The Lokpal and Lokayuktas Act, 2013 is complicated. This could perhaps not be avoided, given that what was being attempted was a new and bold experiment to pull the anti-corruption campaign out of oblivion.
5. MODICUM (Noun) : अल्पभाग
Meaning: a small quantity of a particular thing, especially something desirable or valuable.
Synonyms: particle, degree, speck, fragment, scrap, ounce
Antonyms: lot, whole
Example: his statement had a modicum of truth
6. APATHY (Noun) : उदासीनता
Meaning: lack of interest, enthusiasm, or concern.
Synonyms: indifference, unconcern, passivity
Antonyms: enthusiasm, interest, passion
Example: When people close their eyes to world affairs, apathy becomes dangerous because there is no one to speak out against injustice.
7. ASPERSION (Noun) : कलंक
Meaning: an attack on the reputation or integrity of someone or something.
Synonyms: denigration, defamation
Antonyms: adulation, commendation
Example: Casting aspersions on the neutrality of the highest judicial authority in the country is unacceptable unless one can prove with reasonable material that he acted in a biased manner in choosing the first Lokpal.
8. ARBITRARY (Adjective) : विवेकाधीन
Meaning: based on random choice or personal whim, rather than any reason or system.
Synonyms: capricious, whimsical, random, chance, erratic,
Antonyms: rational, reasoned
Example: In spite of the cold weather, we made an arbitrary trip to the beach.
9. SURMOUNT (Verb) : विजय पाना या पार करना
Meaning: overcome (a difficulty or obstacle).
Synonyms: overcome, conquer
Antonyms: fail, lose
Example: Good teachers encourage students to surmount their challenges.
10. VIVACIOUS (Adjective) : ज़िंदादिल
Meaning: (especially of a woman) attractively lively and animated.
Synonyms: lively, spirited, ebullient, buoyant
Antonyms: dull, listless
Example: The young man drew attention as he entered the party due to his vivacious personality while he bounced around the room.