Mellow (adjective) मधुर
Meaning: (especially of a sound, flavor, or color) pleasantly smooth or soft; free from harshness.
Synonyms: dulcet, euphonious, melodious, mellifluous, mellifluent.
Antonyms: rugged, abrading, gruff, abrasive, harsh.
Usage: His mellow voice and his qualitative speech made everyone applaud him
Precarious (adjective) अनिश्चित
Meaning: dependent on chance; uncertain.
Synonyms: unsure, unpredictable, doubtful, dubious.
Antonyms: certain, stable, confirmed, definite.
Usage: As Finance Secretary I found that the finances of the state were in a precarious condition.
Jeer (noun) मज़ाक उड़ाना
Meaning: a rude and mocking remark.
Synonyms: hoot, ridicule, scuff, taunt
Antonyms: compliment, praise, flatter
Usage: Virat Kohli asked the crowd not to jeer Steve Smith
Indigenous (adjective) स्वदेशी
Meaning: originating or occurring naturally in a particular place; native.
Synonyms: native, innate, inborn, primitive, congenital
Antonyms: alien, foreign
Usage: They were our indigenous peoples, our first peoples, our first speakers and our first hearers.
Intimidate (verb) धमकाना
Meaning: frighten or overawe (someone), especially in order to make them do what one wants.
Synonyms: dishearten, dismay, terrify
Antonyms: please, praise
Usage: Her boss intimidates her
Torrid (Adjective) गरम
Meaning: Very hot and dry
Synonym: hot, sweltering,
Antonym: Cold, cool, wet
Usage: the equator into the south torrid zone.
Desalination (Noun) अलवणीकरण
Meaning: the process of removing salt from seawater.
Synonym: Chemical change, chemical action
Antonym: Salinate, stay
Usage: Desalination capacity, increasing electrical generation and distribution.
Vague (Adjective) अस्पष्ट
Meaning: of uncertain, indefinite, or unclear character or meaning.
Synonym: indistinct, indefinite
Antonym: clear, certain
Usage: She rolled her eyes at the vague response.
Encompassing (Verb) शामिल
Meaning: surround and have or hold within.
Synonym: surround, enclose, ring
Antonym: Exclude, leave
Usage: The training will encompass how to administer first aid and CPR.
Drought (Noun) सूखा
Meaning: a prolonged period of abnormally low rainfall, leading to a shortage of water.
Synonym: dry spell, dry period,
Antonym: abundance, adequacy,
Usage: Heat and drought had continued for more than three weeks.